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1st April 2008, 08:58 PM
Well I figured since I made the little baby mallet I better make a normal size one as well since my old one that I bought is starting to fall apart,and I find that the iron bark is fantastic for mallets since it is so dence I just better not let the wife get a hold of it or she will probably hit me with it,ouch....:oo:

1st April 2008, 09:37 PM
your going pretty good at this turning stuff Zarguld:2tsup:

1st April 2008, 10:28 PM
I am trying stirlo but I have a long way to go yet I think I will try a bowl tomorrow though.

2nd April 2008, 04:33 AM
Nice work Guy :2tsup: there goes the coat rack business

so you got the spur drive off did you and able to use the face plate now :rolleyes:

2nd April 2008, 09:29 AM
Another knockometer? Try a rolling pin for the cook, just so you don,t get stuck in a groove!!:D:D:p:p

2nd April 2008, 10:47 AM
yes I got it off now phew and a rolling pin that is a good idea I like it ok I will try one....:U

2nd April 2008, 06:39 PM
yes I got it off now phew and a rolling pin that is a good idea I like it ok I will try one....:U

Thats good how did you get it off not with the OXY :oo: I hope :D

Sorry didn't call in this afternoon didn't get away till 3.30 a long day and early morning woke at 3am.

Tomorrow is out LOML will be out.

Damn I should go get my licence.:doh:

2nd April 2008, 07:06 PM
Looks good:2tsup:

Two things:

Get a decent lathe..
Don't use Ironbark for thing like mallets, tool handles. It splinters very easily