View Full Version : purelite face masks ?

10th August 2008, 04:50 PM
Know who stocks them here in Australia ?

there's carbatec, but they don't seem to be in the online catalog. The price in the paper version says ....$POA...not sure what that means, but its not particularly helpful.

hugh reid2
10th August 2008, 06:47 PM
I bought one, magic (don't know what the filtration actually is is though). i was told they have been discontinued but give them a ring, i've been wrong more times than i know of
Does get uncomfortable sometimes, and rolls off the workbench too easily, but great anyway.
No substitute for collecting the dust as you make it though

11th August 2008, 06:10 AM

discontinued ! ......shame. I liked the light weight and no hose thing. triton looks scary to me.

11th August 2008, 03:55 PM
AFAIK it's still being made. Sometimes under the 'Trend' brand.

Will set you back about $550 but you can haggle, esp. at a WWW show. Or you could order from o/s and see about fitting a rechargeable batt pack if the transformer doesn't match our voltage.

I have one and find it easy to wear and maintain. And cheaper than after-market lungs.

There's a new model out, compared with that pictured in the Ctec print dogalog - got sexy curves so you turn faster.

Added: Ok, it's the Pro model; also has longer batt life, tho PM me if interested in rechargeable batt packs - http://www.airwareamerica.com/trendairshieldpro.aspx

The filter rating of the Airshield was canvassed on this forum IIRC a while ago. Try a Google. You prob read it anyway.

And Hugh's right. Suck as much away at source as you can. A filtered visor is a last but still essential resort. Sorry if this is teaching you how to suck eggs.

11th August 2008, 05:09 PM
These guys still seem to carry it, but you stillneed to ask for a price:

11th August 2008, 06:13 PM

Ern.....I don't know anything about them. Appreciate all you can give me.

Which of these accessories should I get with it ? (picture)

Are the clear overlays for protecting the viser from scratches ?


11th August 2008, 07:23 PM
Yeah, overlays protect the visor.

Not needed for occasional use. Anything less than a fine hairline scratch can be polished out with a plastic polish. But it's cheap insurance to wear the unit whenever you've got dry wood on the lathe so a pack of overlays is worth getting, as is a pack of pre-filters.

The std Airshield batt pack has a life of around 4 hours. That can be limiting. The factory spare comes at a ridiculous price.

12th August 2008, 07:02 AM
Yeah, overlays protect the visor.

Not needed for occasional use. Anything less than a fine hairline scratch can be polished out with a plastic polish. But it's cheap insurance to wear the unit whenever you've got dry wood on the lathe so a pack of overlays is worth getting, as is a pack of pre-filters.

The std Airshield batt pack has a life of around 4 hours. That can be limiting. The factory spare comes at a ridiculous price.

Thanks Ern.

I'm bit confused whats apart of the main unit and whats accessories.

When I make the order is this what I ask for (like from the picture)?

purelite air shield mask
clear overlays pack of 10
face seal
main filter
pre-filter pack.

or have I got the picture wrong. Do most of them already come with it, and there just spares ? I'll ask them. But just worried they'll send me extras of stuff I don't need.

12th August 2008, 07:24 AM
Jake, all of the items listed in your pic of text above are spares except the first - Purelite Airshield Mask 1.5 kg.

That will come with one overlay and everything else you need to use it.

hugh reid2
12th August 2008, 11:08 AM
The visor comes complete, no need to order the extras to begin with BUT....
-I'd recommend getting a spare battery even if they are ocerpriced
You can put them both in at once but that just adds to the weight.
Have one charging while you're using the other and it's good to go when the first runs down.
-I like the overlays as it saves the visor which costs alot more to replace.

hugh reid2
12th August 2008, 11:31 AM
Those new flash ones.....
cheaper to have one shipped over from US than buy the old ones here BUT you'd need a charger and you're stuffed if anything goes wrong with it.
If you order it from UK then you get the 230 volt charger version, just change the plug?
http://www.poolewood.co.uk/acatalog/Trend_Airshield_Pro_Respirator.html the cheapest i've found.
It has an 8 hour battery and 4 times the filter area and clip on ear muffs. hmmmmmmm:cool:
UK155 pounds (no vat, free postage(probably a bug - UK only???)) =
<table class="XEtbl_sub" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="XEenlarge" align="center" valign="top">
</td> <td class="XEenlarge" align="left" width="45%">335.311 AUD

</td></tr></tbody></table>holy free market, batman, :o
IF it were me i'd get a few spares while i was at it, but remember, it will be hard to take it back if you're not happy

12th August 2008, 02:03 PM
That will come with one overlay and everything else you need to use it.

I had an old box of overhead transparency blanks (as you do) that work quite well as overlays. The clear plastic film that is used in spiral binding is another source. Not sure of the relative cost if you had to buy, but worth looking at.


13th August 2008, 09:06 AM
thanks kindly for all the advice and help.