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Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 01:52 PM
Okay now I gots yer attention old fella :; I gots a couple of questions for you

So got up bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning... feeling right chuffed for some reason... anyway after a look through the paper checkin jobs out and then spending an hour or two applying on line I thought buggar it time to do stuff in the shed

Being a beautiful day and all I thought yeah!! CAMPER SUBFRAME MAKIN TIME!! :2tsup:

So I got the stands out and setup then got the 4in x 2in RHS out and did a bit of measuring and found I had got the factory to cut the cross members too flamin small :doh: so having had to buy 8 flamin meters of the stuff I thought no biggie will just cut some more

So without any further ado for this first post I will show whats what so far... questions WILL COME I assure you... just bare with me cause I gotta tell me yarn while Im doin this caper (havent told a yarn for a good long while so be good therapy for me! :;

Anyway to the pictures (damned cameras batterys dead again)

1) The camper (on a nice slope so it appears level just for you!)
2) The camper itsownself
3) The stupid pathetic tow hitch (this thing scares the crap out of me thin ally and a loose lever action :o )
4) the thin ally tow arms

Okay more to come hang tight for a tic!!

Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 02:00 PM
Okay more info...

So Ive cut some new cross members but since Im not sure yet just how long I want the tow hitch members I havent cut any more just wanted to show this far and see what you reckon

REMEMBER THIS CAMPER IS LIGHT WEIGHT!!... mmm probly should go check the weight eh?... okay after this

So here it is on the table

1) From the doorway
2) With the axle dry fitted in the CENTRE of the frame work
3) This shows the distance Im going to have from frame to hub
4) 6in either side should be enough for the Prado wheels Im putting on her?
5) The tow hitch lengths up in the rafters theyre 2.4mtrs or there abouts long Im sorta thinking 1.8mtrs so the arm can go back across both the front cross member AND the side members thus giving it double support right?

Okay on this post starts the questions

1) Is 6in distance from the frame to the hub sufficient or too much or okay?

Next post more questions...

Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 02:15 PM
Okay onwards and upwards tally ho and all that gumph :2tsup:

So the next series of pics show

The axle and springs moved back from what is the centre of this subframe to the position that they are on the trailer NOW

Now some info before questions okay? NO WUKKERS!!

So Ive measured the locations from the actual setup ON the existing trailer these measurements are INSIDE the back and front cross members as I will leave them on the trailer as they have the plates and connectors on them... so overall length is 79inches... from the front to the centre of hub is 49 1/2inches... from the hub centre to the back is 29 1/2in and there is another 17 1/2in in the dismountable kitchen that taks on the back

So given that... overal from front to back of the trailer including kitchen its 97in... the back of kitchen to the EXISTING hub is 47inches and the front of the trailer to the hub is 49 1/2inches... a difference of 2 1/2inches between the front and back from the hub centre... and the width is 4ft exactly this will be the new subframe width the old one is quite simply rather weird (3 lengthwise thin ally C channel connect to front and back thin ally C channel... weird :roll: )


1) Do I need to cut at least one centre cross member?
2) Are the four triangle peices enough support given the location of the axle once setup in this posts location?
3) What is an optimum length for the two tow hitch members?
4) The 6in space from the side to the hub is allowable or must I go change the ruddy axle for a shorter one? Damned if I want to as this way the tyre will be OUTSIDE the camper which is WAY BEDDERAH in my book!... and I can then add some frame work for jerry cans and such :2tsup:
5) Im planning on fabricating a couple of wheel arches from ally (is that upta scratch or must they be steel?

ahem... as I havent yet started welding I thought it might be sorta along the lines of smartish to actually ask some buggar instead of just going hell for leather and mucking up... as usual :doh:

Any other info you reckon I need to know just say so... I can take it... I think? maybe? anyway post away mate...

Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 02:19 PM
oooh the weight!

250Kg TARE
450Kg Gross

No Aggregate just those two... mmm and interestingly not on the tow hitch members but on plates attached to the front cross member... mmm and I THINK I maybe could have but might not have noticed that it has the damned stupid 10in tyre size engraved on the thing as well... DAMN!!! Flamin pommy gits! :~ :q oh well will just have to do a fine job and take it to the ruddy licensing centre and get an upgrade on it

OH! And the reasoning for changing the subframe and wheels?... well the tow hitch itself is bloody obvious its a POS... but the others? Well I wouldnt take this trailer as it is ANYWHERE as it is!! just in and out of the shed... Intention is to take it camping off road at Christmas with the nippers and as it is it wouldnt go up the Wellington dam roads without falling apart at the seems... so beef her up Shane beef her up!! :2tsup:

Anyway there we are at present... hopefully you or someone else will let me know the answers BEFORE I get antsy and go weld the thing up!! :roll:


Oh and it will have the same Landcruiser Prado rims and tyres as the Prado has when done this should mean the camper will actually sit level with the Prado when travelling instead of the present scaping its kitchen along the road... not good eh :no:

Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 02:33 PM
Tap tap tap... come on yer dopey git!! get yer finga out migs sittin there waitin screamin yellin coooeeeeeeeeeing all over the shed to start!! Im tempted Im BADLY tempted to just go for broke!! :C

tum te tum tiddle te dum diddle de mmmmmm okay gonna go do somethin!!... nah will wait a bit weld up will be tomorrow... or maybe this arvo??

Im in the mood to bang crash burn an weld somethin!! :U

9th August 2008, 02:53 PM
Hopefully Dingo, he's up to his armpts welding up my Dusty enclosure, so if the be the case then you'll just have to wait to cotton picking' turn. :D

And besides I like to have a perv at what you're up to.:2tsup:

9th August 2008, 03:29 PM
OK, having just sat down for some lunch, I thought, 'I'll just log on and have a look..'

...Crikey!! You don't muck around do ya Dingo??:o

Firstly, Waldo. Yes, yours is coming along.:D Won't be long now.:2tsup:

Now, Dingo.

a) That coupling is a pressed steel, German made (Al-Ko) coupling that's rated to 750Kg. It's a good little coupling if you're not carrying over that weight. If you feel you need to change it, by all means go ahead. Keep the other one though, great for a tinny trailer.

b) The distance from the chassis to the hub face (where the wheel bolts up) is determined by the offset of the wheel and tyre combo. Grab one of your wheels and run a measuring stick from the inside face where the wheel meets the hub, to the inside wall of the tyre. If this is 4-1/2 inches or less, we're in business. 4-1/2 to 5 inches will be very close, and any more than that will need a longer axle.

c) Not a bad chassis design... considering the size of the bloody chassis material!! Couldn't you get any bigger??:;
I think you'd get away with not having any other cross beams.

d) The minimum you want is a 4 foot drawbar from the front of the body to the towball. More ideal is closer to 5 foot.

e) Mudguards can be made from whatever you like. The reg's only state that they must cover the tyres, not what they're made from.

f) I didn't tell you this, but you could, in theory, get another V.I.N. plate, copy all the details from the old one and put the new rim & tyre size.

However, the rim & tyre specs on the VIN plate are a minimum. The reg's say you can go bigger, but not smaller.:no:

OK, that should do you for now.

Back to Waldo's job...:2tsup:

Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 03:46 PM
Hang on a tick dont go runnin of so flamin fast yer wombat!! :doh: Strewth dontcha know a blokes GOTTA KNOW???

Okay so Ive been sorta upta no good as I said I would if you didnt hurry along... anyway

1) ahem... Ive cut a centre cross member :B
2) here you can see how the draw bar will sit on the framework. the draw bar is 1.2mtrs from front of chassis to the end of the two bars (where they join) once plate is cut and fabricated Im guessing another 10cm might be gained so all up 1.3mtrs... as you can see Ive taken the bars back over both front and side rails and it sets back 17in from the front (maybe I can snuffle another couple of inches by bringing it forward a few to make up the 1.4mtrs?)
3) Another angle
4) The meatier tow hitch
5) sitting on the 1/4in plate that will make its seat
6) Nice eh?

Why did I go so beafy? Well the next post will show you what I based it on :;

Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 03:55 PM
The prototype Im following... sorta... a little bit... you know grab an idea here grab an idea there that sorta thing :2tsup: oooh and that cage? that was me first ever welding job with a mig! And its got some SERIOUS BEEFED UP GATES!!... dropped one of the first ones I made half way between Perth and Kalgoorlie when we drove up to pick up the daughters gear a fair few months back... so made some new ubeaut ones... 80 times BEEFIER they are NOT going anywheres!! :2tsup:

8x5 tandem... the drawbar is where I got the idea for the 4x2 frame... DAMN! Nothin aint gonna shake this buggar apart by the time Im done! :2tsup:

Although I am less than impressed with the connections short peices of metal welded to both the draw bar and the body of the trailer!... weird eh? Im buggared if I know about yous mob that fabricate trailers for a living :roll: BEEF EM UP I SAY!! :2tsup:

Mind you this thing is well over 15 years old and has had a hard life and what with my own changes to her since I got her shes had it tuff and shes still going strong... maybe its just me? :doh:

Just wait till I start on me saw table!!! :o gonna find and have 8x4 steel goin every whichaway!! god I do like heavy duty stuff :U

Okay gonna buggar of into the sea tainer and check the size of the offsets of the rim/tyres

9th August 2008, 04:02 PM
Looking good!

There's a difference between those that make them for a living, and those that do them properly!!:;

Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 04:12 PM
Okay... seems Im now NOT a happy camper :C ...The offset is... 6 1/2in :o

BUT!!! BE AFRAID!! Be VERY afraid... see I have hatched a plan... BUT... a question first

With the bare axle the hub rests right up against the square section right or wrong?... this could maybe make a difference to my said "plan"

So anyways rather than going mental trying to find the sodding reciept which could be flamin well ANYWHERE!!... so I can swap the axle Im thinking go ahead ANYWAY and just cut the arch away on the sides of the camper!! Why not he says?... where the existing wheel is the arch above it is a void and either side is a storage unit... sooooo Im thinking cut the arch away see if thats enough room if so fabricate a wheel arch and whalla bobs yer uncle... if not then cut some more away and even if I cut into the storage bins it doesnt matter a hell of a lot I'll just cut and bung some new ends in and if that doesnt work... well... well then... then I will just have to come up with plan C thats all :;

Given the serious increase in height offered by the 4x2 frame and the new springs Im thinking its going to come close anyway with just a bit of cutting of the sides and some wheel arches it should maybe do the trick?... damned if I know but hell its a barrel of fun getting this far!! :2tsup:

Anyway I will go ahead and get this part done to the axle fitting then see whats what eh? Sounds the go right?? RIGHT??? gawd flamin Waldo and his silly "unimportant" little cyclone thingy :roll: strewth dont fellas know when a blokes on a flamin mission around here or what!! :doh:

Wait my turn??? IT IS MY TURN YER WOMBAT!! :q See hes answerin me aint yer Yonnee me ol mate cobber pal :2tsup:

Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 04:16 PM
I was just thinking... yeah I know dangerous stuff that thinking caper... but I was thinking if and I do say IF it ends up that I have to get another axle what length you reckon I should go for? this ones supposed to be 4ft but isnt so what yer reckon 5ft or 6ft? Yer the hexpert ol son... Im just as likely to go back there and swap it over for another the damned same size!! Yob that I am :doh: :U

oooh and you mentioned a vin plate? Where would one if one was so inclined get one of them plates?

Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 04:20 PM
Strewth... now I gotta wait again :roll: whats an poor wee impatient fella meant to do eh? :C kick back an wait?? :doh: strike me roan... sigh... ah well I will just go ponder me navel out in the shed while I pick me nose waitin :;

Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 04:35 PM
Now I told yer NOT to leave me alone for too long... now look what you got me thinking of doing!!! :o

Sooo Ive hatched plan C... if this dont work I'll bloody well hatch plan D and really muck things up!! :~

So I was thinking... presently as it is the trailer sits 6in above the centre of the hub... now with the new as described above subframe setup it will be 11 inches above the centre of the new hub... SOOOOOO!!! Cause I was left to me own divices I went and did a bit of navel scratchin nose pickin gonand twistin out there in the shed (bein a right sorta Aussie fella I can do that :; ) And I come up with this rip snorter of a plan

So yer reckon this would work? Be parellel with the draw bar before the springs but thats cool right?... but it would give me 15 inches from the base of the camper to the centre of the hub!!! :2tsup: Of course it will need some straps from the subframe to the new spring 4x2 but thats cool gots some 1/4in and 1/2in steel strappin out there no worries a bit more welding a bit more antsin around but still it would work... wouldnt it???

Now Ive done the centre cross member which apparently I didnt need I reckon leave that buggar in and take out the two front angle peices and weld them where you see it here in plan C... I was also thinking of maybe running some more across from side to side you know in the middle of these new bits? Give it some side to side bracing Im thinking since with the strapping it would have vertical bracing maybe it will need side to side?... mmmm time to shoot out there again rub me eyesockets scratch me noggin lick me lips and think of plan D :roll: :;

mmmm else just kick back give it a miss for the day and crack a beer? well its past beer oclock!! Saturday session starts at 12 midday dont it?... sigh and I was hoping to get something done today too... flamin Waldo :p

Come on Yonnee!! Before I come up with plan D E F AND BLOODY G!!! :no: :U

9th August 2008, 05:42 PM
How's the navel lookin' like Dingo. The trailer's lookin good. It's ah ard thing when you want to go like the clappers but it's the thinking stuff that slows you down and has you scratching your head. :;

Should've grabbed a beer a while back and sat down for the show. :2tsup: But I'm pondering and thinking how to best cut up a cube of spotted gum plank by plank to get the best cut out of it - near 400 cuts, it's taking me ages of thinking.

Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 06:00 PM
:D yeah mate your right... a fella just has to learn that sometimes others just have other things they MUST do :roll:

Ahh well I think the niceish weather has about gone for today ...gettting over cast and cloudy again probably RAIN soon... friggin winter sucks in my book :~

Then again IF one was sorta half smart or at least had half a brain one WOULD HAVE got power on in the shed years ago wouldnt one?... yes indeed one would!! But did one? NO ONE DIDNT!!... flamin dopey galah! :doh:

oh well wont be long and I will sell it and move over to Eaton and THEN I WILL HAVE a powered shed workshop double garage WHATEVER!! Its gonna have flamin power IN THERE... damned nuisance this running extention leads every time a bloke wants to do something :roll:

So I went back out there anyways... did a bit of navel gazing wandered around looking for something to do couldnt find anything that contained me imagination for more than a few ticks... EXCEPT the mig who was bellyaching something shocking calling me all sorts of names!! Gawd shes a fowl mouthed thing is that mig! the lingo that comes out of her sometimes enough to make a warf rat blush it would!! :B

So I wandered around decided to mark everything so did that now everythings numbered named and marked as to location ends lengths etc... then I thought mmmmm okay... so I arced up the grinder again and cleaned all the blue snot of the ends that were going to be welded and a small area on the reverse side for the power clip thingy bit you know? earth maybe? whatever!! That thing... did it all set it up again... muttered and mumbled something about inconsiderate cyclone thingys belonging to Waldo the wombat over east swore at Yonnee again for givin in to you instead of doing the right thing by me... then thought buggar it all... and shut up shop for the day opened me first coldie and now will kick back and wait for Yonnee to quit buggarisin around and get to work helping me :2tsup:

Nah mate not sayin as your cyclone dohicky isnt important it is... to you... just isnt to me thats all... Im an impatient sorta buggar mate sorry just me I guess so I tend to rant and rave and womble an such when someones just muckin about with something that really has NOTHING to do with TRAILERS!!

THIS IS A TRAILER Waldo!! Cyclones come second in this section to TRAILERS... so mate in all fairness to the forum Neil me and Yonnee you really should have said "No worries Yonnee mate Shanes doin a trailer far more important than my cyclone you know being as this is the TRAILER section you know? Cool I will just kick back have a beer and watch what happens okay? Okay cheers mate" But did you? NOOOOOO you didnt :~ ...hows that saying go? Oh right "Everybody loves Waldo" :q :;

Strewth Im bloody bored here!! Come on Yonnee mate how flamin longs it take to solder up a wee cyclone thingy? Strike me roan thank god Im doin this job never see it done at this rate :roll: :U

Seriously I have this rule you know... once a beer is opened thats it for the day... shut up shop walk away and hope tomorrows a fine good day... no point in spoilin a good beer with work even if its a hoot of fun sorta work

Wild Dingo
9th August 2008, 09:20 PM
mmmm methinks yon Yonnee has gone to the pub :; maybe your cyclone was too much for the wee chappie eh! :U

9th August 2008, 09:44 PM
... THIS IS A TRAILER Waldo!! Cyclones come second in this section to TRAILERS... so mate in all fairness to the forum Neil me and Yonnee you really should have said "No worries Yonnee mate Shanes doin a trailer far more important than my cyclone you know being as this is the TRAILER section you know? Cool I will just kick back have a beer and watch what happens okay? Okay cheers mate" But did you? NOOOOOO you didnt :~ ...hows that saying go? Oh right "Everybody loves Waldo" :q :;


I love ya Dingo mate, I do :inlove: Should've flown you over here to Antartica for a beer or two as my drinking neighbour mate didn't show up as he had to look after the rugrats. :doh:

Trailers are up there mate, without them you can't lug stuff from C/tec and other places can you now? See, I know they're important. My SWMBO would probably agree, get on with the trailer and forget these little projects that take up money :innocent:

So Dingo, with some luck that Yonnee bloke will pop his peeprs in here and see that you're pulling the hair out going balder by the minute as this trailer sits waiting for it's shoes to be put on and that mig sits impatiently waiting to be fired up and used in anger.

In the meantime enjoy a few more :drink2:


Wild Dingo
10th August 2008, 11:32 AM
Well... seems Yonnee has a life :roll: Gotta get me one of them things :q

Anyways... since its 8.30am Sundy Im guessin the youngster is out muckin about with whatever... blasted younguns always muckin about an leavin us old farts to wait upon them :doh:

Oh well... as its fine outside and Ive got a few hours free and the steels waiting and the migs itchin to roar into life... I guess I better...

go mow the lawns eh :no:

Mind you Waldo ol son IF your just down the road from the young fella you could always go over there and drop kick the buggar out of bed couldnt you??? mmmm???... sigh... nah? ah well better go to the shed and see what the migs doing can hear some almighty crashin an swearin goin on... dont think shes happy somehow :C

Onwards and upwards as they say! :2tsup:

10th August 2008, 04:43 PM
Jee's, can't a bloke have a Sunday mornin' sleep-in:no:?

Between the yellin' from the other side of the country, and rocks bein' chucked on the roof from Waldo's place..:bricks:

So, where are we at?? Too much head scratchin' me thinks. Looks like you've got it under control though. Time to fire that Mig mistress up:2tsup:

Problem!!! If your axle is too short for the 6-1/2" offset, then adding to the ride height aint gonna change it. You either need to narrow the chassis, or lengthen the axle.

Wild Dingo
10th August 2008, 07:46 PM
Well.. I'll be buggared it lives!!! :U :U :q

Narrow the chassis??? How pray tell does one do such a thing?... I mean the camper is ONE SIZE (ie 4ft wide) and mmmm well I guess I could make the width of the subframe less but cant for the life of me see what difference that will make... so unless I cut out the side where the wheel presently sits (as in the covered wheel arch) and make it open so the tyre sits inside that thing... or I TRY to find the sodding reciept for the axle and swap it... Im nakkered right??

mmmm methinks this wee few bits of steel will soon become a table saw table :doh:

ah well if such be the case I'll just sell the damned camper and be done... can always by anothery down the track I guess... sigh


10th August 2008, 08:17 PM
Awwww C'mon, it can't be all that bad...

Let's take stock of where we're at. Can you give me a few measurements??

1) Length of the axle, tip to tip.

2) Chassis width of the old camper, or inside wheel arch to inside wheel arch.

I'm thinking along plan G, changing wheels.

Wild Dingo
10th August 2008, 11:34 PM
Okay will get the measurements tomorrow am... so INSIDE the wheel arch? I'll get the width height and depth as well eh?

Changing tyres? As in blow out or changing down a couple of sizes? got some old Mitsy Sigma wheels out there not sure if I can get off road tyres to fit possible I guess but theyre smaller than the Prado ones... probably have to change the hubs though :doh:

No worries Plan G it is :2tsup:


10th August 2008, 11:54 PM
Changing tyres? As in blow out or changing down a couple of sizes? got some old Mitsy Sigma wheels out there not sure if I can get off road tyres to fit possible I guess but theyre smaller than the Prado ones... probably have to change the hubs though :doh:

No worries Plan G it is :2tsup:


Changing as in getting a couple of early Landcruiser split rims. Yer won't have to change hubs, they should be pretty easy to get, and the offset will suit your existing axle.

11th August 2008, 11:19 AM
:doh::no: Shane tell me you didn't re this post http://www.woodworkforums.com/showpost.php?p=784402&postcount=8

Tell me you didn't weld the draw hitch plate to the wrong side :oo: :D:p:roll::;

11th August 2008, 11:46 AM

curious to know what wall thickness the 4 x 2 is?

Just built a car trailer 6m long and used 75 x 50 x 3mm for frame and 100x50 x3mm for drawbar.

Wild Dingo
11th August 2008, 12:10 PM
Wheelin mate... I havent welded a thing yet!! Ive been waitin on yon Yonnee!! :2tsup:

I dont know the wall thickness wonka... will take that measurement when I get the others no worries.

split rims Yonnee?... mmmm interesting concept :;

Okay back to the work hunting... will get the measurements when Ive had a gutful of being told "yer too old" "youve got the wrong license" "we dont need anyone yet" "I told you last Friday we dont have any work" "The mining game will pick up in 2... 4... 6 weeks" etc etc etc... its totally phissin me off now I can tell you for a fact! :~

But well responsibilities dictate and all that... later fellas!

Wild Dingo
11th August 2008, 12:56 PM
Okay decided to hell with it and went out and took those measurements

1) Length of axle tip to tip including the thread: 1.650 mtrs

2) Inside wheel arch to inside wheel arch: 820cm

3) Wheel arch: 200cm wide x 190cm high x 490cm long

4) Steel thickness: 3mm

I think thats all that was needed? will run back and check and if need be go out and do whatever else is needed... okay that was all that was asked for so Im right now

Another thing I think worth mentioning Yonnee is that although those are the measurements for the wheel arches either side of them is a storage box... so given that it would be an EASY thing to cut and fit another wheel arch end to the boxes either side it could theoretically be as long as you wish and for that matter as wide as I could EASILY cut some of the side away and cover that with the wheel cover dohickies the name of which is eluding me right now you know the dopey thing I asked about before goes on the outside and over the wheel??

Damn I hate these blonde moments must be all the damned white hair Im getting supposed to be wisdom but buggared if I know!!

Anyway onwards and upwards... between tryin to be on good terms with her and keepin nippers smiling and my head above water and tryin to find work to pay the bills and feed... and now this a mans gotta be right insane I reckon :U But it do keep life innnerestin eh!


11th August 2008, 04:47 PM

you may find this link handy for working out axle length etc


11th August 2008, 04:54 PM

curious to know what wall thickness the 4 x 2 is?

Just built a car trailer 6m long and used 75 x 50 x 3mm for frame and 100x50 x3mm for drawbar.

Hey Wonka, and Welcome!!

What are you going to carry on this being 6M long?? Is that the tray length or the overall?

What weight are you / have you registered it to carry?

And also...:worthless: Start your own thread and show us some photos. Even if you haven't got any of the build, some finished ones will do.

11th August 2008, 05:09 PM
Okay decided to hell with it and went out and took those measurements

1) Length of axle tip to tip including the thread: 1.650 mtrs

2) Inside wheel arch to inside wheel arch: 820cm

3) Wheel arch: 200cm wide x 190cm high x 490cm long

4) Steel thickness: 3mm

I think thats all that was needed? will run back and check and if need be go out and do whatever else is needed... okay that was all that was asked for so Im right now

Another thing I think worth mentioning Yonnee is that although those are the measurements for the wheel arches either side of them is a storage box... so given that it would be an EASY thing to cut and fit another wheel arch end to the boxes either side it could theoretically be as long as you wish and for that matter as wide as I could EASILY cut some of the side away and cover that with the wheel cover dohickies the name of which is eluding me right now you know the dopey thing I asked about before goes on the outside and over the wheel??

Damn I hate these blonde moments must be all the damned white hair Im getting supposed to be wisdom but buggared if I know!!

Anyway onwards and upwards... between tryin to be on good terms with her and keepin nippers smiling and my head above water and tryin to find work to pay the bills and feed... and now this a mans gotta be right insane I reckon :U But it do keep life innnerestin eh!


That sucks bein' outta work!! I feel for ya buddy.

One more measurement... the chassis you're putting together. Is that the same 820mm as the wheel arches?

How wide is the camper overall?? From those measurements you've given me, I calculate the whole camper's only 4' (1220mm) wide!!???

Or is this the case and you were planning on having the wheels on the outside?

11th August 2008, 05:23 PM
That axle you've got is to suit a 4' wide chassis trailer, but only with a certain range of wheels. I'll check my books when I get home and let you know what wheels.

Yes, split rims. All the early Landcruisers and Hi-lux's had narrow split rims. The beauty bein' that you can change a tyre on the side of the road with a couple of tools, whereas all the one piece rims require you to break the sealing bead first, and then lever the b'jesus out of it to get it off the rim.

Wild Dingo
11th August 2008, 05:52 PM
mmm yes the camper is 4ft OVERALL WIDTH from outside wheel arch to outside wheel arch... the width of the subframe Im building is in total from outside longitude to outside longitude 4ft...

BUT!!! When I first cut the metal for this thing Id cut 4 lengths at 800cm thinking to make it fit INSIDE between the two wheel arches so an overall width from longitude to longitude of 820cm (including the width of the longitudes) ...and the beauty is that Ive still got them suckers!! They are the angled cross members in the photos! :2tsup:

So presently I can go either way 4ft wide or 820cm wide... either ither no real difference to me as nothings been welded up yet and Ive now got steel cut to fit either length.

HEY!! I just realized by going narrower the drawbar CAN BE longer!! mmmm good thinkin 99 :2tsup: AND!!! another good thing would be that I can leave the damned leveling legs alone and the light connections and such! May have to add a couple of inches to the legs is about all... Hell that would make the whole damned job SOOOO much simpler

As for having the wheels on the outside... either ither again mate its what I thought of when I started with cutting the metal to fit the 4ft parameters... doesnt bother me particularily if theyre inside or outside the body of the camper main target is to RAISE the damned thing level with the Prado so where I go it goes with me!! As I said if need be I can quite simply and easily cut out a wheel arch of larger sizings and it wont affect the camper much at all just loose a bit of the side bins which are small anyway and I tend to carry most things in the prado anyways so I can get to them quickly...

And mainly so it doesnt scrape the kitchen of the back along the way... but then Im working on plan 1b now with regard that thing... but am more concerned with getting this subframe done then worry about the kitchen side of things.

At 4ft wide it may seem small... but once you open it up WOW!!... you have two double beds either side of the camper proper and four smallish storage bins 2 each side with a small mattress that fits along either side top then a walk way through the middle which is where I am planning on storing the freezer cold chest thing I bought while travelling as it slides in there almost perfectly and being tucked away the ice will keep for god knows how long... and with which with a bit of ply slipped in and another 4ft wide matteress thrown on top could make a third double bed... IMAGINE THE FUN THAT COULD BRING!!!... god I really must do something about my bloody imagination eh? :; ...it also comes with a WHOPPING GREAT annexe thing that because some past wally put the zips on one side I now have to work out how to get the sodding things back so theres zips on either side... and I havent yet figured out the jigsaw puzzle of the annex poles... damned poms never like things simple and easy the blighters always make it as bloody confusing as possible those fellas :doh:

The camper itself goes up simple and easy just needed to fabricate some extra small bits of pole so the midsection could join and stay together easy and simple... so the camper works a treat just have to figure the damned annex out is all... but its usable without it... the things light and easily moved about of the landcruiser and with its own kitchen attached life should be easy as... once we figure this side of things out that is!! :q

Work? yeah its the pits at the moment... so far each time Ive scored a good job or lined one up or even that someone else has created for me (thanks again Darren) she has done something to stuff it up :~ So Im stuck down here where theres stuff all work pushing shyte uphill trying to get something that the bank will accept!... but Im a pretty positive bloke most of the time and I know things will change sooner or later... hopefully REALLY SOON!!!... and things will turn good again in that area... just have to make it through thats all and thats the biggest issue I have just now :doh: :C

Anyway how we going here? Am I about ready to arc up the mig or WHAT??? oooh right better see if I can find that damned reciept!!!

WHAHOO!!! got it! No wukkers it was sittin nice an safe in the glove box... so if I have to I can go change whatever needs to be changed :2tsup: Were in business!!!

Oh if the prado wheels wont go on no matter what we try then as I think I said awhile back I have a set of Mitsy Sigma wheels with tyres out near the shed... and due to financial restrictions we will go that way... cant afford another set of rims mate unless theyre freebies... just swap the hubs over for siggy ones and whalla!!... later on when things get better I will hunt up some off road tyres to fit the rims and its all good... two spares for the prado and two spares for the trailer easy as!!

mmmm okay better go check the offsets of those tyres too eh? Back in a tick!!... okay back... the siggy tyres offset is 4in!! (now Im not sure here cause Im measuring from the inside of the rim to the outside of the tyre looking down on the rule so give or take 1/4 - 1/2in I guess would be a good rule to go by but no more than 4 1/2in) The tyres on the rims now are 185/75R14s all in good nick and Ive got 5 of the suckers... smaller than the prado but still should be able to lift it high enough so it travels behind a lot more level eh? Damned well way better than the sodding little 10in wheelbarrow tyres now on the thing!!

Just rang the bearing mob I got everything from and they have the hubs and stuff for the siggy wheels (will take a wheel in and check that 3 1/8th measurement against the hub itself before we go much further) and has no probs swapping them over... so should be right if need be


Wild Dingo
11th August 2008, 06:16 PM
At some point or other I'll get bored shyteless waiting for yon Yonnee to stop friggin around and go out and set the camper up for a bit of a show and tell... maybe even fix the damned annex up... not much of a jigsaw puzzle person though so may have to rope someone else in to do that... but then you will get an idea of the size and whats what with it... probably all sounds a tad small and silly now but its actually quite a handy size and as I said light and simple to move around off the prado even young Josh manhandles the thing without raising a sweat!! :2tsup:

But for now its back to the grind :roll: and weve actually got near on perfect weather for this too :doh: ahhhh well may as well get it right first time as stuff it up and have to start again eh! :2tsup:

Wild Dingo
11th August 2008, 07:03 PM
mmmm been thinking... shame that eh? :roll:

Anyway you reckon the axle is for a 4ft wide trailer? And the trailer is exactly 4ft wide... the length of the axle is 5ft 5in... so thats what 15in extra? or 1ft 3in extra?... divide that by two and its 7 1/2 inches either side right?... mmm soooo??? do I need to go swap the axle over or the hubs?... hubs would be best to my pockets since Id still have to buy another rim for the prado not expensive just a pain since theres 5 siggy wheels out there screaming for something to do :2tsup:

mmm shoulda got the larger damned axle when I started this eh? duuuhhh :doh:

12th August 2008, 03:48 PM
OK... so that the wheels fit outside the 4ft chassis, the axle needs to be longer than 4ft. Hence, the 7-1/2" per side haging out. Different wheels from different cars have different offsets, and this is why all the different legth axles and different measurements required.

Leave the axle... go and swap the hubs for the four stud Sigma's (although they should be cheaper and you should get change... see if they stock VIN plates and see if you can swap the 6 stud hubs for a pair of 4's and a VIN plate).

Leave the chassis at 4ft... the wider the camper, the more stable it is off-road, especially now your raising its centre of gravity. If you left it as narrow as it was, it'll want to tip over alot more easily.

Having 5 wheels ain't so bad either... On short trips, you take one spare, and on longer trips, you can take 2 or 3. And you've still got a couple of back-up spares for the Prado now you're not using them on the camper.

:2tsup::2tsup: So... I think we're ready to weld away. :2tsup::2tsup:

Trim the corners off those diagonal beams before you weld them on, or they'll fill up with rocks and dirt while you're travelling.

Wild Dingo
12th August 2008, 08:25 PM
Okay clarity mate clarity... CLARITY!!

Due to the smaller OFFSETS of the siggy wheels we are going with the size of the pictures ala FULL WIDTH of the camper? NOT the slimline size as in from INSIDE the wheel arch to INSIDE the wheel arch?... and just add some over the tyre thingys? god what are those bloody things called????

And you want me to swap the landcruiser hubs for the siggy hubs AND a VIN plate? (If they have them that is)

No worries... Will do ASAP!!... hopefully tomorrow arvo after WORK!! FLAMIN BOBBY FRIGGIN DAZZLER!! got me a damned fine job fits all the needed criteria and its what I enjoy doin... so breathe Shane BREATHE!!!... lets hope its a laster!! :2tsup:

12th August 2008, 08:39 PM
Okay clarity mate clarity... CLARITY!!

Due to the smaller OFFSETS of the siggy wheels we are going with the size of the pictures ala FULL WIDTH of the camper? NOT the slimline size as in from INSIDE the wheel arch to INSIDE the wheel arch?... and just add some over the tyre thingys? god what are those bloody things called????

and Mudguards...

And you want me to swap the landcruiser hubs for the siggy hubs AND a VIN plate? (If they have them that is)

Again, Yes.

No worries... Will do ASAP!!... hopefully tomorrow arvo after WORK!! FLAMIN BOBBY FRIGGIN DAZZLER!! got me a damned fine job fits all the needed criteria and its what I enjoy doin... so breathe Shane BREATHE!!!... lets hope its a laster!! :2tsup:

BL00DY BEWDY:2tsup: That's great news on the job front! Congrats!!

12th August 2008, 09:25 PM
hopefully tomorrow arvo after WORK!! FLAMIN BOBBY FRIGGIN DAZZLER!! got me a damned fine job fits all the needed criteria and its what I enjoy doin... so breathe Shane BREATHE!!!... lets hope its a laster!! :2tsup:

So old cobber, what's the John Dory - what's the job tell all, we've heard all about the problems, give us a happy ending...

Wild Dingo
13th August 2008, 01:08 AM
Jeremy... mate I had decided to hell with getting my head done in again today and was going to have a day doing the camper for a change of pace... and had just made a cuppa and was making my way out there when the mobile went ballistic in me strides pocket... and since my younger daughter has been using the thing of late she likes to have it on VIBRATE!! and well bein as the thing was in me strides pocket AND vibrating like a demented chook... ahem well lets say I jumped about 9ft straight up grabbed at the thing and yelled into it "WHAT THE FLAMIN HELL DO YER WANT!!" ahem... not a good start you would think eh?... but the bloke on the other end fair phissed himself laughing and spluttered "Shane you want work tomorrow or not? You dont have to of course I just thought well youve been in here every bloody day for the last two weeks that you might just WANT to work? but hey if not well..." "MY FLUCKIN OATH I WANT TO WORK!!! Talk to me!.... ohh who is it? NO! Dont worry bout that tell me where and when and I'll be there"

More laughter then "yeah I thought you might say that mate its Ben from RecruitWest in Bunbury mate Ive got the right job for you start tomorrow 7am driving a water truck pays a bit more than you reckoned you needed for that other thing" "GOOD ONE MATE IM ON MY WAY!" more laughter "yeah okay see you when you get here"

And so with a mad bolt to the Prado arc her up and fair fly into Bunbury a few hours later Im the holder of a spunky new "blue card" at the cost of 100smackers :~ and the owner of a new "RecruitWest Hiviz shirt" which I had to buy for another 40smackers :roll: and the owner of a bloody shyte hot right on the money job!!... pays about as good as it gets down here and half what Id get on the mines so just about dead set right to sort the damned paperwork out... 10 hours a day home every night Sundays off

Ben hadnt had a truck driving job for a HR driver come in for near on a month and this was the first and the first person he called was... ME!!... gotta be bloody happy!! :2tsup:

Job goes for as long as I want it and as long as they want me... he reckons in about 4-6 weeks there will be mine work again so if I want he can then line me up for that caper... but mate I tell you if this position turns out the ducks knuts then I'll just stay put and be there for the kids.

Just got to get through the next 2 weeks then a) the pay will be a full week and b) the tax will be in the bank and the bills will be sorted and I can start to move forward on this asset thing and my life... NO BLOODY WORRIES!!

mmm okay I havent even stepped foot on the site yet but by god no matter what Im plantin me foots an stayin put!! Theyre gonna need a case of anfo an some dets to move my butt cheeks from the cab of that truck I can tell you :;

Of course no doubt a certain person will try certain things to disrupt of cause its demise but NO MATTER what that person may try or do this job is MINE and Im stayin bloody put! That person will just have to get over themselves an sort themselves out so they can do what needs to be done for the kids while Im at work seeing as they dont work... but brother I tell you what Ive done 10 forms of jigs since this arvo when the "Okay everything pans out good hes hired" was given... I think maybe you get the idea IM BLOODY STOKED??? :U

Oh and another good thing?... Yon Yonnee gets a wee break from my incessant yelling screaming banging and demanding his blasted attention!! :doh: :U Now he can get back to a) work and b) finishing Waldos cyclone thing :;


oooh and another AMAZING thing? I passed the D&A phiss test!!! Surprised the blazes outta me since Id had a... couple?... last night and I thought Id fail the buggar but everything came back negative and all clear!! :2tsup:

13th August 2008, 10:38 AM
... Yon Yonnee gets a wee break from my incessant yelling screaming banging and demanding his blasted attention!! :doh: :U Now he can get back to a) work and b) finishing Waldos cyclone thing :;


oooh and another AMAZING thing? I passed the D&A phiss test!!! Surprised the blazes outta me since Id had a... couple?... last night and I thought Id fail the buggar but everything came back negative and all clear!! :2tsup:

G'day Wild Dingo mate,

He's finished it, I'm picking it up this Saturday. :2tsup:

Great news on the job front mate, great news. :2tsup: :woot: (but having to buy the gear to wear is a bit steep)

13th August 2008, 12:20 PM
Really great news, Shane.. I would break open the phiss and sink a few to celebrate for you - but it's only 11 am, so I'll have a cup of tea instead!

13th August 2008, 06:26 PM

quick specs on trailer are 6m long plus 1.45m drawbar 2.45 wide ,weight 750kg gvm 3000kg electric brakes plus breakaway,mainly used for transporting cars,sick of normal car trailer length around 4.5m with car overhanging front or back. I do not have a camera and not sure how to post pics.

you can always cut axle and weld stub axle onto longer 40 or 45mm square steel, this is what we did to get the height lower. In trailer talk this is a overlay axle.

13th August 2008, 09:08 PM
Great thread. One of the best. :2tsup:

Welcome back Shane :D

Good work Yonnee :D

Wild Dingo
13th August 2008, 11:28 PM
you can always cut axle and weld stub axle onto longer 40 or 45mm square steel, this is what we did to get the height lower. In trailer talk this is a overlay axle.

:U :U oooohhhhhhhh god my sides hurt!! :U :U ooooohhhhhhhh jeeeeeeeeez Ive just hit the floor with a heck of a THUD!!! :U :U

Im amazed at your sublime confidence in my abilities there Waldo :2tsup: Mind you lets see what yon Yonnie boyoh has to say about that wee suggestion BEFORE I get antsy an start to cutting the AXLE!!! :o

mmmm better to be safe than sorry methinks... so I'll just swap the hubs over WAY more liable to actually NOT stuff something up that way :; ...sorry Waldo me ol china Im simply NOT THAT GAME!!! :doh:

The new job went well today... not straight truck driving all day which is what the doc reckoned blew my knees out in the first place so a good thing... A bit of time on the truck then over onto the skid steer for a few hours then swung a broom for an hour and then stacked pavers for an hour and then thankfully got the chance to kick back while the other bloke did the same and the day went BEAUTIFULLY!!! same again tomorrow? BLOODY OATH!! :2tsup:

Knees were playin merry havoc when I knocked off but after a hot bath with some epsom salts and the braces on theyre actually not as bad as I thought they would be... soooo maybe I'll get through eh?... fluckit!! even if I have to CRAWL around I WILL get through!! :~


13th August 2008, 11:29 PM

quick specs on trailer are 6m long plus 1.45m drawbar 2.45 wide ,weight 750kg gvm 3000kg electric brakes plus breakaway,mainly used for transporting cars,sick of normal car trailer length around 4.5m with car overhanging front or back. I do not have a camera and not sure how to post pics.

Sounds huge!!
I'm interested to know what axles you've got to get 3 tonne?

Next on my trailer list for myself is a car carrier... after I finish the two I've currently started.

you can always cut axle and weld stub axle onto longer 40 or 45mm square steel, this is what we did to get the height lower. In trailer talk this is a overlay axle.

Shanes current axle will do perfectly now we've decided on the Siggy rims. You're right about the overlay, but it's not something I'd recommend for the home welder. Firstly, only a 3 phase welder will get the heat and penetration required to weld it safely. And secondly, without a jig, it's difficult to get the stubs lined up for correct wheel alignment. Even with the jig, our welders at Al-Ko used to mark which side was welded first as this gave a slight toe-in to the axle.

And Shane... It wasn't Waldo!!

13th August 2008, 11:33 PM
Oh, and awesome news on the job!!!

Sounds like you're as happy as a pig in the proverbial.

Wild Dingo
14th August 2008, 12:27 AM
And Shane... It wasn't Waldo!!

:doh: Well :doh: :doh: I KNEW THAT!! of course I knew that!! yer think Im a dill or sumfink?? :U

Sorry Waldo... just got kinda used to yakkin to you on this thread to Yonnee that when willy wonka pops up I just automatically think "aaah Waldo the wombat!!" and just naturally say Waldo... but yes Wonka it was well spotted young yon Yonnee me laddie well spotted indeed :q :2tsup:

And DEFINANTLY couldnt be happier at the moment :2tsup: well in about an hour I COULD be happier :doh: its cold and damnably lonely in the old bunk just now :C (mmm anyone have any idea how a bloke can score a mail order wench... errr bride? :; Not long time just little time you know? They can sleep at the end of the bed an keep me tootsies warm will do fine... mmm nah wont go ANY further with that thought... bloody imagination!! :~ ) but it wont change anytime soon so this is HAPPY and this is GOOD!! :2tsup:


14th August 2008, 09:34 AM
Great news getting the job Shane between the trailer and that not going to be much time for whine wimin snag's.

:2tsup: The smile on ya dial must be a big'n :D

14th August 2008, 11:30 AM
Sorry Waldo... just got kinda used to yakkin to you on this thread to Yonnee that when willy wonka pops up I just automatically think "aaah Waldo the wombat!!" and just naturally say Waldo... but yes Wonka it was well spotted young yon Yonnee me laddie well spotted indeed :q :2tsup:

Yeah wasn't me ya big galah.

Wild Dingo
15th August 2008, 09:12 PM
Yeah wasn't me ya big galah.

It coulda bin!!! :q

Yonne me yon cobber... I raced home from work today (Did I tell yer that this is one ripsnorter of a job? WELL IT IS!!! :2tsup: ) tore out to the shed snuffled up the hubs and bits and bobs grabbed a Siggy wheel and tore into Bunbury and did the swapperoonie :2tsup: Mind you I didnt think he was gonna since they had started their fridy arvo drinkiepoos and the guy was a tad... shall we say... bleary eyed by the time I got there at 5.15 musta had a few QUICK ONES!! :;

Anyway all the parts are now in and ready to go!!

Sundays lookin the day for start up... maybe tomorrow arvo depends on how much work they have for me tomorrow morning but either way start arcing up the mig this weekend and we will see how we progress... photo graphic evidence to be forthcoming as we go along :;

So first up drag the camper back out and under cover somewhere... might have to bung something up for the duration of construction methinks... then set it all up make sure everythings square and lookin smicky mouse and then GO FOR BROKE!! :2tsup:

Any questions be sure and curtain I WILL ask... note mate... please check in on this thread from time to time on Sunday particularily if you can cheers!!

A campin we will go a campin we will go hahahaha... mmm okay time for another coldie


16th August 2008, 12:40 AM
Awesome stuff!

Did you get the VIN plate too??

OK, will check in from time to time.

16th August 2008, 08:52 AM
Looks like your life is on the up and up, a new job beaut, all the best :2tsup::2tsup:

16th August 2008, 10:39 AM
C'mon Dingo! Pics, pics, pics we need pics.

As much as your posts paint a million pictures and bring an appreciative laugh, we need pics mate. C'mon ya big hairy galah.

If you have to, weld with one hand and take pics with the other. :o

Wild Dingo
16th August 2008, 04:52 PM
C'mon Dingo! Pics, pics, pics we need pics.

As much as your posts paint a million pictures and bring an appreciative laugh, we need pics mate. C'mon ya big hairy galah.

If you have to, weld with one hand and take pics with the other. :o


Okay been floggin around the paddock that is where I work (new development) in a wonderous thumper machine!! (otherwise known as a roller :roll: ) and am finally home again... so will be out there sorting things this arvo while I get the kids into the gardens :; and sorting the house out :U and into welding tomorrow

Gotta pull me finga out since Im heading to Broome again in December for a wedding... got the invite yesty WHAHOOOOOOO!!! :2tsup: so kids to her place and me off on me pat malone for a few weeks in Broome ooooh yeah! :2tsup:

Okay camera is ready batteries charged... mmm gotta work out some sorta gizmo to slip on me arm that has a thingy lead to me gob so I can bite down to take pics eh? :q

Anyway better buggar of and gerrinnait!!


Ps... and hell its bloody remarkable the changes a job makes to a blokes personality I can tell yer!! Smilin happy laughin even good grief I dont know meself no more!! :no: :U

16th August 2008, 10:07 PM
Okay camera is ready batteries charged... mmm gotta work out some sorta gizmo to slip on me arm that has a thingy lead to me gob so I can bite down to take pics eh? :q

Anyway better buggar of and gerrinnait!!


Ps... and hell its bloody remarkable the changes a job makes to a blokes personality I can tell yer!! Smilin happy laughin even good grief I dont know meself no more!! :no: :U

Now you're getting there Dingo, and when you take the picture make sure your hair is combed and yer smiling. :U

Jobs can do wonders hey and get your mind off other things. :2tsup:

Wild Dingo
17th August 2008, 12:46 AM
Now you're getting there Dingo, and when you take the picture make sure your hair is combed and yer smiling. :U

Your kidding right??? Comb me hair?? strewth talk about a total waste of flamin time!!... I wash it... I brush it... it SPROINGS in every direction!! Flamin tight curls... genetic issues I can tell yer... of all mums kids IM the ONLY one got the "beautiful" curls :roll:... no matter what I do how short I cut it it SPROINGS all over the place... so now I dont bother just let em sproing to their hearts content I say :2tsup:

But smiling? DEFINANTLY!!! :;

17th August 2008, 10:55 AM
Awright. Enough jibber-jabber.

This here's a trailer thread, not a Salon.

Now git weldin'!!!

C'mon Dingo... outta bed!! It's 8 o'clock over there!

**Poor old bloke... This workin' caper has got him all tuckered out.**

Carn fella. Rise and shine. Trailer's not going to weld itself.

17th August 2008, 12:43 PM
Your kidding right??? Comb me hair?? strewth talk about a total waste of flamin time!!... I wash it... I brush it... it SPROINGS in every direction!! Flamin tight curls... genetic issues I can tell yer... of all mums kids IM the ONLY one got the "beautiful" curls :roll:... no matter what I do how short I cut it it SPROINGS all over the place... so now I dont bother just let em sproing to their hearts content I say :2tsup:

Shane, I get around the curly hair bit by shaving it all off:q

Wild Dingo
17th August 2008, 01:38 PM
ahem... the REASON you didnt hear from me at 8am Yon Yonnee young fella was because I was IN THE SHED!!! :doh: yous eastern staters really gotta catch up you know! :q

Pat... mate NOT BLOODY LIKELY!! :roll:

Okay onwards and upwards so heres where Im upta

1) Get everything not needed or a bit you know... explosive!! OUT OF THE SHED!!
2) Cover whatever needs to be covered so it doesnt get you know... burnt or splattered.
3) Prepare things to GO!!
4) Four main corners all welded up! :2tsup:
5) A little bit of a looksee
6) Gettin ready to weld in the centre cross member
7) Boofhead himownself
8) And a SMILE for the wally wombat as requested

Okay next series are a series of pics that NEED answers!!

Wild Dingo
17th August 2008, 01:46 PM
Okay now the weldings done to MY satisfaction... no not bloody brilliant but its all good in my book so as me ol mum would say "leave well enough alone Shane before yer totally STUFF IT!" :B

Okay pics and questions

1) This bit is for the join of the axle to the spring right?
2) What is the little arch thing for thats hanging from one of the bolts?
3 and 4) the little archs for the spring
5) Thats the one the bolt goes through... this is located toward the front of the trailer right?
6) And the smaller one located at the rear under the leaves right?
7) So it will look like this right?
8) Or do I flip them so the leaf part is toward the front?
9) How far along the leaf does the little arch sit?

Another question!! The thing in the first pic... do the bolt sections go OVER the axle? And if so how bloody tight are they meant to be?? These DO NOT FIT over the axle easily... so my thinking is that IF I try to BELT the hell out of them to get them to slip over the square section of the axle the bloody things are going to bend OUTWARD and therefore NOT fit the sodding plate!!... so Im guessing that Im going to HAVE TO go back to the bloody shop again to get a larger set right? :~ Unless Im meant to try to FORCE them on from the hub end? Again this would entail BELTING THE HELL out of the things from the threaded hub end! :o

Sooo can you throw up the answers licketty split ol son? Cause Im goin back out there in half an hour to weld them on!! :o


Wild Dingo
17th August 2008, 01:56 PM
Come on!! PULL YER FINGA OUT SONSHINE!!!... strewth this waitins got knobs on it! a fella might just have to take a chance and weld something!! :o

half an hour already??? good greif Yon Yonnee youngfella!! mmmm this is a worry I can tell yer... methinks me needs an ontap kid to turn into a flamin welder eh?... oh thats right me young nephew IS a welder!! YEAH RIGHT!! get that buggar to drive for an hour on a weekend to give his uncle a hand? NOT BLOODY LIKELY!! friggin young fellas :~ Young buggar just wants to get on the phiss an carry on instead of helpin an old fart out... gawd I even offered a bloody cartoon of booze for the help but nooooo gotta go out an get phissed with his mates doesnt he? bloody yobbo! :doh:

sorry not meanin no respeck to you yon Yonnee yer a right good young fella :2tsup:

Just a tad... shall we mutter... mmmm... slow on the uptake?? :q


oooh just thought Id add... the diagonals are EXACTLY 92 1/2in each beautiful an everythings perfek... god sometimes I stagger meself with me brilliance! :U

17th August 2008, 04:03 PM
Okay now the weldings done to MY satisfaction... no not bloody brilliant but its all good in my book so as me ol mum would say "leave well enough alone Shane before yer totally STUFF IT!" :B

Okay pics and questions

1) This bit is for the join of the axle to the spring right? Yep.

2) What is the little arch thing for thats hanging from one of the bolts?
That's the spacer that goes between the spring and the axle. Although the one they've given you is for a round axle. You could either swap it, or cut the legs off and use it flat, or turn it 90* with the legs of the 'U' run along the axle

3 and 4) the little archs for the spring ...hangers...

5) Thats the one the bolt goes through... this is located toward the front of the trailer right? Yep.

6) And the smaller one located at the rear under the leaves right? Yep, BUT...
Turn it over and weld it to the frame so that it's open at the botton. Yes I know the spring will fall out when you turn the trailer over, but you just need to find a bit of flat steel off-cut and weld it to close the gap. This way, as the spring moves along the chassis as it working, it will wear away the hanger. Easier to replace the hanger than to weld in a new piece into the chassis.

AND... when you weld the hangers on, ONLY WELD THEM ALONG THE CHASSIS, NOT ACROSS!!
It makes them easier to replace if you ever need to.

7) So it will look like this right? Yes, if the front is to the left...

8) Or do I flip them so the leaf part is toward the front?
The eye of the spring (where the bolt goes through), faces the front.

9) How far along the leaf does the little arch sit? That gap you've got is perfect, but it's the front that's the critical measurement. Normally I'd tell you to set it up by the standard 1/2" rule, but in this case you already have an existing wheel arch. Just make sure your two hangers are the same distance back from the front cross member.


Another question!! The thing in the first pic... do the bolt sections go OVER the axle? And if so how bloody tight are they meant to be?? These DO NOT FIT over the axle easily... so my thinking is that IF I try to BELT the hell out of them to get them to slip over the square section of the axle the bloody things are going to bend OUTWARD and therefore NOT fit the sodding plate!!... so Im guessing that Im going to HAVE TO go back to the bloody shop again to get a larger set right? :~ Unless Im meant to try to FORCE them on from the hub end? Again this would entail BELTING THE HELL out of the things from the threaded hub end! :o

Yeah, those U-bolts go over the axle. They shouldn't be a FORCE fit. Looks like another trip back to the shop.

Sooo can you throw up the answers licketty split ol son? Cause Im goin back out there in half an hour to weld them on!! :o


Wild Dingo
17th August 2008, 04:13 PM
Cheers Yonnee :2tsup:

So its back to the shop? Buggar :~ ah well... so correct me if Im wrong all I have to replace is the axle thing with the four bolts?... that it?

Okay since you were gone SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LONG I sorta went and did what I said and mmmm welded somefin :q

1 & 2) Check the centreline!! SPOT ON THE DAMNED MONEY!!! FLAMIN ECK IM BLOODY GOOD!! :U

3 & 4) The welds are getting damned good too methinks!

5) Waitin on yon Yonnee


7) ahhh buggar it! Time for a caffine :2tsup:

So Id taken them to show that Im keen as mustard and waiting... so I comes inside to have a caffine and what happens? Young Yon Yonnee has turned up!! :2tsup:

17th August 2008, 05:17 PM
Oh no...:oo:

17th August 2008, 05:18 PM
You didn't...

17th August 2008, 05:21 PM
Oh, you did...:no:

You welded across the drawbar.:doh:

http://www.woodworkforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=80670&d=1218949791 (http://www.woodworkforums.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=80670&d=1218949791)

17th August 2008, 05:27 PM

Don't panic...

Nobody panic!!

From the looks of it you've welded it good and proper.

Oh well... nothing you can do about it now. The saving grace is the weight of the camper. It won't be heavy enough to cause you too much drama.

Otherwise, coming along nicely:2tsup:

Wild Dingo
17th August 2008, 05:44 PM
mmmm... see?? What did I bloody well tell yer eh??? leave me to me own divices an everythin goes to crap :C

Sooo yer tellin me I didnt do dun good?... buggar eh!

mmmm the drawbar to subframe weldup is what I sorta thought would be the ducks nuts you know? make sure its ONE peice of metal rather than 2 peices joined by two welds its WELDED into one peice of metal... whats wrong with that thought Yonnee? seriously interested... weight on the front down onto the drawbar could cause the drawbar to snap maybe??? :o geeeeeeeez dont tell me that!! :C

Actually I was thinkin... mmm not a good thing eh? :q anyways I was thinkin of getting some steel and making some plates and throw a bolt through from subframe to drawbar... you know just to make good and sure!!

no seriously I checked the drawbar/subframe connection on the old 8x5 do everything loaded to the gills trailer and thats welded on so I sorta figured you know its all good... and there you have it easy as! :2tsup: an now yer sayin I didnt dun good? :C

Yeah as you say the weights of the camper is gonna be BLOODY light as on this thing but what say you about the bolts thing?... but I was sorta thinkin about something like the ones for the axle/spring connection that sorta thing straight through the 4x2s... whatcha reckon??

mmmm me thinks this could be a sorta long time build this thing :roll:

Oh another thought... what yer reckon I should use to bolt the camper to the frame? Presently its got big pop rivets through the thin steel and body... Im thinkin more along the lines of a series of tek screws through that sound okay?... another thinking thought... the base of the camper is ply and Im thinkin I gotta seal that a bit cause sure as god made little green apples Im gonna get the underneath wet as... so got any ideas of sealing that beneath the camper and the joins along the steel?.. mmm problem cant see me turning the camper body upside down to do any sort of seal unless theres something you know about that I dont... mmm yeah yeah no doubt on that one eh!! :U

:; Okay thats probably enough to give you food for thought for awhile

Check back shortly just gotta dash out and take the nippers to her place for the week


17th August 2008, 07:24 PM
Gee's Ding you's been a busy fella even learned how to set the camera to shoot your own photo :2tsup:

Yonnee said in another thread think it was when Dazza was building his trailer about not welding the front of the draw bar just the edges reason being cracks the weld.

Where as the other train of thought is if you dont it cracks the other weld from to much flex :roll: different trains of thought. Its no panic as long as the edge's are welded also.

Now I didnt read all of Yonnee's replys but I hope you did a diagonal measure to make sure all was square as you went welding etc. This is hard to do on your own but can be done a little clamp will help hold the end of the tape but dont over tighten.

Keep at it Shane its only 1830 / 6.30pm here you got to have at least another 2 hours of daylight left not to mention bright lights if you go into the night

Don't forget work tomorrow :U

Wild Dingo
17th August 2008, 07:58 PM
Gidday wheelin me ol son hows tricks? got that V8 hooked up behind the chair yet mate?? if you havnt I may have to come over there and do it for yer chrissy pressy! :U :U

As to the other stuff... well I did weld the whole shamozzle sides front back yarda yarda thought I was on the right track but seems as usual I was off tack by a few yards :doh: Will spend a few days while at work mulling over the idea of the plate with bolts through... mmm on that track Im thinking maybe doing that when I drop the camper onto it that way I can bolt RIGHT through the camper AND the trailer... hahaha something gives it ALL gives!! :q may as well make a right cockup as a tiny one eh!!... nah better not say that incase Yon Yonnees reading :;

Yep diagonals all measure up PERFECKLY!! right on the button... heck not even a centablos snot out!! :2tsup:

Nope lights gone in the shed so its over for today (and Ive blown 3 spotlights out there as it is so aint getting anymore! tell yer what the sooner this place is sorted and I sell the damned thing the better!! No power in the shed is drivin me insane! :~ )... bout the only thing I will do for now is cut the plate for the tow hitch cause I can do that outside where theres still some light :roll:

Anyway seems Yonnees gone to the sack and is snoring again :doh: :U


17th August 2008, 11:04 PM
And see what happens, that shot with your mug in that first group has the most views. :2tsup: Progress is looking beaut. See, put that face and the Dingo get-the-job-done attitude and you're welding up a trailer. :2tsup:

Way way more than your's truly could achieve - I had to rope young Yonnee (after he offered :2tsup: ) to do the most basic thing for me seeing as I don't have the know hows to do, got the gear, but not the stuff in the head.

17th August 2008, 11:45 PM
Not quite in bed yet Ding, just lookin' after a sick young'un.

Anyway... the drawbar will be OK. As I said before, the weight of the camper, and the size of the material you've used, won't effect the join. Don't worry about the bolts through the draw bar. You'll weaken it by drilling a hole through it.

The thing with your 8x5 and the way it's welded... the angle iron cross rail gives it some flex, that's why it hasn't cracked the weld.

As for attaching the camper to the chassis, :dunno: Without seeing the underside of the camper, it's hard for me to advise. Are you going to remove the old chassis? Does it have a chassis? If so, how is it attached to that?
Normally, Caravans are a flat timber floor, glued and screwed to the chassis, then a wall and roof frame is built and then clad inside and out. And then they're fitted out inside.

Any time mate, great to meet you in person. :shakehands: Shoot us some pics when you've got it up.
And if you ever want a MIG lesson, you know where to call. :cheers2:

Did someone say V8... and a chair...???

Count me in!! I've got a 253 just sittin' around lookin' for a home.:driving:

18th August 2008, 12:11 AM
Any time mate, great to meet you in person. :shakehands: Shoot us some pics when you've got it up.
And if you ever want a MIG lesson, you know where to call. :cheers2:

I'll take you up on that sometime. Some timber racks like we talked about might be place to learn on. :2tsup:

Back to you Dingo. Is it light in WA yet, c'mon 'urry up. :D

18th August 2008, 08:54 AM
Dingo Gidday wheelin me ol son hows tricks? got that V8 hooked up behind the chair yet mate?? if you havnt I may have to come over there and do it for yer chrissy pressy! :U :U

:D Looking forward to the visit thats if the Pajero and camper can make it :;

Did someone say V8... and a chair...???

Count me in!! I've got a 253 just sittin' around lookin' for a home.:driving:

Small block eh Yonee :p :;

Now back to trailer Shane hope your going to cap the ends of the tubes no use leaving them open so WA's bull dust fills em up and add's another ton to the tare.

Poor old fella's most likely slept in after his hardest weekends work for months WAKE UP ya's got a payed job to go to :roll:

Wild Dingo
18th August 2008, 09:16 PM
Bin to work all day... bottler of a day too!! :2tsup:

Soooo anyways where were we? Oh the V8 in the wheelchair for young wheelin up there... yeah twas a thought of mine a fair few months back to stick one on the back so he could get around a tad quicker :; Just tryin to help a mate out is all :q

As to capping the ends... yeah had been giving it some thought today while driving up and down on the vib roller joggles the brain packet that does :U and will be doing so sometime down the track still gotta build the thing first!! was thinking of drilling some drainage holes but seeing as yon young Yonnee objektifies to me drillin still :roll: I guess thats out

On to the present setup... its got three longitude C chanels for a subframe other than that they are connected as far as I can see by bloody great pop rivets through the ply floor into the C channels... thats it as far as I know or can see maybe its glued cant see any glue lines or excess anywhere so wont really know till I drill the pop rivets out and... I RIP IT OFF!! :o which is why I was asking you know to be prepared for when its ready to be bolted screwed or whatever down to the new subframe??

The only sign of a chassis IS the C channel and the ply flooring.

Anyway I got home bolted out to the shed and with major trepidation opened it up... I was kinda worried that Id only dreamt that Id done did it!!!... But no there she was sitting ooooh so purty and waitin for the next stage of operations :2tsup:

Ive got the axle and the plate with D bolts in the car waiting for an early knock off sometime this week and I'll zap into Bunbury Bearings and change the damned bolts over so they friggin fit without having to BELT the hell out of them to get them over the axle... shouldnt be a problem guys very helpful now he KNOWS Im actually havin a whirl at making it

Will ask about the vin plate while Im there during the week


Wild Dingo
24th August 2008, 12:59 AM
Well finally a bit of progress on the trailer front was made today!! :2tsup:

Zipped into Bunbury Bearings this morning and changed over the brackets for ones that fit :roll: and soooo after watching young Joshys game of soccer I headed for the shed... quick turn over of the subframe and into it!!! :2tsup:

Pics as it stands NOW...

1) Little doohickeys locked in place and ready to weld
2) Welded little doohickey
3) Trial fit before welding on the small plate on back doohickey
4) Clamp fit onto spring and axle
5) It FITS!!! :2tsup:
6) The fitup on the other side
7) Plate cut and welded to drawbars for tow hitch
8) Lookin like a trailer sub frame eh? :;
9) Tyre on bucket support for axle while I finish of the towhitch area and weld plates over the ends of the longitudals

Sooo where to from here eh? WELL!!!... next I will cut and fit some plates on the ends of the longitudals then I will drill and fit the tow hitch to the plate and the draw bar... THEN I will fit the hubs and wheels

The diagonals are perfect... the distance from end to small doohickeys are prefect the distance from front to doohickey with the bolt for the spring is perfect... so I cant for the life of me see how this would possibly go wrong from here

Yonnee can you see any issues not addressed? OH!! With the small doohickeys do you weld them across the bar or just along the sides as I have done? in other words should I weld across the bar? cause I coped a wholloping the other days for welding across the bar with the drawbar I sorta figured mmmm better just do the sides this time

1 QUESTION REMAINS!!!... with the hubs... when I fit the bearings into the hubs theres a wee cap that goes on the ends... so do I a) slather EVERYTHING that goes in there with grease INCLUDING filling the cap or b) Just fill the cap with grease?

Otherwise one thing more left to say

THANK YOU!!! All of you for giving me the confidence to actually have a whirl at this... been bloody fantastic really as Ive spent more time in the shed with this than Ive been able to spend in there since Jo left... so the thanks are sincere!


24th August 2008, 01:06 AM
:no: the doohickey is actually a whatyercallit.


That camper'll be up on thr trailer and you'll soon be doin' a Leyland Bros. :2tsup:

24th August 2008, 09:53 AM
Shane tell me photo 9 last photo is an optical illusion and they are not bowed in opposite directions :roll:

Other wise great stuff coat a paint and Sunday afternoon attachment of the body :2tsup::2tsup:

Wild Dingo
24th August 2008, 11:18 AM
Shane tell me photo 9 last photo is an optical illusion and they are not bowed in opposite directions

Other wise great stuff coat a paint and Sunday afternoon attachment of the body

Too right mate! It IS an optical illusion interesting eh? hadnt noticed that till you pointed it out... had to dash out to the shed to check!! no wukkers straight as a dart in a pub on hookers night! :2tsup: so shes all ready for the final fitting of the tow hitch and hubs... ala the need to know about the grease issue :doh:

Good one Jatt! :2tsup: One thing mate? Would you mind creating a show and tell on both those trailer builds? Thing is Im starting to THINK again :o which generally means Im gonna do something totally stupid like rebuild the WHOLE camper... which really I dont wanna do... kinda... but its tickling my mind at present :; cause I reckon I could do MUCH bedderah than this wee pommy jobbie that Ive been planning on putting on the new subframe :U Well... I mean... you know... new HEAVY DUTY OFF ROAD subframe kinda needs a new heavy duty off road camper eh? :no: :no:

Way I see it at present is that since this part was so damned easy I near passed out at the simplicity Im sorta starting to think making the rest is gonna be just as easy a walk in the park... a bit of a box like affair you know pop top affair incorporate the kitchen INSIDE the camper a new top and annexe... see!!! SEE WHAT BLOODY HAPPENS when Im left to my own devices????


:U nah I might be a tad insane and not quite logical at times a bit of a dreamer as they say but Im NOT totally troppo! :;

Hey Waldo? Can you lob a few bricks at yon Yonnees place please? Bloody young fellas still snoring :roll: How did the cyclone thing get one? All done and workin a treat?


24th August 2008, 11:51 AM
The diagonals are perfect... the distance from end to small doohickeys are prefect the distance from front to doohickey with the bolt for the spring is perfect... so I cant for the life of me see how this would possibly go wrong from here Shane still do a Diagonal check to them just to be on the safe side

Yonnee can you see any issues not addressed? OH!! With the small doohickeys do you weld them across the bar or just along the sides as I have done? in other words should I weld across the bar? cause I coped a wholloping the other days for welding across the bar with the drawbar I sorta figured mmmm better just do the sides this time As you have already done Shane :2tsup: Yonee may have other ideas tho

1 QUESTION REMAINS!!!... with the hubs... when I fit the bearings into the hubs theres a wee cap that goes on the ends... so do I a) slather EVERYTHING that goes in there with grease INCLUDING filling the cap or b) Just fill the cap with grease? Pack the bearings Shane very well and top the cup/cap also thats a dooer for sure
No grease under the inner bearing cone/cup prior putting it in :no:

Otherwise one thing more left to say

THANK YOU!!! All of you for giving me the confidence to actually have a whirl at this... been bloody fantastic really as Ive spent more time in the shed with this than Ive been able to spend in there since Jo left... so the thanks are sincere!


So off you go out and photo's this arvo :2tsup:

24th August 2008, 11:56 AM
Shane just re looked at photo two the hanger weld looks a bit dodgy do a bit more bring around onto the flat just to be sure.

Stresses will be tending to tear at the weld

After all you are going to take it off road :U

Wild Dingo
24th August 2008, 12:00 PM
Pack the bearings Shane very well and top the cup/cap also thats a dooer for sure
No grease under the inner bearing cone/cup prior putting it in

mmmm... why is it that even the simplest things you say confuse the hell out of me wheelin?? :doh: :q So the "inner bearing cone cup" is the one that goes on the inside of the hub? the one closest to the axle right? so no grease under that one? Why? I mean I would have thought that being the one closest to the axle would mean it would get hot and therefore distort or even "burn" easier if it doesnt have greese packed in and around it??? see confusion!!! dagnabitall as our yank mates would say :;

Okay the diagonals are perfek STILL!! :2tsup: as are all the other measurements :2tsup:

I spent a wee bit of time late last night checking back through the threads in this section trying to find someone who had commented about the bearings thing and... uhmmm found some comments regarding that cross drawbar welding i did done the other weekend... mmmm now IM WORRIED!!... shyte! so Ive actually weakened the thing? DAMN DAMN DAMN!! :~ ... so best cureall would be to cut the damned thing off and get some more damned 4x2 RHS and make another drawbar and this time DONT weld across the friggin join right?... flamin eck I knew it was all going too good to be bloody true :no: :roll:

I really MUST start to READ things BEFORE I start makin stuff eh? :B


Ps... anyone woken young Yonnee yet?? I can feel the pull and lure of the job calling me!!! :o

Wild Dingo
24th August 2008, 12:02 PM
Shane just re looked at photo two the hanger weld looks a bit dodgy do a bit more bring around onto the flat just to be sure.

Stresses will be tending to tear at the weld

After all you are going to take it off road :U

BLOODY HELL MATE!!! Strewth now you WANT me to weld across the friggin thing???? :o geeeeez a fella cant win :no:


24th August 2008, 12:14 PM
Ok sorry Shane about confusion http://www.prodorutti-supply.com/images/big_cup_cone.jpg

This whats known as Cup and Cone bearings the solid piece (no rollers) is the cup when putting that into hub or onto the shaft don't put grease on it prior tapping it in.

The bearings both inner and outer pack with grease and also the end cap which goes on the outside of the axle last the little over thingy

Is that better

24th August 2008, 12:16 PM
Don't worry yourself about the draw bar it will be fine you've got plenty of strength in that section.

As for grease and bearings the important thing is to seat the cup without damaging the bearing surface and work the grease into rollers .
Grab a lump of grease in one palm and work the end of the rollers section through the grease. Do not over pack the housing as when the hub gets hot grease will go everywhere. If its a marine type cap with a grease nipple thats designed to have grease pumped into the hub to keep the water out and from memory they have a special inner seal anyway make sure you wack a seal on the inner side.

Good luck, it coming along a treat


24th August 2008, 12:19 PM

Wild Dingo
24th August 2008, 12:24 PM
Whew! :2tsup: No wukkers... THAT I can do!! :;

Mike its not the marine one its a straight forward cap... mmm will take some pics and explain it a tad??... seems easy as... oh and theres a seal thing in the bag not sure what thats for but hey its there it WILL go on!!... somewhere? :U

So I slide that band thing in first DRY and then pack greese around the bearing thing making sure to get some into the bearings themselves... inner AND outer?... then say what half fill the cup? or chockers?


24th August 2008, 12:29 PM
So I slide that band thing in first DRY and then pack greese around the bearing thing making sure to get some into the bearings themselves... inner AND outer?... then say what half fill the cup? or chockers?


The cups (band things) need to be tapped home into the housing dry. Word of causion do not use a steel drift something soft so as not to mark the bearing surface then put the greased inner bearing into cup fit the inner seal. Then slide onto axle followed by outer cone (bearing) put yer washer and castelated nut on tight her up till firm spin the hub a few times just nip the nut then back off about a tad so not over tightened. Put yus split pin in knock the dust cap on jobs done time for morning tea:D

BTW nup you don't need to fill the hub full of grease it will only spray out when hot the important area is the rollers themselves so make sure you get plenty in around the rollers all the way in behind the face you can see.

DJ’s Timber
24th August 2008, 12:31 PM
The seal goes on the back of the hub after you have put the packed bearing in prior to fitting it to the axle. Then slide the hub onto the axle and fit the smaller bearing to the outer side of the hub, place retaining washer if there is one and then nut, tension nut up but do not overtighten it, only needs to be tensioned up to hold the hub so that it isn't sloppy, if you over tighten it, the bearings will run too hot and could cause them to seize,

24th August 2008, 12:40 PM
here ya go Ding http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.autow.co.uk/images/info/bearings_taper.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.autow.co.uk/trailer_parts/Grease_Caps_Hub_Bearings_info_629.html&h=205&w=500&sz=13&hl=en&start=12&usg=__tXKnygExFeGC2ZUrjU627I9Iw-8=&tbnid=Wz3FI6V5lPCulM:&tbnh=53&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dfitting%2Btrailer%2Bbearings%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG

Fitting Taper Roller Bearings

Unpack the bearings & cup rings from the greased paper.
Remove the old bearing cup rings from the hub, use punch and hammer on wooden block.
Wash the hub in paraffin to ensure that it is clean and free from dirt or shavings.
Lightly grease the cup ring surfaces on the hub, and replace the bearing cup rings (2).
Clean and lightly grease the stub axle.
Ensure that the rubber seal is properly seated in the rear bearing.
Lightly grease the rear bearing and seal, then slide bearing onto the stub axle.
Fill hub with grease, use marine quality for best results, Fuchs: Renolit Aqua 2.
Lightly grease the front bearing (no seal) and fit into hub.
Slide the hub and the front bearing onto the stub axle.
Ensure that the rear seal is seated into the hub properly.
Fit the washer and castle nut, supplied with the suspension units.
Firstly tighten the nut with a spanner to clean the stub thread, and then slacken off again.
Now tighten - finger tight only.
Next slacken the nut by one castellation and fit the split pin.
Fill the grease cap with grease then fit it, ensure that it seats properly.
Fit and rotate the wheel a few times.
You should feel very slight play when the wheel is fitted.
Lastly use the grease nipple on the hub (when fitted) to pack the hub.
Stop greasing immediately the first trace of grease emerges out the grease cap breather hole.
One-for-the-road can be a disaster; it can unseat the grease cap or the rear seal, don’t do it.
Ensure the Grease Cap is still properly seated, wipe off excess grease, job done.

Hub and Bearing Maintenance:

It is essential that trailer hubs and bearings are properly maintained; regularly top up the grease using a grease gun. Once a year, remove the hubs altogether and wash them out with paraffin, repack as above.
Marine trailers especially those subjected to saltwater, submerged or not, must be repacked at the end of the season, plus at least once during the season. Salt and sand ingress through the breather hole as the hubs cool down, the salt emulsifies the grease, rendering it useless, the sand particles added to this emulsion, produce an abrasive paste, instead of an effective lubricant, bearing failure!
Use water repellent grease, HG902 Fuchs: Renolit Aqua 2 etc, which helps extend the bearings life?
Marine Trailer bearing life can be further extended using Bearing Buddies - HGB01.
Taper Bearing Hub Assembly


24th August 2008, 12:49 PM
Hey 'ol fella, I'm here.

Been under the weather the last few days... bloody flu bug!!

On the mend now, just going to read through what I've missed the last couple of days and reply. Already seen one fix up... but no big deal...

Wild Dingo
24th August 2008, 01:07 PM
Okay... mmm well done wheelin... sorta makes me pics a bit redundant eh? :q


1) The hubs
2) The inside of the hubs... apparently the ring inside needs to be tapped out and the new ones fitted
3) The larger bearings note the rings these are the right ones ala 2 above
4) The smaller bearings again the rings ala 2 above
5) These Im assuming are the seals? there are only 2
6) The other side of the seals
7) Two spring washers I have no idea their reasons for being
8) The cups
9) The nut on the axle note the washer... so whats with the 2 spring washers ala 7 above?

10?? mmmm anyways

Soooo this should be a breeze eh?... a couple of quick easy questions for yous fellas
1) the seals go where EXACTLY? inside outside before after the bearings?
2) the spring washers are they relevant or have I missed something somewhere?

I have no idea why the hubs have a full set of rings already inserted but from what the bloke said the ones in them have to be taken out and the new ones put in... how exactly does one take the things out without marring the surface of the hub itself? Is that important? I mean does it matter a hell of a lot if a few marks are on the hub surface?

So half fill the cups... yes yes READ the damned data wheelin posted Shane!! I will I will right now okay keep yer shirts on! :roll: :q


Wild Dingo
24th August 2008, 01:09 PM
Hey 'ol fella, I'm here.

Been under the weather the last few days... bloody flu bug!!

On the mend now, just going to read through what I've missed the last couple of days and reply. Already seen one fix up... but no big deal...

aaaaaaaahhhhhhh geez... aside from good to see yer that is :; a fix up??? mmm musta cockedup again eh? strewth Im getting right good at that!! :doh:

Good to see you finally up and out of bed young fella... ooh right keep forgettin about laptops sooo your still tucked up in bed with the lappy on eh? :U :2tsup:

Hey!! I just noticed... the wakkers gave me different colored nuts!! Flamin eck now Im gonna have to go back there again... I mean a fella cant have shiney chomey ones AND shiney brassy ones can a fella? :U

24th August 2008, 01:30 PM
Shane this is fun and I'm not the one getting my hands dirty.

Seals: pic2 shows where the seal goes and it is fitted as per pic 5 the side shown is on the outside there is an outer lip which is for dust and an inner grease seal lip. So after fitting the bearing you tap the seal into the housing/hub the designers where clever enough to make them a slight interference fit in the hub make sure its square, the cone will slop around in there till you slide it on the axle.

Spring Washers: I dunno think they might be a bonus to a VIP customer I'll defer to my collegues on that one.

To remove old cup there should be recesses cast into the hub that will allow you to get a drift in from the other side of the hub and onto the back face of the cup. A few gentle taps around the the cup should knock it out. The reason for care re hub is not to score the housing which may prevent the new cup from sliding square and seated in the hub.

This is becoming an exercise in comprehendable writing something I'm not renowned for.

Keep us posted

24th August 2008, 02:13 PM
This isn't a bad rundown on what's required, but I'd make a couple of changes in Red.

Fitting Taper Roller Bearings

Unpack the bearings & cup rings from the greased paper.
Remove the old bearing cup rings from the hub, use punch and hammer on wooden block. (Sit the hub between two blocks)
Wash the hub in paraffin (any solvent will do, just make sure it's dry before re-installing bearings) to ensure that it is clean and free from dirt or shavings.
Lightly grease the cup ring surfaces on the hub, and replace the bearing cup rings (2). As m2c1Iw said, be very careful when tapping the cups into the hubs, making sure they seal all the way to the bottom.
Clean and lightly grease the stub axle. (Not really necessary to grease the stub)
Lightly grease the rear bearing and seal, then slide bearing onto the stub axle. There is no lightly when greasing bearings!! The picture below shows a cup on the left, and a cone on the right. The cone has an inner race (smooth section in the middle), the cage holding the rollers, and the rollers themselves. The gap between the inner race and the cage and roller must be complete full of grease.

Dob a lump of grease in one palm.
Stick a finger or two through the centre of the cone.
Force the bottom edge of the bearing (sitting face down in the pic) onto the edge of the dob of grease, pushing the grease into the cone.
Continue this until you see grease coming through top of the cone.
Turn the cone 10 degrees and repeat the last two steps.
Repeat the last three steps until the whole cone is full of grease.
Yes, it's a messy job!!!:q

Using the dob of grease from your hand, with your finger smear some grease on the face of the cups inside the hubs, and smear some more round the outside of the roller for good measure.
Ensure that the rubber seal is properly seated in the rear bearing. (This is where we need to see the seal. There are a couple of different styles, and each one is installed differently. The one piece seal is knocked into the back of the hub after the rear bearing is greased and placed in the hub.)
Slide the hub and the front bearing onto the stub axle.
Ensure that the rear seal is seated into the hub properly.
Fit the washer and castle nut, supplied with the suspension units.
Firstly tighten the nut with a spanner/socket to seat the bearings, not as tight as you can phisically get it, but tight.Then slacken off again about 1/2 a turn.
Then re-tighten until you feel it "nip".
Next tighten the nut till the next split pin hole, and fit the split pin.
Rotate the hub a few times.
You should feel very slight play when the wheel is fitted. (Not on a trailer...)
I've deleted the last couple as most of our hubs in Australia don't have grease fittings. One particular exception is the American Dexter range brought into Australia by Melbourne Trailer & Caravan Supplies, but mostly used in special applications. There's also been two opinions as to filling the hub with grease. In most cases it is not necessary and a waste of grease. However... in the case of a boat trailer or Off-road trailer that sees water crossings, it is recommended. If you have air trapped in your hubs, this air will heat up and expand as you travel. The moment you immerse the hubs in water, they cool and the air contracts. But because it's underwater it can't suck air back in, so it sucks in water. If the centre of the hub is completely full of grease, there should be little or no air to be replaced by water. Spring loaded Bearing Buddies also help by keeping a bit of positive pressure in the hub.

Hub and Bearing Maintenance:

It is essential that trailer hubs and bearings are properly maintained; regularly top up the grease using a grease gun. Once a year, remove the hubs altogether and wash them out with paraffin, repack as above.
Marine trailers especially those subjected to saltwater, submerged or not, must be repacked at the end of the season, plus at least once during the season. Salt and sand ingress through the breather hole (There is no breather hole in our Australian hubs.) as the hubs cool down, the salt (It is the water that mixes with and emulsifies the grease, rendering it useless, the sand particles (unlikely) added to this emulsion, produce an abrasive paste, instead of an effective lubricant, bearing failure!
Use water repellent grease... This is actually not recommended. This sort of grease can solidify and become ineffective on high speed roller bearings. Save your 'waterproof' grease for low speed applications on your boat such as steering joints etc., but use 'water resistant' grease specially designed for trailer bearings.
(There's a difference... Water resistant grease will not readily mix with water, but will eventually, Waterproof grease will not mix at all, unless in extreme circumstances.)

Marine Trailer bearing life can be further extended using Bearing Buddies - HGB01.
Taper Bearing Hub Assembly

24th August 2008, 02:54 PM
Nah, no laptop. Had to drag my sorry backside out of bed, just to what Dingo's up to.:;

See all stuff in Red.

Okay... mmm well done wheelin... sorta makes me pics a bit redundant eh? :q


1) The hubs
2) The inside of the hubs... apparently the ring (cup) inside needs to be tapped out and the new ones fitted
3) The larger bearings note the rings (Cups) these are the right ones ala 2 above
4) The smaller bearings again the rings (cups) ala 2 above
5) These Im assuming are the seals? there are only 2 Correct!
6) The other side of the seals
7) Two spring washers I have no idea their reasons for being They are for either the U-bolts or the bolts in the spring eye. You may have gotten a couple of extras thrown in. Keep them, they might be handy one day.
8) The cups (Caps)
9) The nut on the axle note the washer... so whats with the 2 spring washers ala 7 above?

10?? mmmm anyways (See reply to #7)

Soooo this should be a breeze eh?... a couple of quick easy questions for yous fellas
1) the seals go where EXACTLY? inside outside before after the bearings?
After you've replaced the cups and greased the bearings, the inner bearings go into the hubs, followed by the seal. Use a lump of 2B4 to bang them in flush with the top of the hub. Turn the hub over and drop in the greased outer bearing and flat washer, and slide the whole lot onto the axle.
2) the spring washers are they relevant or have I missed something somewhere?

I have no idea why the hubs have a full set of rings already inserted but from what the bloke said the ones in them have to be taken out and the new ones put in...
Usually, when you put 4 stud rims on a trailer, the bearings are only rated for a tonne (1000Kg), But you have a "Slimline" axle, which means it runs Falcon front bearings ('bout the only thing a Ford's good for:;) and is rated to 1400Kg.
how exactly does one take the things out without marring the surface of the hub itself? Is that important? I mean does it matter a hell of a lot if a few marks are on the hub surface? Not really, it's the cup surface you have to be very careful with.

So half fill the cups... yes yes READ the damned data wheelin posted Shane!! I will I will right now okay keep yer shirts on! :roll: :q


Now, the bit I said before that was no big deal... Normally the U-bolts go round the axle, and the hole in the middle of the multi-holed plate lines up with the bolt in the middle of the spring.

Another tip... Run your tape measure from the tips of your axle to the centre of your coupling plate. This makes sure your axle is square with the trailer and the trailer won't follow you down the street sideways.You can loosen the U-bolts and adjust if required.

Also, If you're going back to swap your coloured nuts, then get another 8 nuts for the U-bolts. Double them up and lock them together. Corrugations will undo even the tightest of nuts.

DJ’s Timber
24th August 2008, 03:19 PM
Have moved jatt's posts to a thread of their own here (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=77938)

Woodworking Australia's

24th August 2008, 03:21 PM
Hey Yonnee recon Shane is having a bit of a lend of us here :p being an old bushy and all, probably done more bearing packing, trailer weldin and all sorts than a lot of us.

What he is really doing is leading us through the worlds most complicated tutorial.:D:D:D

Shane I'm on to ya mate:wink:


24th August 2008, 03:21 PM
Sorry Shane had to go out :roll:

Thanks Yonnee for taking over hope your better soon have seen this take down the best of them for up to two weeks and apparently people are still contagious for 24 hrs after last signs of it:doh:

so you got it sorted yet laptop situated where you can see instructions clearly.