View Full Version : Kitchen Island/Chopping Block

Steven P
24th August 1999, 02:03 PM
I want to build a timber kitchen Island on wheels. Something a bit bigger than a butchers chopping block (say 600 x 800mm top).

Can anyone help me find plans, preferably on the Web or free/cheap!

24th August 1999, 08:13 PM
Steven, try these 2 sites:

www.ourhouse.ninemsn.com.au/Factsheets/In/any/199810210000/default.asp (http://www.ourhouse.ninemsn.com.au/Factsheets/In/any/199810210000/default.asp)

st5.yahoo.net/woodstore/kitchencart.html (http://st5.yahoo.net/woodstore/kitchencart.html)

The second site is a pay for plan but it has a great photo you may be able to work from.

Ian () Robertson
"We do good turns every day"

[This message has been edited by (edited 24 August 1999).]

27th August 1999, 12:33 AM
Steven try:
www3.nf.sympatico.ca/jim.barry/freeplansprojects.htm#ALPHA-B (http://www3.nf.sympatico.ca/jim.barry/freeplansprojects.htm#ALPHA-B)

Should keep you busy for awhile!!

[This message has been edited by Grand Poobah (edited 27 August 1999).]