View Full Version : recipies for a good porter/stout

feral bass
4th July 2008, 10:16 AM
Hi folks,

I'm new to the forum.
Does any body have a good recipe for a good heavy porter/stout, something running about 7 or 8%.
I've done one years ago with a 1.5 kg of honey and malt, but if lost the rest of the ingredients, it came out a cracker.

thanks for any help

9th July 2008, 05:48 AM
Just brewed
can of Black rock miners stout
500 g dark malt extract (dry)
500 g dextrose
200 g dried corn syrup (gives it extra body)
100 g chocolate malt grain
1 fuggles hop plug.

grain was put in a saucepan and poured over a kettle of water which had cooled slightly from boiling. Let sit covered for 15 minutes, then strained into larger pot. Boiled teh run off with the dex, dark malt and corn syurp and hop plug for 15 minutes.

for your request try anything up to 1.5 kg of fermentables and slightly less water, say 20 L
Bottled 2 weeks ago, yet to try.

10th July 2008, 08:27 PM
Mate of mine tried this and was impressed.

Can morgans yorkshire bitter,
1kg dark malt,
1kg morgans caramalt,
150g wheat malt,
150g crystal grain,
12g goldings hops.

I never sampled it but from all reports its worth it.

14th July 2008, 11:17 AM
The end result.

still hasn't gassed up enough in the bottle.I had to pour from height to get the head to form.

taste was good, not quite as burnt taste as Guiness.