View Full Version : The Archbishop and the Collie

26th June 2008, 01:49 PM
When I lived in England, I shared my life with a blue Border Collie. We were inseparable. In my village everyone knew me and my collie and if one were spotted, the other wouldn't be far away. I communicated with her on three levels; by voice commands, whistles, finger clicks and head movements (although the latter were restricted to "Here!", "Go left!", "Go right!", "Sit!" and "Lie down!").

In 1998 I was contacted about a restoration job at Lambeth Palace (the London seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury). The Palace had been bombed during The Blitz and the Bishop's private chapel (the oldest surviving part of the palace) had sustained a direct hit from an incendiary bomb causing comprehensive damage.

The rood screen (the massive carved screen and doors toward the rear of the chapel) and some of the pews had been badly damaged and as a result, had been moved into storage for many years.

The interior of the Archbishop's private chapel.

The rood screen prior to The Blitz.

The destruction caused to the chapel during World War II.

The re-erection of the rood screen had been an on-going project subject to the availability of funds which proved somewhat erratic. My brief was to perform some of the finer restoration to the carvings on the rood screen and some similar restoration to the pews. I also made the huge parliament hinges for the screen doors and re-hung them.

I was nearing the completion of my work in the chapel and as ever, Vinney (named after Dorset Blue Vinney cheese) was near by. She would quite happily lie on the black and white marble floor for hours on end either watching me intently, or just having a snooze. Her colouring matched the floor on which she lay, effectively camouflaging her presence to the unsuspecting.

I was on my hands and knees doing some final colouring to a few patches on the fronts of the pews when an entourage consisting of the Archbishop, his aide and several architects and conservationists entered the chapel.

Archbishop Runcie (who officiated at the marriage of Prince Charles and Lady Diana) noticed me and walked over to where I was working and enquired how the restoration was coming along. Being courteous, I stood up to respond, which prompted Vinney (who had been lying motionless) to get to her feet too.

The Archbishop, suddenly noticing the dog for the first time, exclaimed "Ah bless him. What a beautiful dog!" My inner self was leaping up and down, punching the air shouting the "Archbishop of Canterbury has blessed my dog"!

Vinney is possibly the only dog ever to have been blessed by the Archbishop of Canterbury!

Some of the restored oak pews in Lambeth Palace chapel with the rood screen partially visible in the background.

Vinney the Blue Border Collie.

26th June 2008, 03:08 PM
An intriguing tale indeed WW. I would bless that dog myself, adorable looking thing she is. You really have done one of everything at one stage or another.

What we need now is a picture of the master behind all of this incredible work. :;

26th June 2008, 03:09 PM
Dear Woodwould,

That's a very heart-warming story. I'll bet you miss her. Beautiful pews...

Best Wishes,

26th June 2008, 03:24 PM
What we need now is a picture of the master behind all of this incredible work. :;

My countenance is far too grotesque for the internet. Monitors would be exploding, servers crashing and the community as a whole would be up in arms. It's best I don't reveal myself. :oo:

26th June 2008, 03:25 PM
I'll bet you miss her.

More than anything. :C

26th June 2008, 05:18 PM
Woodwould a great Tail/Tale but knowing that Vickers hold special services for animals and often are requested to bless such it wouldn't be uncommon. It used to be done here also, more now only in country regions.

Just watch Vicker Of Dibbley

I will admit tho a personal blessing would be reserved only for special animals

26th June 2008, 05:29 PM
WW you have certainly led a full and interesting life. I, for one, am very pleased that you have seen fit to share at least some of your experiences with us.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

26th June 2008, 05:53 PM
WW you have certainly led a full and interesting life. I, for one, am very pleased that you have seen fit to share at least some of your experiences with us.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

Thank you, but if I ever find the mother load of photos, I think you might change your tune pretty quickly! I believe I would be banned at that point. :U

26th June 2008, 06:09 PM
Thank you, but if I ever find the mother load of photos, I think you might change your tune pretty quickly! I believe I would be banned at that point. :U

WW why not post a link to your photobucket web site and with a bit of direction let us browse or create a Blog or web page

I'd been real keen to browse.

you can put a permanent link on your profile or at the bottom :2tsup:

26th June 2008, 06:40 PM

Great story and great work as always.


26th June 2008, 06:56 PM
Gripping story and fantastic work Woodwould. And I'll bet you did the whole Rood Screen in 36 1/4 hours total as well :)
I reckon Australian woodwork was lucky you decided to come over here to live and work.

27th June 2008, 01:46 AM
And I thought this was going to be a bad joke... turned out to be anything but. :U

27th June 2008, 07:34 AM
Lovely story,

Although I think the Archbishop's "Ah bless him"was his version of "Holy ????? what was that"!:D

27th June 2008, 09:36 AM
WW why not post a link to your photobucket web site and with a bit of direction let us browse or create a Blog or web page

I probably will when I've finished telling tales. A number of the pictures are meaningless without even a short narrative.

27th June 2008, 09:46 AM
Not running the dog down but I reckoned with your work he would have blessed a pet pig if you'd brought one in. Anything to keep you there:)

27th June 2008, 10:00 AM
Oink! :U