View Full Version : Started....on the go again!

13th March 2008, 02:45 AM
Yes...I'm on the go again.............

Yep, off down the shed for about an hour today... here's what I've done....was going to go on with the next stage...but sander needed some TLC...had to glue a new Velcro base on....absolutely buggered the other...only takes me about 12months to ruin one...so now when its really buggered I actually sand the rubber Velcro off...and glue another one...but I can only do this twice, then have too order a new one....but still @ $55 each new plate.... and only $12 for Velcro...makes sense to do it....

Anyway....really busy...so hopefully will get into shed tomorrow afternoon for about an hour will get all the slots cut...picking up box of 1000 biscuits tomorrow from carba-tec....what a pleasure to work with some of my pack wood...doesn't take long to cut up 12 lengths....that's what’s there....not exactly happy with the amount of grey colour amount the pine...but it will still look lovely when I finish...

It's going to be a replica "Coolgardie Safe"....

Will be most of Friday running after woodworms....(kids) so that leaves Sat morning & Sunday to finish this baby....oh....and Sunday have to get all the lawns mowed & back patio cleaned up ....son informs me he's booked a dinner/BBQ party for here....next Wednesday....got to love them.....yep they all have their own homes but Mums is bigger has all the party stuff they need...plus the spa....mmm.... why would they have it at their own homes....LOL ....well... this time they will have to do the clean up before bed....as come next morning I leave at 6am for 5 day Easter celebrations for wedding in Busselton....that's what the unit is for....my girlfriends wedding present.....

anyways these unit pictures are going to be done quickly....hope you can see the stages ok....should be able to follow the plan too....hey...I don't write anything down...just do it as I go....was planning on this one being only about 75cm wide...but then when I was cutting it out seemed a pity to waste wood...so used the rest of what I had on the length...hence my friend is getting a double door...unit....

You would pay about $700-$900 for one of these, or more....lol....well lets face it they don't make this stuff anywhere....replica work...is just from the hobby woodworker....but hey that's why I love doing what I do!

Cheers everyone...more tomorrow....
Sincerely KEKEMO.....alias Kerry...."Sh..ED's butterfly"

http://groups.msn.com/WOODWORKCountryCottage (http://groups.msn.com/WOODWORKCountryCottage)

Oh the picture on the front of my web page is what I am making....it will be a little bit different putting different design on top....hope you like...

13th March 2008, 09:40 AM
Looks like that will make a great wedding present. I really like a lot of early Australian furniture, nicely proportioned and very functional. Looking forward to seeing how you put it all together.

13th March 2008, 09:47 AM
Good for you Kekemo!! I'm in agreement with JMB. Am interested to see the finished piece!!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

13th March 2008, 09:57 AM
Looks interesting Kekemo. I, too, am looking forward to seeing how the Safe progresses.


17th March 2008, 02:02 PM
Ok...these are yesterdays photos... down the shed now, just came up to get camera....
Didn't get these up to late to bed... too too too.. much going on... tidy up time....my yard & shed...ready for going away... just can't go away without it all being tidy...
My son is due to fly in today... so still lots to do....
Thought you might like to see yesterdays work...
Sorry this is rushed....
Must go


17th March 2008, 09:40 PM
Oh bother....just lost this page once...and its always when your in a hurry...
this is todays work...going off to Bunnings to get some flywire & paint brush...
Yes son got home today...so between milkshakes....toast carrot & bacon sandwiches...washing his clothes....chat...I managed to get a fair bit done....looks like i will be able to finish it tomorrow....if I get stuck into some work tonight...
cant make any noise now...but hey I filled the compressor....so can use the nail gun.

Can't waste time...must go hope you enjoy watching...
bye for now

KEKEMO...alias Kerry "Sh...ED's Butterfly"

17th March 2008, 10:24 PM
Looking great:2tsup:


19th March 2008, 01:01 AM
Well...sometimes you just hate how you run out of time....

Oh...don't worry...I'm really annoyed but can't do a bloody thing about it.....
...my kids chew right into my time....now I know you will all say...tell the kids to go to buggery...well since I lost my Ed....I can't ...I need to be doing stuff for them....gives me a purpose in life....other wise I would just live down the shed!!

But here she is.... even cut the fly-wire...ready to staple on in the morning....then go & do window cleaning...home wash car...pack caravan...quickly make a single bed(construct)... have enough ends and rails, I should be able to throw one together in about 1/2 hour....need to pack one in the van for a day lounge in annex while I'm away....put the bikes on back of van...then get ready for party son organized tomorrow night here....don't you love them for that..

Should have screwed down the top....& done the final sand over by 2pm...anyway thats the plan....

...bet this is the day...one of the kids breaks their arm or something....usually the way...when you're ready to take off....LOL....

....catch you all later....have a great Easter all of the forum members....


Last post coming up on this....tomorrow...just before I load it into car.....
Thank-you everyone for watching the "Coolgardie/Wedding Safe...."...must be the only thing really safe about this wedding.............lol.......!!!!!

20th March 2008, 04:23 AM
What's going on doesn't anyone else here make stuff????

Ok...it's loaded and in the car....going south in the morning....just wanted to show you all....next week...when I get back it will be a dart board & side-cupboard!!!

Cheers everyone have a great Easter!

20th March 2008, 10:18 AM
Nice work Kekemo,

As a matter of interest where do you get large pieces of velcro for your sander base?