View Full Version : Semi-OT - Iriconji Jellyfish

3rd March 2008, 11:22 AM
Has anyone heard of the iriconji jellyfish? I don't even know if I spelled it right. I saw a program just today about it, on Discovery channel... it's supposed to be a killer... the poison from it's sting can kill humans. :oo: It is only found (supposedly) off the Northern coast of Australia.
I would like to try to turn one complete with tentacles... but it would have to be some really white wood... any clear wood out there? :rolleyes:
I'm thinking of really thin, long, finial-type tentacles with a small ball (or bead) every 12 mm or so along it's length. There would have to be four of these.
The body could be turned on four centers, to make it oval with rounded edges. Can't draw, or I'd show you what I had in mind.
Any ideas?? Or am I just out of it???

journeyman Mick
3rd March 2008, 11:44 AM
they're called Irukanji (Carukia barnesi), the other more common and deadly one is the box jellyfish (Chironex fleckerii). Go here (http://www.aims.gov.au/pages/research/research-groups/rg-marine-biotechnology-01-teams-b.html) for a pic of the irukanji.


3rd March 2008, 11:57 AM
Thanks for the link, and the correct spelling, Mick. The picture in this one shows the Irukanji at rest, or in protection mode... it's skirt and upper part of the tentacles is tucked up inside the body of the fish.
Those I saw on the discovery program were in the wild, photographed at night, and were swimming along, trying to kill small fish to eat.
Gotta go, fire call.

3rd March 2008, 01:32 PM
Nasty things them:oo:

I'd suggest that after you turn the tentacles, you heat/steam bend them to give them that "waving in the sea" look

3rd March 2008, 05:35 PM
Maybe I was watching the same show, Al. A guy and a woman marine biologists were doing some night study of the Irukanji - checking their habitats etc. Not sure whether they were husband & wife, but they both ended up getting stung and spending some very painful days in hospital. Even morphine wasn't enough to stop the pain from these things, and they weren't even stung badly.

What blew me away a little was the size of the Irukanji. They are only 30mm - 50mm (1" - 2") in total size. Tiny! Nothing like the box jellyfish which can apparently have trailing tentacles which are metres long.

Maybe you'll have to do a larger scaled version, Al?


6th March 2008, 02:56 PM
Yep, Wayne, that's the program I was watching. It was truly interesting... They are tiny. I guess it would have to be a large-scale version. Think it's worth a try?
FC: Steambend the tentacles... have to keep that in mind...
Don't know for sure if I'm even gonna try this or not... just thinkin'..

joe greiner
6th March 2008, 11:33 PM
Don't agonise over it too long, Al, or you might talk yourself out of it.

I think it'd be pretty neat. I don't know that you need to do the bowl on four centres, although it'd increase the challenge and satisfaction - could make one each, simple and four-centred, then select your favourite. The tentacles will definitely have to be turned separately. It looks like only one of them has the beads. Use (a) string steady(ies) as used for trembleurs. Like here: http://pagesperso-orange.fr/robert.bosco/modeleen.htm (Select "Trembleurs" from the "How to make ..." menu on the left; in French, but lots of pics to explain). Yup on the steam bending.

Eagerly awaiting your results.


7th March 2008, 08:20 PM
Man, that would be a project and a half Al! Joe sounds like he's worked out some techniques - maybe you two can liaise? I'd be fascinated & most keen to be kept in the loop should you decide to have a go at it. Talk about a combination of different disciplines!


joe greiner
7th March 2008, 11:50 PM
Who? Me? In a previous existence, I held the title of "project manager." And as we all know entirely too well, "Everything is easy for the man who doesn't have to do it himself."


8th March 2008, 01:57 PM
Thanks for the votes of confidence, Gentlemen. Wish I had some... confidence, that is. :eek:
Joe, I think the little beads on the tentacles are just like the suction devices on an octopus. And if you'll look close in the pic on Mick's link, you'll see them. They first looked like little beads to me, but now, in the pics I've seen, I don't believe they are "beads". And I think they are on all tentacles.
I'll have to think on this for a bit...

15th March 2008, 01:47 AM
Al you might want to think about turning green timber because the jelly fish arnt round a lot of them are box shaped . So (out on a limb here ) you might want to use a warping frame that the guys use to make wooden hats .One being green timber is some what flexable when wet and thin . 2 when thin it's semi transparent . 3 I don't know how you could do it another way . hope that helps now iv'e confused my self .

15th March 2008, 05:51 AM
sorry cant make it , only one trip south each year and this year it'll be to the "Back Waters of Victoria "( Adelaide )

20th March 2008, 12:36 AM
another picirukandji2.jpg (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/attachment.php?attachmentid=69602&stc=1&d=1205933765)

25th March 2008, 02:19 PM
Yeah! Thanks for the pic!

25th March 2008, 02:42 PM
Joe what a great site bookmarked a true inspiration

So when do we see your first WIP :D

One like this :2tsup: will do

joe greiner
25th March 2008, 11:50 PM
Joe what a great site bookmarked a true inspiration

So when do we see your first WIP :D

One like this :2tsup: will do

Won't be anytime soon, Ray.

Took a few minutes to find it, but here's some more links (See Kruger's post #5): http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?t=52349&highlight=french
