View Full Version : new to turning

17th February 2008, 11:39 AM
I have begun to turn using my late Father's tools and lathe, (Pattern maker ex Ford Geelong) and would like to get some tuition on the correct use of tools and turning. My early examples are not great, but I enjoy the experience and want to get better.
Does anyone know where I can get tuition in the Geelong area, any time or day as I am retired.

17th February 2008, 05:23 PM
try these guys
<TABLE class=desbody cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=5 width="100%" align=left border=0 dwcopytype="CopyTableCell"><TBODY><TR class=body><TD vAlign=top align=left>Geelong Woodcrafters Guild Inc
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=body vAlign=top align=left>Ken Baker PO Box 2242 GEELONG VIC 3220 Tel. 03 5241 1813
</TD><TD class=desbody vAlign=top align=right> </TD><TD class=body vAlign=top align=left>Email: [email protected] ([email protected])

they may be able to help you or at least pint you in the right direction.