View Full Version : dogs bottoms

22nd June 2008, 10:13 PM
Hi all,

I've just installed a Veritas twin screw vise and am about to drill dog holes in the jaws (50mm thick x 200mm deep). Advice I have read elsewhere is that I should drill the dog holes right through (200mm), or counterbore larger holes from the bottom of the jaws (vise instructions).
I can't cos I don't have a long enough drill bit, nor do I trust myself to drill straight for 200mm.

Does anyone use dog holes that aren't bored right through? Besides rubbish accumulation (I think a vacuum cleaner can deal with this) is there any other reason to bore right through?

(NB I know the Veritas vise instructions say 'follow these instructions to the letter', but when I looked at the online version, ooooh whadya know some of the instructions have changed.... makes me think they aren't always right)

22nd June 2008, 10:22 PM
I guess you could always try it out ,if it don't work out you can always drill right through .
If you have a router and a bit of the right size you can use it to drill the holes part way then you have a guide to help with the remainder.
I have been meaning to get one of those vices , but other things keep taking priority .
Not sure if it will fit my bench though .


23rd June 2008, 12:53 PM
Suspect the "drill right through." comes from the tendency for blind holes to fill up with shavings etc,


23rd June 2008, 01:02 PM
Besides rubbish accumulation (I think a vacuum cleaner can deal with this) is there any other reason to bore right through?

You might have a bit of trouble removing the dog if the hole isn't drilled right through.