View Full Version : New member looking for pattern/plans

19th July 2008, 03:36 AM

My dh has agreed to build me a embroidery floor frame for my cross stitching, if I can find a set of plans for one.

Can anyone help me? I have searched the internet, and can get him a ton of pictures but no plans, or where I could even purchase a plan for this.

Any help would be appreciated with this. I am looking for either a floor stand type that can rotate so I can work on the front or back of my cross stitch, or a lap stand pattern.

Thank you all in advance.


Wild Dingo
21st July 2008, 01:18 AM
First welcome Colleen :2tsup:

I hope this isnt the only post you intend making here... now about the stand thing your chasing I know someone here sent me some drawings he did of the one he made his missus although something makes me think it was for tapestry but it may have been for cross stich... anyway I have started making it for my soon to be ex's hobby of quilting.

If your interested maybe he will chime in but Im sure he wont mind too much if I onsend them to you if you want?

21st July 2008, 03:05 AM
Yes please, and thank you. would love to have a pattern for that stand.

Thank you very much.

[email protected]:D

21st July 2008, 07:09 AM
G'day Colleen and welcome to the fray!:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup: