View Full Version : Recommendations on Rain Water Tanks

22nd January 2008, 01:18 PM
Hi All,

I'm planning on getting a couple of poly rainwater tanks soon and was wondering if anyone has any recommendations on the different brands. I want to get two 22,000 litre tanks. The tanks I am considering are from Team Poly, Nylex and Clark Tanks.

I'm not sure if there is much difference between the tanks but I hear different things from the people who are trying to sell them to me. One says the Team Poly tank is the best because it is well made, someone else says that it isn't so good because it has a removable lid and the Clark Tank is better because it is one piece. Others say that Nylex aren't very good because they don't have corrugated walls, but there seem to be heaps of them around.

Anyone have any experience with the different brands?

Thanks for any help.

22nd January 2008, 01:59 PM
I used to build water treatment plants so have had experience with many different brands.
As far as i can see they are all much the same. Select the features that are important to you and haggle over price.
The lack of corrugated walls on the nylex makes little difference. The Nylex tanks are top quality and it is reflected in their price i think. We used to use only Nylex to hold treatment chemicals.
A removable lid, i think, is a plus as long as it can be secured. Make sure all openings are vermin and insect proof.
I have found the outlets with the brass threads cast into the tank to be the most robust. Check all threads and fittings before handing over the cash if possible. Also ask about guarantees and delivery. Most deliver over a certain size for free i think.
Just my observations.

22nd January 2008, 08:03 PM
We have a Team Poly 22500 L, and two 4500 L Duraplas.

Team is okay but removeable top needs sealing to prevent mossies getting in. Already had the Team and did a lot of research, like you, before buying the Duraplas for supplementary tanks.

The Duraplas are a much better-made tank than the Team Poly IMHO

23rd January 2008, 08:53 AM
We recently purchased 2 x 22000 lt Duraplas tanks. To be honest we chose based on price, as the Duraplas tanks were generally a couple of hundred $'s cheaper than all the others.

I was however impressed with the quality of the tanks (and supplied fittings) and they seem to be a sturdy, well made tanks. I also like the sturdiness of the domed top compared to the flimsy top we have on a couple of other tanks (can't recall the brand off the top of my head).

23rd January 2008, 01:10 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone.

The Duraplas tanks look pretty good. I'd never heard of them before, but it turns out that its because they are from Queensland and they are not available in Melbourne.

I think in the end it will just come down to price and availability for me.

Now my new problem is that I have to work out where to put them. My neighbour reckons that they have to be placed inside the building envelope, while the guy that is doing the plumbing said that the building envelope doesn't apply to tanks. Anyone have any experience in that area?

23rd January 2008, 05:19 PM
I think Duraplas tanks are actually manufactured in Northern NSW.

As for tank positioning, you may want to ask your local council.