View Full Version : Gate Post against the house .. Need your help.

7th April 2008, 01:16 PM
Hi All,

Just need some help on installation of a gate post to the house.

I'm putting up gates on both sides of the house. On the LHS, the gate itself spans 3.3m in width but i have created two gates @ 1.65m wide each. On the RHS, i've got one gate that spans 1.8m wide. All gates are 1.7m high. the 1.8m gate is just about never open but there just incase i ever need a gate there.

Because of weight of these gates due to their size, what size post will be suitable on the house side to hold these gates? I'm already using 100mm x 75mm post on the fence side.

If the posts on the house side are the same as the post on the fence side (100mm x 75mm) with the face side (looking front on) being 100mm, what lenght dynabolt will i require to ensure the post on the house side can hold the gates up? I have only seen 125mm length dynabolts where i think i'm gonna need at least 150mm dynabolts.

I've seen brackets but i dont really want to use them if i dont have to. I would just prefer bolting the post directly into the blockwork.

any suggestions on how i should attach my gate posts to the house would be great. thank you.



7th April 2008, 03:50 PM
You could use steel SHS, 100 x 100mm and drill holes through for attaching to the wall. Use a clearence hole for the dyna bolt and then a larger hole on teh oposite site of the SHS to allow you to put you socket through to do up the bolt.

7th April 2008, 04:08 PM

There are a couple of ways you could attack this.

First of all you could recess the head of the dynabolt into the post by about 25 to 30mm using a 22mm Speedbore first to drill the recess and after you tighten the Dynabolt up get a piece of broomstick cheap from Bunnings and cut a plug to fill the hole on top of the Dynabolt.

The other thing you could do is use a Loxin http://www.ramset.com.au/public/article/show.asp?articleid=1130&menuItemID=213&toplvlID=3&menuNo=0 in the brickwork and then use a Hexhead bolt long enough to go through the post and into the Loxin.

The other thing you could use is a Truebolt. http://www.ramset.com.au/public/Article/show.asp?ArticleID=1145&menuItemID=177&toplvlID=3&menuNo=0

7th April 2008, 10:21 PM
Hi guys,

thanks for the suggestions, i really appreciate it. I want to keep a uniform look so i might try either the truebolt or loxin.

But once again, thanks guys.
