View Full Version : Online Orders with Timbercon

21st March 2008, 06:05 PM
I have been having issues with online orders not going through on the Timbercon site and the transaction coming up as zero. I have been advised that this is in my security settings, I have altered all security settings, tried turning off firewalls and internet protection software, have tried uninstalling Nortons internet security, have used multiple web browsers, have allowed all pop ups and cookies, opened all ports and uninstalled all other programs requiring internet.

I have now tried this on 4 different computers and orders are not going through, I have tried removing all security software using multiple different browsers on multiple computers.

The issue is only occurring on the Timbercon Site all other Internet transactions are operating correctly on all other sites that I utilise. The only response from Timbercon has been that their site is operating correctly. This may well be correct but there must be some general issue that they are refusing to investigate. Their web master has continued to bang on about Server networks and I still cannot convince him that 4 different personal computers in different homes are not connected by a network server.

I was wondering if anyone else has had similar experiences<o></o>

21st March 2008, 06:35 PM
Hi Same thing happened to me and I told them that I had ordered before without a problem but they still say the fault is at my end.

21st March 2008, 07:04 PM
If they won't help, there are other companies - let your feet tell them there is a problem with their service.

21st March 2008, 08:41 PM
So far I have had more than a dozen successful online transactions with Timbecon. The four computers you tried from...were they on the same network? That is behind the same IP address or on the same ISP? Or were they on computers at different locations?

Big Shed
21st March 2008, 08:45 PM
I have never had a problem buying from Timbecon over the net.

But if you are having problems, they take orders over the phone, don't they?

21st March 2008, 09:23 PM
I have been trying to tell many people at Timbercon the computers that I tried were NOT Networked. I did originally think the problem was IE7 but one of the machines tried as far as I am aware has not had IE7 on it and also tried different Web Browsers.

If someone has had success please indicate Operating System and Browser software

My working hours do not permit phone orders so I prefer to operate online & on this occasion have voted with my feet. I would say Carbatec are extremely happy with the response from Timbercon as theie sales to me have sharply increased. Although I am a strong believer in competition and the demise of Timbercon would severely reduce consumer choice in WA.

If I can find what cause of the issue is hopefully a solution can be found and we can all excersise consumer choice.

21st March 2008, 09:57 PM
Ok Gj, I can see your frustration. I've read through your initial post and your response again.....multiple PCs, browsers and the like would indicate the problem lies beyond you.

For interest sake, I use Firefox running on XP Pro from two different networks. No problems yet. I run a firewalled router so I do not have any windows or third party software firewalls. My virus protection is another third party non microsoft system. At present I don't use any active spyware software. Not sure if this is of any help....but good luck....Timbecon are a good operation in my book. You would benefit from using them......best of luck.


21st March 2008, 10:20 PM
My advice is never deal on-line with Timbecon.

Call them up and order - fine. Get online and if its in stock you may actually recieve it. If not, then back orders go into never never land with Micheal Jackson. Worse stil they never, ever communicate with you. 3 weeks later you call and they say " Oh Yeah we haven't had stock for months and we don't know when its coming in."

Must say that, due to above, I haven't deal with them since the old owners shot thru. Your problems just seem familiar; le plus ca change etc.

22nd March 2008, 12:52 AM
I agree with Rich they have been a great crew to deal with up to this point. A common theme I am hearing with people in WA is they no longer deal with them since the old owners moved on. No longer the same level of Service, well I hope they get it together soon, it would be sad to see the demise of such a good store.

Might try another line since Rich is using Firefox has anybody with IE7 had success?

22nd March 2008, 07:44 AM
I didn't even have luck with the old owners...I ordered things online from them several times, and every time there was a problem of some sort. I won't go into details, since the new owners can't be held responsible for that.. .but it did put me off dealing with them, and now their spam newsletters are really annoying me! I used to enjoy getting the 'Chatterbox' with their printed catalogues as well.

That's gone out the window, there is never anything half decent on sale in those emails...

If you're having problems before you can even order anything I'd say it's just the sign of things to come if you go through with any purchases!

22nd March 2008, 08:28 AM
I have been trying to tell many people at Timbercon the computers that I tried were NOT Networked. I did originally think the problem was IE7 but one of the machines tried as far as I am aware has not had IE7 on it and also tried different Web Browsers.

If someone has had success please indicate Operating System and Browser software

My working hours do not permit phone orders so I prefer to operate online & on this occasion have voted with my feet. I would say Carbatec are extremely happy with the response from Timbercon as theie sales to me have sharply increased. Although I am a strong believer in competition and the demise of Timbercon would severely reduce consumer choice in WA.

If I can find what cause of the issue is hopefully a solution can be found and we can all excersise consumer choice.

Tell timbecon they have lost sales to carbatec due to their crappy online system. If they ignore it they'll eventually go down the gurler

22nd March 2008, 09:16 AM
I had troubles with the previous owners of Timbecon. Ordered items only to be told my card was invalid. Phoned them up and their answer was the card was out of date. I pointed out the card had five days still to run. "Well that's the problem. It's too close to expiry. The computer won't accept it. Not our fault, it's the computer software."

Haven't dealt with them since.

Just bought from Lee Valley. Difference in service is noticeable.

I prefer to buy Australian where possible but some places make it hard.


Everyone is entitled to my opinion

27th March 2008, 11:28 PM
I have now completed a complete reinstall on my computer which has failed to fix this issue. I have also done quite a bit of research and found an article on this type of issue which is a coding error in complex data transmissions such as some internet purchasing pages.

I am tempted to sell this to Timbercon but have sent an email requesting communication with their National Manager or equivlent. With a bit of luck they will terminate the services of their Web Master and get someone in that is competent and willing to fix the issue

29th March 2008, 11:31 PM

I got a small Pedestal Drill from Timbercon a few weeks ago. Online order did not tell me cost of freight untill I had ordered. They told me it should have.

Worst part was it cost me $85 which wasn't too bad I thought. A week after it arrived I saw it for $58 in Supercheap. Oh well, fools rush in ........................


31st March 2008, 10:45 PM

I got a small Pedestal Drill from Timbercon a few weeks ago. Online order did not tell me cost of freight untill I had ordered. They told me it should have.

Worst part was it cost me $85 which wasn't too bad I thought. A week after it arrived I saw it for $58 in Supercheap. Oh well, fools rush in ........................


Hey Waz,

The imported Chinese Machines are imported at a variety of quality levels ranging from pure garbage to good value for money quality machines for the home user. I wouldn't feel too bad about it as I would suggest the quality may have been a little better. I have two Sherwood Machines a table saw and combination planner thicknesser and both have been great machines.

At this point it is unlikely I will have anything else from timbecon as I can not place an order and they will not answer my emails or return my calls. Unfortunately bad management destroys so many great businesses and it would appear this is one of them.