View Full Version : Tormek Jigs on Dry Grinder

21st August 2008, 02:28 AM
Hi All

As all of my Turning Tools are so far from "The Ideal Grind" I was wondering if anyone has adapted the Tormek Jigs to work on a normal dry grinder. I have an extra universal mount so it would just be a matter of mounting it."wouldn't it"???? and the regrind prior to sharpening would be so much faster.

J.E. Mike Tobey
21st August 2008, 11:03 PM
They will work. It will just be a matter of the right touch in use to avoid burnout.mike

22nd August 2008, 12:07 AM
Hi All

As all of my Turning Tools are so far from "The Ideal Grind" I was wondering if anyone has adapted the Tormek Jigs to work on a normal dry grinder. I have an extra universal mount so it would just be a matter of mounting it."wouldn't it"???? and the regrind prior to sharpening would be so much faster.

I have bought an extra universal mount and a tool rest and will do the same, when I get around to it I will post the results.



22nd August 2008, 04:45 PM
Yes it does work, attached are pictures of the setup. Not mine, can't remember where the pic came from so can't give credit, sorry.
Mounting it on the back of the wheel would give a less aggressive grind with the wheel rotating away from the chisel.

22nd August 2008, 05:17 PM
You do not need to go to the expense of Tormek parts. I have a Tormek but I also made up a similar arrangement for a belt sander (do a search for my belt sander grinder).

Just a steel bar across the face of the wheel (here with the belt sander) ..


Something like this ...


Then make up blade holders from angle iron ..


These clip on-and-off.

You can use (as I do on my grinder) the Tormek angle setter ..


.. even if you plan to freehand using a Veritas rest ..


Regards from Perth


22nd August 2008, 07:04 PM
Derek, you are dead right it can be done cheaper and just as effectively without the Tormek parts.
If you are using the TORMEK Jig for gouges and turning cutters (SVD-185) it is much easier to use the Tormek parts :D:D

22nd August 2008, 07:31 PM

You are right. Damn, I forgot it was for tuning primarily. Use the Tormek parts.

I might add, just for interest, I do my sharpening of turning chisels freehand on a disk sander. The HSS can handle the extra speed and the smoother surface gives an immediate polish and sharper edge.


I'g use a jig for complex profiles, but I have not worked on bowls as yet only spindle-type work. I can take a skew to a razor edge in about 5 seconds using a disk sander and a 240 disk

Regards from Perth


22nd August 2008, 09:44 PM
Hey Sprogg

This setup came to me today from the originator Ron Nelson via Woodcentral message board, it looks so good I'm going to make it this weekend. Thanks for the pics as I only got one

Thanks Derek

As I have all the Tormek bits it's easier for me to use them for the first grind, and tongue in cheek I'll ask-If as I'm in Bindoon can I look at your setup if I can't get mine to work properly and maybe you to sprogg (I'll come bearing S**tloads of wood for turning for you)


22nd August 2008, 09:58 PM
Hi Dan

You are very welcome to visit. Just contact me beforehand.

Regards from Perth


23rd August 2008, 05:42 AM
Neil If this is against forum rules please accept my apologies and remove

For anyone interested in the original discussion on Woodcentral way back in June 2006 follow this link.

27th August 2008, 08:12 PM
I finished the Dry Grinder Tormek Jig holder today and it works a treat. I completely reshaped,sharpened and honed a Skew and a Spindle gouge in under 20 mins and they shine as good as the Tormek man says they should. Stand is bits of old copier and the Tormek rotates to allow for sharpening from both directions. Grinder is standard Carba-Tec 8", blue stone is a cool running stone from NZ .

Thanks for all the help.
