View Full Version : Jacaranda health question?

26th December 2003, 01:32 PM
Wasn't sure where to put this so I figured here was best. I have been turning heaps before christmas, but the biggest sanding so far is the Jacaranda bowl I'm just finishing. My question is this; can Jacaranda cause dermatitis, what will it look like, and how long wil it take to come on? I have a rash of small pimples coming up on my forearms and I figure that if all I've been doing is woodturning then either there's a connection or I've got leprosy again... I did a websearch for zip, searched the evil woods page on Ubeaut's site, www.ubeaut.com.au/badwood.htm and also found zip so figured I'd ask for experiences. Any info would be appreciated.

26th December 2003, 05:08 PM
Dermatitis is a very loose term describing skin irritations.Dermatitis can be caused by different things in defferent people. You may react to jacaranda dust and a thousand other people wont. When sanding jacaranda the dust is extremely fine and it may have blocked some pores in your skin which then will cause some small festering type pimples.

26th December 2003, 07:05 PM
Many years ago in a far off galaxy...............no wrong story.
Start again, many years ago I used to get a pimply rash from handleing Irish Pine, or O'regon.
I must of gotten used to it 'cause I dont get it no more.
Cheers, Itchy & Scratchy :D

26th December 2003, 09:25 PM
The following two links are usually enough for me. Not sure if jacaranda will be on them. You may need to get the Botanical genre. As I have used two Jacaranda species, and they do not look anything alike.

Good luck.



29th December 2003, 08:08 AM
Thanx for your replies, I'm still none the wiser about Jacaranda but after covering up with a jumper, and not turning for two days after xmas my arms are clearing. Maybe it's just a me thing...

30th December 2003, 12:33 AM
My father-in-law has a similar problem with silky oak.

He only needs to walk past a workshop machining it and he puffs up all over like a toad fish:D

Got a heap of silky oak to work on now cause it doesn't worry me and my respirator:D

Guess it's just different strokes for different folks;)
