View Full Version : Cypress Advice Needed

15th July 2008, 11:54 PM
Hi all,

Tomorrow, I am having some trees cut down... One is a Cyprus all dark green much like a christmas tree about 6 m tall and 300mm across at the base ...it was a pot plant but was planted in the garden too close to the power lines. If I want to use it for wood turning, what should I do with it?

Cut into lengths and seal the ends,

Slab it

Quarter or halve it

Turn up some bowl blanks green and allow it to season

Advice greatly appreciated.



Rum Pig
16th July 2008, 08:52 AM
Hi Chipman

First let me say I'm no expert but I will tell you what I think I know:rolleyes:
The most important thing is to seal the end grain as quick as possible.
I cut the tree into manageable size logs and paint the end grain on site if possible. Then when I get home I look at the logs and see what I might wont to do with them if they are small I leave them if they are big and can see a big bowl or two I split them in two,
I would then leave them as half logs until you were getting close to using them that way if some end cracks appear you can cut them out.
It may vary depending on the environment were you live if it is dry then they will crack quickly but if it is humid they should be a bit slower as for how Cypress will go I cant say as I have never chop one down but I do treat all logs the same.

I hope this helps a little:)
good luck:2tsup:

16th July 2008, 09:00 AM
Hi Chipman

First let me say I'm no expert but I will tell you what I think I know:rolleyes:

I hope this helps a little:)
good luck:2tsup:

That is a lot more than me! :2tsup:

Thanks for the advice


16th July 2008, 09:35 AM
I agree with RP. I might add, that when you cut them down the center, that you take out an inch or two in the center... the pith... because that will cause more cracks than anything. When you paint the ends, let the paint come up the sides for 3 or 4 cm, It'll help the drying process slow down abit so the moisture will remain more equally distributed during the drying process.

16th July 2008, 06:43 PM
I have never got my hands on any cypress other than floor boards. I would be doing as the others have said and treat it like any other green timber. Has to dry better than sheoak.
If you have some to spare experiment turning green and other seasoning methods. I made a few pens from board offcuts and cypress can look good if you search out the interesting bits.


16th July 2008, 07:27 PM
Hi all,

I am appreciating the advice... Had a call from the tree loppers, won't be here until Monday now but the advice is good



16th July 2008, 08:19 PM
Good advice from the others.

Here is a pictoral version.
I did this for a friend who was cutting up a very large mango tree and saving some wood for me.

This is purely for bowl turning timber - for spindles etc. then it can be processed more into square planks or whatever.

I use melted paraffin wax to paint the ends (needs to be very hot to properly soak in and adhere).

I have found it takes too long for large, thick slabs to dry and tends to crack and spalt too much so I always prefer to rough turn bigger bowls.

Hope it helps.

Good luck!

Sawdust Maker
16th July 2008, 09:38 PM
That's good

I got some cyprus last year, scrounged some locally from side of road and got some from a friend in Canberra. did what the experts suggested, but for some reason didn't seal all of it. Have had very little splitting, unlike the blue gum which splits just by looking at it

Did a couple of wet bowls, nice grain the bowls are very light (in weight). Actually could probably finish them off soon. Beauty, must get into the shed
Also cut a couple of pen blanks from old floor boards - could be interesting

16th July 2008, 10:10 PM
Cyprus is pretty good, doesn't split much

16th July 2008, 11:58 PM
Thanks caveman...the diagram is very helpful:2tsup:

Thanks echnida:)

If I stuff up now it will be my own silly fault!


17th July 2008, 06:14 PM
I have turned quite a few bowls from cypress and think it is pretty good . Treat as others have said . I am roughing some green bowls from goldern cypress now .