View Full Version : G'day from rural Tasmania

The Caveman
9th August 2008, 11:21 AM
It's amazing what you find in the internet when you're on the scrounge for new gear.

Terrific forum, broad interest groups and tonnes of info.

Bit about me...

Live in Northern Tas - between Devonport and Launceston on a rural property.
Fly fishing addict, rod building, furniture and cabinet making hobby and have a deep fascination for Tasmanian timbers.

Live amongst blackwood, sassafras, Tas oak / Vic ash, myrtle and leatherwood trees. No better place to be than near the resource. :2tsup:

Converted my garage to a workshop a few years ago, enjoy the peace and solitude out there turning up reel seat inserts for my fly rods and making small to medium projects for the home and as gifts.

Have a partcular knack for micro wood turning and finishing, mostly fishing related (tiger myrtle handles for fly reels, etc...)

Cheers from "not so tropical" Tassie.


9th August 2008, 11:50 AM
G'day Corey,

Welcome to the forums :2tsup:

It sounds like you live in a great part of Tassie surrounded by.... :D:D:D (now I am going a bit green with envy but seriously nice species of wood...just love tiger myrtle)

Yes, this is a good place to be on these forums and don't forget, we love pictures...of your shed, your work, fishing anything at all!



Claw Hama
9th August 2008, 12:10 PM
Yes, exactly what the Chipman said, mmmmm....Tasie wood, almost better than sex.:wub:

9th August 2008, 03:13 PM
Welcome Corey, nice part of the world where you live. Spent 6 months around Devenport many years ago.

9th August 2008, 04:10 PM
Welcome Caveman, u & i are almost neighbours! I'm not far from Deloraine, up in the mountains also surrounded by some lovely timbers. I love my fishing too tho didn't do much this year as i found myself a new hobby, this!. lol. I'm just in the process of converting my shed to woodworking.

10th August 2008, 09:14 PM
G'day corey and welcome aboard.:):):2tsup:

A nice part of the planet to live.

The Caveman
11th August 2008, 11:41 PM
Thanks for the welcome gents.

Rattrap, yup - not far at all. Spend a bit of time out your ways on the rivers, also out collecting odds and sodds from the sawmills around you.

I'm on the hunt for a new bandsaw, will post up a question or 7 in the respective sections to get some feedback.

Looks to be a sensational site, didn't even expect to find a forum after running a GOOGLE search for machinery reviews.

12th August 2008, 08:59 AM
I think you're gonna love it here Caveman, great bunch of people with loads of talent who are more than happy to share their knowledge.
The Meander river is 1 of my favourite haunts when i get urge to fish, as is the lakes on the central plato.
As for bandsaws, theres an entire section set aside to them here. I've had my eye on the carba-tec 17" bandsaw for a while now, just a matter of balancing my funds.