View Full Version : David Charlesworth Book

Ben from Vic.
10th March 2004, 07:26 PM

Has anyone read, bought or seen the inside of either of the two books David Charlesworth has written on furniture making?
I am thinking of buying them, but no one has them in stock, so i'll have to order them in. Meaning I don't get to look at them before I purchase.

All I want to know is are they well written, and do they have colour pictures? :D

I love big colour pictures :D :D

Thanks all.


11th March 2004, 10:58 AM

I have both volumes of David Charlesworth's book. The answer to both your questions is yes. The books are well written, although there are one or two editing errors, and they are beautifully illustrated with excellent colour photos. The author is very much hand-tool-oriented. There is little in them about using woodworking machines. Also the books are slightly out of date having been published in 1999, so, in their extensive discussion of planes, they do not cover the new Veritas planes from Lee Valley. If Derek had written a book, these two volumes might be it:), although he is not as far out on the power-tool - hand-tool spectrum as Charlesworth is.


Ben from Vic.
13th March 2004, 01:40 PM
Thanks Rocker, they sound like they are just what I was after.
The lack of info about anything requiring electricity isn't a problem, I prefer books to be a bit more narrow in topic so that they can (hopefully) cover it more thoroughly. :)
