View Full Version : Front fence renovation

4th April 2008, 01:42 PM
Gday All,

I have a 100 year old fence that is very ornate (that's code for "I'd rather not replace the decorative carved/morticed 160 x 160 jarrah posts").

The bottom of some posts are rotten, but above ground is quite ok.

I attached a photo of the old fence to be fixed so you can get an idea of my future misery

Does any one have any experience with similar? I'm thinking about bolting new steel extensions to the bases and concreting them in.


5th April 2008, 10:05 AM
Have not done a front fence, but we did a side paling fence, some post were rotten at the bottom, we got some 5mm flat steel, dug a hole at the bottom of the post, painted them with some black sealer, bolted the steel to the bottom of the posts and filled the hole with concrete, that was about 6 years ago, so far so good.(err, flat galvanized steel)

7th April 2008, 04:00 PM
Thanks terrian- that's great food for thought. I'll give it a go.
