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View Full Version : Does anyone read the Australian Woodworker?

7th May 2008, 01:32 PM
Hello All,
Does anyone read or construct items from the Australian Woodworker magazine (http://www.skillspublish.com.au/Skills%20AWW%20Current.htm) I have been subscribing to this mag since it's inception. I am in the process of cleaning up the workshop (shed) and getting down to some serious wood work. There are some good ideas in the AW.


Cliff Rogers
7th May 2008, 02:18 PM
I do (did) I can't remember if I renewed my subscriptuon or not, I've failed to renew a couple of times 'cos it isn't worth the cover price but then I give in & renew & then wonder why. :cool:

I read it for the ads mostly. :rolleyes:

7th May 2008, 02:33 PM
Yes. Briefly. Then I put it back in the newsagency rack.

7th May 2008, 02:55 PM
i bought my first copy of it just to read about the saw scool:

7th May 2008, 03:01 PM
So what good magazines do most people read or get their ideas from.


7th May 2008, 03:15 PM
Best value as far as I'm concerned is a sub to Fine Woodworker online.

7th May 2008, 03:19 PM
I buy it every months since I first saw it last year.
I just love reading the articles and the tips.
Then again, I buy almost everything with words in as long as it's about wood or photography.
I am just a bookworm at heart.:rolleyes:

7th May 2008, 03:20 PM
I don’t find the Australian woodworker attractive to read. They always talk about toy trains, scroll saw works, turned pens or what happened in your local triton club.

I am subscribed to the FWW mag.

Big Shed
7th May 2008, 03:25 PM
So what good magazines do most people read or get their ideas from.


Fine Woodworking (have online subscription like rsser), Aust Wood Review (have complete set), Aust Woodsmith (have complete set), Shopnotes (have complete set in pdf format) and Woodturning (local library)

Read Aust Woodworker from the local library, never takes me long, agree with Wongo's summation (except for the pen turning!).

7th May 2008, 03:37 PM
Fine Woodworking (have online subscription like rsser)
Aust Wood Review (have complete set)
Aust Woodsmith (have complete set)
Shopnotes (have complete set in pdf format)


7th May 2008, 07:16 PM
I don’t find the Australian woodworker attractive to read. They always talk about toy trains, scroll saw works, turned pens or what happened in your local triton club.

I am subscribed to the FWW mag.

Spot on ! I subscribed for some years and found it good for starting the fire at night and not much else.
Sub to FWW


Howdya do that
8th May 2008, 09:43 AM
I don’t find the Australian woodworker attractive to read. They always talk about toy trains, scroll saw works, turned pens or what happened in your local triton club.

I am subscribed to the FWW mag.

What he said

8th May 2008, 11:02 AM
I do (did) I can't remember if I renewed my subscriptuon or not, I've failed to renew a couple of times 'cos it isn't worth the cover price but then I give in & renew & then wonder why. :cool:
I read it for the ads mostly. :rolleyes:

I'm in the same camp, Cliff. Most of the stuff in it is a bit too "handyman-ish" for my tastes, but there's a long drought between AWR issues (the only mag I suscribe to these days), so I end up buying an AWW - mainly to see what's going on with the local scene. And after flipping through it in 10 minutes or less, I say "Dunno why I bother with this - I won't waste my time on it again". And a sweet female voice always says "Am I mistaken, or isn't that what you said a couple of months ago?" - in that slightly ironic, slightly exasperated tone that spouses do so well......

Rookie - you probably have the right idea, but I feel duty bound to pay for the damn thing if I read it.

I was a faithful subscriber to FWW for nearly 20 years (from soon after it started) but when they printed yet another article on how to cut perfect dovetails, I felt like I'd been around the mulberry bush too many times. If you read mags for long enough, there is bound to be much repitition, of course - have to cater for those entering the hobby/business as well as the old pharts! I like to get one of the British mags every now and then - now & then because the exchange rates make them decidedly exy. But the Brits seem to me to do more interesting stuff - the Yanks either do endless fairly stereotyped reproductions or novel stuff that is a bit too whacky for me. There is whacky stuff in the British mags, too, but I often see things that are different, that I could live happily with.

Just a one-eyed view... :;

8th May 2008, 11:25 AM
I agree with Ian more or less,

AWW is too handymanny
FWW has become boring
AWR is too arty farty
Woodsmith is ok
Woodworker (uk) is ok
Practical Woodworker (uk) is ok

8th May 2008, 12:07 PM
I find the projects in the Yankie mags
1) are mostly done in veneered plywood, which we cannot get here anyway,
2) show power tools and machines, which we cannot use because of the difference in voltage,
3) are too arty farty for my taste and too pricey to boot.
BUT, I succumb and buy some of them just to get reading material.
Did I say that I am a bookworm?

8th May 2008, 12:15 PM
Trying to convince someone I need to subscribe to FWW. Have a lot of their stuff in PDF but I should subscribe, coz I need to learn more. :2tsup:

11th May 2008, 09:47 PM
My favourite at the moment is Woodworking Magazine (American).


There is a link to a free digital download on the right of the screen.

One bonus is there are no adverts


11th May 2008, 09:57 PM
Anything I can read in a library or newsagency is fair game!:o

Claw Hama
11th May 2008, 10:00 PM
American "Woodworking Magazine" far more classy pieces with a bit of style rather than all the spice racks, blanket boxes etc etc

Rhys Cooper
13th May 2008, 07:33 PM
i have only bought 2 woodwork magazines, both coz they had workbenchs on the front page (helps me with hsc) and that was al really. but my dad didi manage to buy me about 50 woodwork magazoines (assorted varietyies) for $5. what a Steal

Carry Pine
13th May 2008, 08:31 PM
I bought Furniture and Cabinetmaking (UK) recently and it had some good in-depth stuff. I am even motivated to make the scratch stock featured. (Don't hold your breath).

I did find it strange that the magazine kept referring to GMC as some authority figure until I worked out it stood for Guild of Master Craftsmen.

Don't know whether i would subscibe though.


13th May 2008, 10:49 PM
Yeah I have few copies , usually I go online and check what's in the back issues and buy them on line @ $4.00 per copy ,older copies are only $2.00 as opposed to 10-11 bucks at the news agents.

Did I tell you sometimes I'm cheap?