View Full Version : Brass rivets and other hardware

5th February 2008, 02:42 AM
Have been looking all over for brass rivets like those in the attached photo - and unsuccessfully except for one supplier in Canada (Lee Valley) where I got the photo.

Does anyone know of a source in Australia (Perth by preference) for such hardware? I want to use them first off as hinge pins for thin wood pieces - but will no doubt find other uses in time.

5th February 2008, 08:17 AM
They look the type that are used by the equestrian industry. A saddlery supplier should be able to get them for you as they are quite common.

They are used in bridles etc. Google Saddlery and equestrian suppliers and you will have more then you need. If you have problems I have some details here somewhere of a few supplier's in Toowoomba, Queensland, but you will not have any trouble as they are very common in the horse industry.

5th February 2008, 08:25 AM
They are called Chicago screws, and in Sydney you can get them at Eckersleys art suppliers. Don't know if they are in WA, but I'm sure they would do mail order.

5th February 2008, 08:56 AM
They are also used by knifemakers - you can get them from Australian Knifemakers Supplies (http://www.knivesaustralia.com.au/supplies.html#Ozwood)

5th February 2008, 04:28 PM
Almost any Saddlery or Leather craft shop should be able to help
Cheers Andrew

20th February 2008, 02:28 PM
Thanks for the help boys - and sorry I've taken so long to do so.

Tracked the rivets I wanted down to be "cutler's" or "compression" rivets. Bought some from Lee Valley - delivery just over a week! Australian sources seem to be AKC and perhaps some leather shops though didn't have any luck with them myself. Lee Valley was much cheaper, and then what they sent is anyway made in France.

Now I have even more excuses for workshop as against garden!

Skew ChiDAMN!!
20th February 2008, 04:17 PM
Cutler's rivets, as used to hold knife handles together. :;

AKC (Aust. Knife Collectors) (http://www.knivesaustralia.com.au/supplies.html#grip) supplies 'em (3/4 way down the page) and, from memory, they're based in WA...

Edit: Bugger... just read your last post and you already know. Ah well... :shrug:

22nd February 2008, 02:00 AM
They are brake drum rivets - at least if you have a very old car. That is where the knife makers got them 20-30 years ago, probably obsolete now with the brake pads being connected some other way.

Chicago screws are different - the most obvious one being that they are a short 'male' screw with a straight slot and a variable length 'female' post. The other thing is that they seems to come undone at the most inopportune times, but not when you want them to. Large stationers still carry them as they are used for permanent binding old loose leaf documents.

22nd February 2008, 04:14 PM
If you only need a few they would be easy to turn up on a small metal lathe in any material you like


22nd February 2008, 06:03 PM
Chicago screws are different - the most obvious one being that they are a short 'male' screw with a straight slot and a variable length 'female' post.
Oops - didn't notice the long shank on the male screw.