View Full Version : Brisbane - After Dark...

16th March 2008, 10:31 PM
This panorama software (PTGui Pro) is pretty good!! :2tsup:

15 shots, each was 13sec @ f/8 for 320 ISO. The lens was set @ 40mm on a 24-85mm zoom, taken at Kangaroo Point 18:35hrs.

I still need to do some exposure adjustments on some of the individual images but not bad for just downloaded & stitched.

click on this thumbnail to see full size pix (2.4MB file)

http://www.majorpanic.com/images/city_pano_1thb.jpg (http://www.majorpanic.com/images/city_pano_1.jpg)

17th March 2008, 12:36 AM
Seriously great pic (actually more than great) Maj. Im only a woodworker and not qualified to pass real tech judgment, but that is stunning.

I saw the thread over at the bitchy shed (lurkin) but couldnt view the pic.

You should upload all of your work here so everyone can appreciate it (as apposed to the 13 or 14 over there)

You are very, very talented... Well done:)

[Shame you arnt in Melbourne... I`d love you to take pics of my furniture]

17th March 2008, 07:21 AM
How come every time I think I've got all the software I could ever possibly need, you turn up with one more thing?


21st March 2008, 07:09 PM
very nice!

22nd March 2008, 12:14 AM
Absolutely stunning. great shot.:2tsup:

22nd March 2008, 08:30 AM
Nice work Major Can we see a few more?

22nd March 2008, 09:56 AM
OK, here is a low-res version of what I'm working towards. I still have to sort out 1 or 2 of the pictures & all cropped the same but SWMBO wants it printed ASAP :-


22nd March 2008, 08:05 PM
Hurry up and get it sorted major.
When's my copy going to be ready:rolleyes:

Top work:2tsup:
