View Full Version : G'day

7th August 2008, 10:25 AM
Hello fellow sawdust makers,
I stumbled on this site whilst looking for a plan for a toy garage and to my supprise found one. I have now been searchinfg for the guy who posted the plans on the site but I do not know how to contact him. (I will learn in time) So if you are out there Wombat, please drop me a line . I would like you to send me the high definition plans for your splendid looking toy garage.
Thank You in anticipation,


Claw Hama
7th August 2008, 02:19 PM
Tomok, you should be able to go to the member list find Wombat and send him a private message. Good luck.

7th August 2008, 02:31 PM
Thanks, I have found him now and been in touch


7th August 2008, 02:48 PM
Welcome to the site Tomok. Plenty of info and ideas here :)

7th August 2008, 07:22 PM
G'day Tomok! welcome along after your fortuitous stumble.:):):)
Make sur to participate and enjoy.