View Full Version : carba-tec bits

10th August 2008, 06:09 PM
simple question.

are carba-tec bits any good?

Ian Smith
10th August 2008, 06:31 PM
Simple answer


10th August 2008, 06:40 PM
They are about middle of the range, there are better bits and there are worse bits.

10th August 2008, 07:48 PM
would it be sutable for cuting patterns in 19mm treated pine?

Ian Smith
10th August 2008, 07:58 PM
Of course they will, but there's not enough information here.
What are you wanting to do?
Any router bit, even the cheap and nasties will do a job but how well and for how long depends entirely on their quality.
I have a box of 10 bits I got for $20 and for the few times I've used them they do OK but I don't expect too much from them. I also have some CMT and Carba- tec sets which I clearly expect to last a lot longer and do a far better job.

BTW how's the WC2000 replacement going?


10th August 2008, 08:40 PM
pretty mutch what i want to do is cut some peices from treated pine. they slot together so they have to be exactly the same so what i plan on doing is making one on the bandsaw then using it as a template to cut te rest.

i am going to cut between 40 and 80 peices each has about 125mm of cut.:2tsup:

10th August 2008, 10:17 PM
One of the spiral bits (http://www.carbatec.com.au/router-shaper-cutters/carba-tec-router-bits/carba-tec-solid-carbide-bits)with a template guide would be your best bet, longer lasting and cleaner cut.

And use good breathing protection, apparently dust from treated timber is very nasty