View Full Version : a Storer kayak?

10th August 2008, 08:17 PM
Hi Mik.

A friend of mine wants a kayak, she was looking at buying one, so I suggested we build one instead... I told them it will cost less and weight less than any equivalent store bought boat...

Now, I cant seem to find a link to your S&G kayak plans...:U one seater, plus child seat option up front...


11th August 2008, 02:08 AM
Pygmy and CLC have some nice boats. I did once draw up a kayak. If you want to pick it up from Sydney you can have the prototype free. Lovely to paddle, but there was a funny distortion near the bow.

Built in Gaboon, but in severe need of TLC.

As a plan ... storer is not your man.


13th August 2008, 06:10 PM
G'day Nick,

Have a look here.


Matt also designs lovely boats and the build methodology is way superior to the CLC (and easier).

I am guessing you are chasing a recreational kayak? Have a look at this one. Not really a kayak but could be easily decked and would suit Mum and Daughter nicely.
I am building a couple as we speak.


More complex build?


Hope you don't mind Mik but you said you are not really interested in kayaks.

David Payne also designs a superb range of kayaks but I can't find a link to the plans.

13th August 2008, 07:49 PM
Duckflat handles the Pygmy range. Too, but David's are fine boats too.

Anyone want the prototype of my Sea kayak Design, paddles nicely ... no rudder, seat base is in. Needs TLC.

Is in Sydney near Botany.



13th August 2008, 07:52 PM
I'm keen! How to get that to Rockhampton.... 1600km a bit far to drive for me...

13th August 2008, 08:32 PM
AJ (B.O.A.T.),

Which Chesapeake design is the one with the big open cockpit. That is a nice kayak for flexible seating ... one up, two up and two up with someone light in the middle.


13th August 2008, 08:42 PM
Sea Island Sport (http://www.clcboats.com/shop/boats/plans/CLC-SEAISLANDSPORT.html)

Thats the one I'm thinking about...

I'll call Toll IPEC in the morning to see what it will cost to get the Kayak from Sydney....

18th August 2008, 10:41 AM
Anyone want the prototype of my Sea kayak Design, paddles nicely ... no rudder, seat base is in. Needs TLC.

Is in Sydney near Botany.Please, please, please would someone take this beautiful kayak off my hands and restore it to its former glory, if only to assuage the pangs of guilt I feel every time I look at it :-. I wish I had time to fix it myself but I have also had a partially completed GIS in the shed for the past 10 years that I haven't been able to get back to. The yak's bottom is badly weathered but I think it would sand up OK. The hull might have to be painted but the deck could still be bright. If anyone is interested please drop me a PM.


18th August 2008, 01:09 PM
I wish I had time to fix it myself but I have also had a partially completed GIS in the shed for the past 10 years that I haven't been able to get back to.

You aren't related to Bitingmidge by any chance, are you ? :U

18th August 2008, 01:23 PM
One company just quoted me $1210 :o

Ill try some others.

Got a photo of it by any chance?


18th August 2008, 01:43 PM
Nick has got first dibs, but if he pulls out I would be interested.

18th August 2008, 02:05 PM
Mate if you want it, grab it, I see you are REALLY close. 35km, compared to my 1400km..


18th August 2008, 05:13 PM
I'll track it down guys.


18th August 2008, 06:22 PM
Please, please, please would someone take this beautiful kayak off my hands and restore it to its former glory, if only to assuage the pangs of guilt I feel every time I look at it :-. I wish I had time to fix it myself but I have also had a partially completed GIS in the shed for the past 10 years that I haven't been able to get back to. The yak's bottom is badly weathered but I think it would sand up OK. The hull might have to be painted but the deck could still be bright. If anyone is interested please drop me a PM.


For the weathering ... heavy sand to get rid of the pox where needed, 2oz (75gsm) glass on the damaged panels. Then paint or varnish the glass .. whatever seems best.

Best wishes

19th August 2008, 02:44 PM
Mate if you want it, grab it, I see you are REALLY close. 35km, compared to my 1400km.

Thanks Nick,

Seajak, it might be a few weeks before I get down to grab it (need to finish another project first and sort some other things out). I will flick you a PM and we can sort out the details from there.