View Full Version : new life to an old hook

4th June 2008, 06:23 PM
ill my cant hooks 3 of them have grown legs over the past 2 years and i have been stuck using a crowbar not wanting to pay the $80 - $300 for a new cant hook as most are made incorectly.

i was suprised when i came home last week to find an old adjustable cant hook blade sitting at my front door all be it bent in a horseshew (when looking from the top). i spent some time this arvo streightening it out and making up the missing parts.

bit of 1" pipe for the pivot and a spottygum handle and shees as good as new almost.

all it needs now is a coat of paint it may only be a spray with ground marking paint to amke it easy to find. it may also need a heavyer handle when it comes up against some bigger logs.

5th June 2008, 12:24 PM
No doubt we will try it out this weekend mate.

5th June 2008, 01:39 PM
tried it out on a 2' cadagi log that is almost square got the log over but broke the handle off:((. will have to increase the size of the hole.

6th June 2008, 05:57 PM
i'm sure your cant hook, shifter hammer and any other tool that we use near a mill was eaten by the sawdust monster. if you wait a few months or years the monster will spit them out eventually. they might be a bit rusty. but i recon the one that lives under my mill might try to take one of the kids one day .but most of the time it likes tools:o

6th June 2008, 10:02 PM
the sawdust dose tend to make things disapear. but these walked from the fromt of my shed. people brorrow things without telling me and a lot of the time they dont come back or wait a year befor returning them.

9th June 2008, 12:07 AM
tried it out on a 2' cadagi log that is almost square got the log over but broke the handle off:((. will have to increase the size of the hole.

Here's pick of 120kg+ of me testing out the handle on mine. It looks like I'm kneeling but I'm suspended in mid air. I did take a similar photo of me but face onto the camera but I though this was a better view.:D

The reason I attached it to that loog like I did was because I deliberate wanted to see if it can take my entire weight.
http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?t=57904 is the full thread about my cant hooks.

9th June 2008, 02:35 PM
I've got a hook which hasn't met it's match yet, excluding me:( I've moved every log it's been able to go around. Even to the point where I have chained the end of it and used my truck to 'snig' the end of the hook to roll the log up hill.

Now here's the best bit, and of course I tell everyone, I've bent it trying to roll a log with my own body power - no trucks or pulleys, cheater bars, extra people - just me.

My can't hook is a peice of sttel pipe 4mm side wall about 50mm OD with two 10mm tabs welded to it and a hooked fashioned from a length of 150x10mm flat bar. I have had to put a second bolt in as the pivot, but that's all she is.