View Full Version : Challenge II Awards

17th June 2008, 06:42 PM
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here tonight to present the awards won by our amazing fellow forum members in the Second Forum Challenge!

Here they are:

First place, Brown Dog, Boxed set of pen and letter opener

Second place, Flynnsart, Miniature bedside table

Third place, Spirit, Carved carving hands

The home made awards provided by Underfoot, Tea Lady and yours truly with the plaques generously donated by DJ are here on the dais.

The award that was donated by Brown Dog, originally meant to go to the first placed, who happened to be himself, became the "Best entry by a beginner" award won by Tea Lady with her "Salad spoons". The other beginners will receive encouragement scrolls made by Echnidna.

Thanks again to all those that contributed to this challenge, I enjoyed it very much and hope that many of you enjoyed it too.

And congratulations again to all the entrants, even if you did not win you can certainly be proud of the quality displayed.

17th June 2008, 06:43 PM
Congratulations Tea Lady, this is for you.

17th June 2008, 07:00 PM
Congratulations to all the award winners.

Thank you to all entrants

The Beginner encouragement awards will be posted on this thread tomorrow night.

Cliff Rogers
17th June 2008, 07:10 PM

17th June 2008, 07:13 PM
oh...:( havent sent tea lady her package yet.:B betta get right on that.

Brown Dog
17th June 2008, 07:40 PM
Thanks for the effort on the trophy Frank...very much appeciated :2tsup:...... more than I expected and much better than winning my own :D.

Big thanks to DJ for the work on the plaques


Sawdust Maker
17th June 2008, 09:22 PM

17th June 2008, 09:28 PM
The Beginner encouragement awards will be posted on this thread tomorrow night.


17th June 2008, 10:04 PM
thanks Tea Lady for a great looking mug :2tsup:
and thanks for the good looking coaster:U

17th June 2008, 11:06 PM
First, thanks to Frank & Earnst for organising the competition and Underfoot and Tea Lady for the awards and Echnidna for the encouragement scrolls

congratulations to the winners and place getters, especially Brown Dog


tea lady
17th June 2008, 11:22 PM
Thank you! Thank you! I don't know what to say. :B Thanks to everyone who participated in our 2nd challenge. May there be many more. Everyone made such interesting things from their little chunk o' olivewood.It was fascinating. (I want to know how those little ducks and hearts were made for that necklace. ) I had a lot of fun doing my spoons. They are now doing great service in our salads. And thanks to Frank for organizing the whole thing, and sorting out which little chunk went to who, and mailing them all over the place. And DJ for doing the behind the scenes computer stuff.

So when is the next one? I guess I'm not a beginner any more.:rolleyes:

PS- Wiesey! No hurry. I've had plenty to go on with. What with real life getting in the way of the important stuff.:D

18th June 2008, 06:04 PM
Here are the Encouragement awards, sorry about the pic quality

18th June 2008, 06:05 PM
I'll get the scrolls in the mail in a couple of days as I'd like to let the finish cure a little bit

18th June 2008, 06:13 PM
Cooool Echnidna!

What's the timber?

18th June 2008, 06:16 PM

tea lady
18th June 2008, 06:36 PM
This package arrived today. A ginormouse trophy with an olive on top. It looked a lot smaller in the photo. The thing is a foot tall. 6 inch long olive. Bigger than my spoons.:oo: I've never got a trophy before. Where will I put it?:hmm

DJ’s Timber
18th June 2008, 06:40 PM
Nice job on the Scrolls Bob :2tsup:, I like em.

Just the one ??? for you, how did you do the printing on them?

18th June 2008, 06:48 PM
I made some decals, applied them and poly'd over the top.

DJ’s Timber
18th June 2008, 06:51 PM
Thanks Bob

18th June 2008, 06:55 PM
Hmm... Pine

18th June 2008, 07:15 PM
yep, good old radiata.

Its actually pallet timber, I bought a pack of boards a few years ago

despite the caning it gets here its quite a reasonable timber IF you cut the defects out.

19th June 2008, 01:27 AM
This package arrived today. A ginormouse trophy with an olive on top. It looked a lot smaller in the photo. The thing is a foot tall. 6 inch long olive. Bigger than my spoons.:oo: I've never got a trophy before. Where will I put it?:hmm

Well, it is well known that the best things come in small packages, as my mum used to tell me when I was depressed about my small stature...:D

My photo is hopeless, but has anybody noticed what an amazing sculpture Underfoot's platypus is? He sent it to me three months ago at the beginning of the challenge and I enjoyed having it on MY mantelpiece during this time... I can't but wonder how the voting would have been affected if he had sculpted something similar for the challenge instead of that very skillful, but honestly unappealing, bird's skull. Alas, poor kevin...:D

19th June 2008, 01:29 AM
yep, good old radiata.

Its actually pallet timber, I bought a pack of boards a few years ago

despite the caning it gets here its quite a reasonable timber IF you cut the defects out.

Agree, I quite like turning it. Pity it's no good for carving, though.

tea lady
19th June 2008, 10:03 AM
yep, good old radiata.

Its actually pallet timber, I bought a pack of boards a few years ago

despite the caning it gets here its quite a reasonable timber IF you cut the defects out.
You started the pallet challenge already?:oo::D

19th June 2008, 11:22 AM
nope the pine isn't from a pellet, its from a pack of timber that was intended to be made into pallets.

tea lady
19th June 2008, 12:30 PM
nope the pine isn't from a pellet, its from a pack of timber that was intended to be made into pallets.
Oooooooooooh!:D Well, I'm sure they are happier being scrolls rather than being carted around on the back of a truck.:2tsup:

19th June 2008, 04:36 PM
very cool, you have done a nice job thank Echidna

1st July 2008, 08:38 PM
Well, finally back on the internet after some weeks off with sick computer.

I have recieved the awesome trophy:2tsup:Thank you sooooo much! It is amazingly beautiful. I couldnts stop touching it. I will post some close up pics of it when I find the battery charger.

Thank you everyone, for organising it, donating tropies, and prizes and entering, and voting:2tsup:


4th July 2008, 12:24 PM
Finally here are a couple of pics of the gorgeous platypus tropy that Underfoot made. Who made the stand for it? It is beautifully made as well, and the platypus looks quite cosy in there, having its snooze.Donna

4th July 2008, 02:41 PM
That's all Underfoot's work, Donna. I have been only the postie! Amazing, isn't it? I still say, even if he is too modest to admit it, that as animal sculptures go John is on a par with Silvio Apponyi. BTW, Silvio sells small bronzes like that for around $250, check his website.