View Full Version : What router do I need?

7th April 2008, 10:41 PM
i will be using the router to create radiused corners on ply boat furniture. i would like to fit out the boat (new) with ply that has pronounced rounded corners. i will use an epoxy stitch and glue method of joinery , if you can call it that. the result should look as if it were moulded fiberglass.
Have you any suggestions as to what router to buy that would give me something like a 30mm radius? any suggestions as to how i would build up the ply, or use a quarter round to achieve the desired flowing corner. i presume that the flat planes could be joined to a quarter round and the curved setee could be a composite of ply and epoxy if i had a router bit that would carve the same quarter round around the curve.

What jig could I make that would keep the edge straight and smooth.
Where do you buy in Perth a maximum round router bit.

8th April 2008, 12:12 AM
A bearing guided roundover bit is what you need, any 2hp+(1500w)router will do the job.

If you buy a 30mm radius bit(roundover bit)grab a extra bearing that is larger that the original one, this will allow you to make the roundover with 2 cuts safely. Cutting a 30mm radius in one hit is asking for trouble with a hand held router(dangerous).

Here are some bits for you to look at (http://www.apworkshop.com.au/html_routerbits/17-efb-rob2.html)

And the extra bearings (http://www.apworkshop.com.au/html_routerbits/31-acc-bb.html)

8th April 2008, 02:16 PM
Harry 72
thanks for the reply.I have looked at the web site you indicated and my reading of it is that I need the bit t540b and the bearing tb 17 or 18. there is not a bit for precisely a 30mm cut. can u confirm that my order would be the right bit and bearibg?

I will then need a router of the 1500 w or 2 hp as you suggested.
I have read a number of entries in the router section about the pros and cons of cheap routers. what would be a good mid range router?

8th April 2008, 11:33 PM
Have a look on e-bay. You can pickup some really good router bits from Australian shops cheaper that most face to face shops. If you buy from e-bay you can receive them in a few days.


9th April 2008, 08:43 AM
Matan, the TB14 will be about right, the 17 or 18 will cut very little(too big).
You may want to contact them, from what I can see the bearings have different internal dia, the tb11 is 3/16 and the tb14 is 1/4(tb17~18 are bigger ID again)

There are other ways around it
1. Table mount your router and use a fence to decrease the width of cutter exposed.
2. Make a fence to fit your hand held router that decreases the width of cut.
3. Chamfer the edges first before routering them, could be done with a handplane or even another router bit...

Mid range routers are brands like makita metabo dewalt and many others, high end are brands like Festool.
All I got to say is... you get what you pay for.