View Full Version : Opportunity for the sketchup manics among yous mob!

Wild Dingo
4th August 2008, 08:56 PM
Please dont ask me to do sketchup myself!! I have tried so many damned times my mind just freezes and farts and thats that... and for this one I really dont want to leave it for my own imagination okay? So Im asking you mob to step up to the opportunity and challenge to create something...

You up for it??? MMMMM???

Okay... here we go... I will try not to double up with the thread I stuck up in general woodwork but probably will so some brave moderator will probably zap that one and leave this one alone :;

Okay so what Ive now got as a table saw is one of the 10in Contractor's Saw - MJ-2325 I bought way back... which has been stuck in a corner of the shed for many moons now and is covered in a lovely patina of rust red so much sanding with the old wet and dry for me while your all hard at it with the challenge opportunity to flex your sketchup muscles :2tsup:

So this is a pic of Timbecons site of the machine in question


Now several problems now present themselves as to why this setup will no longer work
1) The wings are no where to be found... god knows whats happened to them but theyre not in the shed
2) The stand is wonkey as all buggary. (thats the black part thin metal thing)

So given that its got this brand new 10in SHARP blade that will be whirrin around at god alone knows what speed I need the thing STABLE!... thats the FIRST clue to the new table needs... next its too narrow as it is so I need wings to this end Ive scored a couple of sheets of 1in chipboard for that purpose... thats the second clue... The thing has its motor sitting out the back held on and raised and lowered by a belt so this has to be given due consideration... thats the third clue... I want this one to be mobile so to that end Ive found I still have a couple of mobile base kits sitting up on the cupboard out there so thats clue number 4... Id like it made so that cupboards can be fitted to either side clue number 5 and Id also like to incorporate a router fitment out the way and to one side thats clue number 6...

Ohhh and forget the damned fence that comes with it and the blurb that says its brilliant its not its a POS... BUT!! I do have one of those Beisemyer type ones that I intend to use so thats clue number 7...

How we going? Ideas flowing??

Okay have scored the chipboard for the top (intention is to make it then paint it then varnish it so its smoooooooooth...) Ive also got a fair amount of 1x1 and 4x2 RHS and a mig which Im not afraid to use I will give you the drum! Any opportunity to give that thing a run for its money Im up for... Ive also got a fair bit of timber just laying around that I could cut to size with the SMS or circular saw... so choice of material is up to you as to which would be most stable.

Okay will take some measurements and photos and post them just thought to get you mob started :2tsup:


Wild Dingo
4th August 2008, 09:27 PM
Okay measurements

Remember! This is the TOP section ONLY

Right... the top itself is 510cm wide x 680.5cm long x 40cm thick (20in x 27in x 1 1/2in)

The body is setback 190cm from the front of the top

The body measures 490.5cm wide x 290cm high (19 1/2in x 11 1/2in)

The wheel on the side (blade angle) sits out from the side of the machine by 105cm (6in) to the end of the handle part and 75cm (3in)

The motor hangs... 302cm (12 1/2in) out from the body with the blade fully DOWN... the motor hangs 105cm (6in) below the cabinet

The fence... angle front is 1022 long x 20x20... the front rail is 1450 long x 60x30... the rear rail is 1450 long x 30x30 sq tube.

The chipboard I scored is 91 x 1800 x 30

I think thats the measurements you would need... oooh buggar I think Im gonna need the front/rear measurements eh? damn! and the fence proper length too eh? okay edit coming up in a tick! :;

Okay back from the dark cave down the back... so measurements back/front of cabinet 385cm wide x 285cm high... fence proper... 700cm from angle at front (slots in between the angle and rectangle tube) to pin at back (rides on the back rail) its 900 from angle to end of fence... I dont know if its possible to change the locality of the pin and will have a wee gander if I can sometime tomorrow.

Any other measurements you need just let me know

To give an idea of present thinking... Im thinking of running a 4x2 length of RHS across the front of the machine under the overhang of the top... this side on 4in side up (2in gives a 2in thickness) should fit near on perfect I think (but will make sure with a bit of scrap tomorrow) and give serious support to the cast iron top running two lengths along the sides and another across the back... then two more short lengths at each end... thus a steel framework under the entire top... going down... I'll have to check how much of the 4x2 RHS I have hopefully enough to do the entire table... but Im thinking Im going to have to make a framework to sit the cabinet on... maybe not if the top is sittin on the RHS anyway it should be strong enough to hold the cabinet up maybe some wood support under?... okay over to you!!


Wild Dingo
4th August 2008, 09:48 PM
Cheers for the move DJ... you brave buggar you! :; :2tsup:

DJ’s Timber
4th August 2008, 09:52 PM
Cheers for the move DJ... you brave buggar you! :; :2tsup:

No worries Shane :2tsup:

My heart rate is just starting to return to normal now :U

5th August 2008, 09:57 AM
an idea http://www.woodworkforums.com/showpost.php?p=777610&postcount=1

or this http://www.woodworkforums.com/showpost.php?p=464398&postcount=1

Wild Dingo
5th August 2008, 11:38 AM
Cheers wheeling! Hell that second one is a bloody ripper isnt it! :2tsup: mmmm smaller RHS than I have... but lighter stuff on top... mmm thinking cap on head time :;

Okay thinking here... so if I make the frames top and bottom with the 4in x 2in RHS then the uprights of 1in x 1in should be right or what?... mmm might bendy bendy with the weight of the saw cabinet on it eh?

Anyway cheers

6th August 2008, 07:49 AM
Your 1x1 if you have enough double up for strength if wall thickness 3mm if 6mm no wukkers.:2tsup:

Wild Dingo
6th August 2008, 11:58 PM
Yeah I was thinking that mate... I might have to try and scrounge some more up from somewhere... I went out there this arvo and had a quick check of the ready stocks of both... Ive got 6mtrs of the 4x2 AFTER Ive done the camper... not enough will give me the two top rails at 1.8mtrs and the two end rails at 900 but buggar all for the bottom and none for the uprights... as to the 1x1 Ive got just under 2mtrs of that so maybe just maybe enough for the uprights depending on how I make up the framework.

Will have to have a scrounge methinks :;

Seems the sketchemup hexperts are scared of touching this one eh? :doh: :U Pussies! :q

No wukkers am starting to hand draw a thinkitwillwork sketch or two... got me young boilermaker ex army nephew coming down this weekend to do the camper subframe so will have to pull my finga out and get the steel orjanamized so he can do this as well eh!! :2tsup: Well he aint comin down here to sit on his date drinkin me booze an eatin me tucker WITHOUT doin somethin to earn his keep by gar!! :~ Mind you he will probably pike out on it once he realizes that hes gonna be workin cant stand workin that bloke :roll: but so far Ive kept it a secret from him so never know he may well rock up and if he doesnt so what? I'll just flamin well do it meownself eh!! :2tsup:


But strewth I thought these sketchemup hexperts were into a challenge... flamin pussies! :doh: :q