View Full Version : Well, did you miss me?

2nd May 2008, 04:54 AM
Nah, didn't think so....too busy arn't you all?

Well..it's a little too quiet down here under the lime-light...was going to give it a big shake up...was going to ask you all for Morning Tea...

...you know, one of those one's where...we hold the milk...little less of the coffee...hitch the boat on...put her in the river....& relax....while we quench our thirst on some gyn & tonic.....or lemon, lime & bitters.....WHY?????

WELL.... had an alternative hidden agenda....first... I was going to ask you all to help clean my shed.....he he he...(goodness me she was messy this time)...ok...so worked out your all too far away....coffee would have gone cold....& lets face it, I would have drunk all the alchol before you had time to buy your plane ticket!

So, thought the best idea....was just to get stuck into it.....paying the price now....exhausted..sore but ultimately.. very pleased.

I always vacuum up after each big build....& need to free up some space for working in shed over winter....

Have managed to get "her" in better shape each time I do this.... vacuumes on each major drop saws....overhead vac system on jet-saw bench...& all the gear to add the thicknesser onto that now also.

Just snapped a couple of shots to show you my lovely lovely messy...clean shed.....( hey, some guys would faint at how untidy she is....but, I know where everything is....so who cares?

....must go nearly asleep at the desk....cheers KEKEMO

2nd May 2008, 02:28 PM
No! you weren't away long enough!:D:D:p

I should invite you to help clean up my shed!:):)

6th May 2008, 12:09 AM
...darn it....can't for the life of me...catch up with the time I need!

This weeks been shocking.....away, babysitting....then Emergency call...son's on Royal Flying Doctor....being flown down ....from up North, hand injury...so hit panic stations....well after all that...THANK-GOODNESS, he's ok...they've already operated(plastic surgury & reconstruction...absoutely fantastic those guys)...he's coming home tonight...they think they've saved the thumb....4 weeks not allowed to do anything or he still might lose it....so the next four weeks will be a little hectic...might not get much done....kids come first.....cheers to everyone .......

DUTY CALLS..............LOL.......

6th May 2008, 10:53 AM
Thats not good to hear, hope he is a better male patient than most.:Dand it all goes well for him.
