View Full Version : Mini Drawer Runners

14th August 2008, 12:00 PM
Hi all

Does anyone know if there is a manufacturer of miniature drawer runners suitable for boxes with drawers or jewellery boxes?

Wouldn't like to reinvent the wheel if we don't have to.


LiliB from Beautiful downtown Deniliquin (where's that, I hear you say?

18th August 2008, 04:24 AM
You mean like these?


no relation, unfortunately.

18th August 2008, 07:21 AM
How about a nice fit and some of that Teflon drawer tape?


Or maybe this product... http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?page=213&cs=1

18th August 2008, 12:44 PM
Thanks for your reply.
Obviously there are plenty of ways to solve a problem. Food for thought. Will show HWMBO.
:U LiliB

18th August 2008, 02:10 PM
Thanks for your reply.
Obviously there are plenty of ways to solve a problem. Food for thought. Will show HWMBO.
:U LiliB

Glad you got that spelled correctly (HWMBO) mine spouse has it confused with (SHMBO) I'll have to have a talk with her and get this straightened out. :2tsup:

Along the same lines (although not too much for small cases) I have several Antique Dresser drawers that have Thumb tacks where the drawer sides slide along on top. Stopping the wear and providing a smooth surface for easy open and shutting (of course the fit needs to be rather true.

18th August 2008, 04:29 PM
Hi Hickory
The drawers I am talking about are 2-3 inches high and 4-6 inches deep. I challenged the man about the house to construct some kind of drawer runners. He built me a terrific jewellery box, but the drawers don't have runners, and they drive me crazy.

He has volunteered to make one for the dear old mum in law, and I know my mum (and dad) well enough to know there will be some snide comments made about fit, if the drawers don't run too easily. I think the tape idea might help. I'll show him when he gets home.

Now, as to the SWMBO and her insubordination, I suppose as an old chalkie you would be used to it from both male and female. The most important trick I have learned over the years, is to plant the seed carefully with the partner, and make him think it was his (great) idea originally. Amazing what can be grown from such careful nurturing of an idea, they don't even know why and what they've agreed to.:;

Works for me


19th August 2008, 12:54 AM
"The most important trick I have learned over the years, is to plant the seed carefully with the partner, and make him think it was his (great) idea originally. Amazing what can be grown from such careful nurturing of an idea, they don't even know why and what they've agreed to."

Once again, Woman triumphs by Deception :q

As for the tape, I think it will do as you wish on those small drawers. There are different thickness of tape, I have seen some as thin as Packing tape and others as thick as 1/16" The Rockler product is approximately 1/16" thick. Can't remember where I found the thin tape, but I used it to provide a smooth slide on my router table fence (but didn't get it from a WWing store) I will scour my memory for the thinner tape and not Decieve you as to its praises.

19th August 2008, 09:33 AM
You're one of nature's gentlemen!!:U

19th August 2008, 05:35 PM
I used the Rockler tape recently for the first time and it is brilliant. Drawer slides nicely and it's quick and easy to use.:2tsup:

19th August 2008, 06:22 PM
Thanks for the reply. I definitely think we're going to use the tape. Now the only technical problem is how do you prevent the drawers from coming out. Mommy dearest is just a little clumsy and I can see pieces of jewellery coming out of her wall mounted jewellery cabinet, with drawer below, which will of course be the builder's fault because the design was faulty in the first place!!!

As for your final comment, sounds just like Dad. All his jobs take twice as much material as the quantity surveyor (mum) calculated. His saying is 'Cut it three times, and it's still too short'!

21st August 2008, 12:07 PM
There are drawer stops you can incorperate into the design that will prevent that occurance.