View Full Version : First build - Six string bass w/single coils

12th March 2008, 05:26 AM
Hey, newbie and a yank here. :wink: This forum looks really cool and I've seen some familiar names around, so that's great. So, first - HELLO!

On to the bass :

I'm FINALLY getting around to building my first bass after years of collecting parts, starting, messing up, going on hiatus with the project, then starting up again...

The specs are as follows:

Macassar Ebony with 3" Ziricote center strip bound by 2 thin strips of flamed maple. If things go to plan, there will be a cool inlay between the pickups in the center of the body.
BACK: Figured Sapele
NECK: I purchased the neck for this bass. I will build the next one, but this time, I'm flaking out on that task :). It was made by the people at Musikraft. The details are : 35 " scale - 7 pc Paduak with flamed maple strips - macassar ebony fretboard 2" at nut 3.25 at 24th - 17mm string spacing I essentially had it modeled after the neck on my old Modulus Quantum 6. (OHHHH how I miss that bass...bad trades stink! :C:rolleyes:)

Pickups: Aero JB6AE single coil (he built them for the first attempt, which had a myrtle top and I had myrtle covers made...now I'm thinking I may try to make my own flamed maple covers because I don't want the myrtle to look out of place with the rest of the woods, I'm kinda picky about that, and it's already going to be a little busy...too busy?)
Wiring: Passive - Volume/Blend/Tone

The body design has been through many variations and tweaks, and I'm almost there. I don't have a photo of my most recent drawing, but it is not much different from the one shown. There are lines everywhere showing some ideas I had on one of them. I am open to input and thoughts on the body. :)

Here are some pics of what's up so far (not much)

here are the boards that will make up the body (minus the thin maple strips...


Here's the rough body design, when I get pics of the "more finished, and I mean really close" version, I'll post em. I know this isn't very clean, but you'll get the idea.


and some more pics of woods used, etc.




I'll try to get a photo of the neck asap. Camera access is a challenge for me, but hopefully I'll be able to document the build reasonably well.

Any comments, suggestions, etc are welcome and appreciated!


12th March 2008, 08:29 PM
Hi Bassisgreat,

It's great to see a bass build fresh on the forum. We don't get many on this particular forum.. so welcome. I will enjoy watching the progess, and i especially like the look of the ebony top. Almost look slike cocobolo in the pic.

Look forward to seeing more,


12th March 2008, 11:35 PM
i agree, there dont seem to be much bass going on here. nice looking timber, and ill be keeping an eye on it as long as you keep us updated. cool looking shape too. are you going to carve the body? the shape looks like something i'd love to do a bit of carving on.

13th March 2008, 10:16 AM
I like the design but have you checked the balance? If your neck has a large head then - though its a bit hard to tell on your diagram - it could be a bit head droopy. If it were me (and I have made a divebombing droopy headed guitar before) I would find something roughly equivelent in mass (maybe MDF) and make a mock up if you're not sure. Bolt on your neck, all your hardware and see how it feels. In my limited experience in basses the most comfortable ones I have played have has the upper horn finishing about the octave mark. A six string bass with a 35" scale is going to have some SERIOUS weight at the head.
Having said that the body itself may well have enough mass to handle this, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
And you're right, in comparison to most of the other lists out there who seem to be old "members" flaming the ignorant and noobs this list is great.
Keep on carvin'

P.S. your photobucket links are inactive.

13th March 2008, 03:26 PM
intresting design and nice looking stash of timber
instead of posting the photobucket links maybe copy the image location and paste the pic directly into the page like in your 1st post

makes following the build easier