View Full Version : Cellulitis

23rd August 2008, 12:56 AM
Just thought I would share my little problem, perhaps it will assist others.

I had a work accident around 12 years back. Mostly the injury was to my lower leg which became inflamed. Ended up being treated for cellulitis, DVT, gangrene (sp?) in a traumatic ulcer that just kept growing daily. I now get recurrent outbreaks of cellulitis which are dependant on how much physically demanding work I do, or if I knock the leg.

Well I knocked the leg around 2 weeks back so the cellulitis is back. I am on my 3rd box of antibiotics which finish tomorrow. I might have to start one more. Apart from the drugs the treatment is rest and elevation of the limb. Well you can only do that so long. There are the days that you feel like absolute crap and so sleep half the day and mope the rest. When you get a good one you rest a while and maybe get out a bit later in the day. I think that whilst rest is good for recovery, walking a little is also important as it helps pump all the dead cells and staph. up the leg so that your kidneys can get rid of it all.

Does anyone else have problems of this type?

23rd August 2008, 07:58 AM
Dear Prozac,

Gosh - it's just amazing how bravely you and other forumites with various substantial ills and ailments, are getting on with life. You've been helpfully "posting" away these last couple of weeks on all manner of subjects, and all the while you've had this hurting you and playing on your mind... What a Champ - :2tsup:.

I haven't got your problem, but your "circulation through exercise" theory really sounds "on the button". One very, very important thing I can say is that with all those anti-biotics, make sure you keep up the eating and the milk-drinking beforehand so that you don't end up with an ulcer to boot.

Best Wishes my Good Man...:-

23rd August 2008, 12:08 PM
Thanks Batpig. Lots of Bornhoffen natural yoghurt helps replace all the good bacteria that get killed along with the bad ones.

23rd August 2008, 12:57 PM
A friend, who was in a nasty incident some years ago, now gets regular bouts of cellulitis/ulcers in both legs. It's interesting you mention how yours worsens when your activity increases; my friend also finds this.

He spends a large percentage of the time in bed or in his wheelchair, but on "good" days, he can just get around the house with walking aids.

When he is on his own two legs, the cellulitis flares up, so it's an unequal struggle. It seems to be very difficult to completely eliminate the skin problems. He's been on several doses of antibiotics and cortisone cream, but at best, it only seems to slow it for a short period.

It's a really nasty situation to be in. You obviously have good coping mechanisms which is half the battle.

23rd August 2008, 03:36 PM
sorry to hear about your probs. Praying for you

23rd August 2008, 03:58 PM
Mate sorry to hear about your condition. Something I have not had to endure is an ongoing illness and the pain that goes with it.
My dad has and I know how much it can get you down, its easy to be angry, upset and depressed.
Sounds like your managing OK or as best possible and hope the forum helps to lift the spirits occasionally.


30th August 2008, 01:14 AM
A friend, who was in a nasty incident some years ago, now gets regular bouts of cellulitis/ulcers in both legs. It's interesting you mention how yours worsens when your activity increases; my friend also finds this.

He spends a large percentage of the time in bed or in his wheelchair, but on "good" days, he can just get around the house with walking aids.

When he is on his own two legs, the cellulitis flares up, so it's an unequal struggle. It seems to be very difficult to completely eliminate the skin problems. He's been on several doses of antibiotics and cortisone cream, but at best, it only seems to slow it for a short period.

It's a really nasty situation to be in. You obviously have good coping mechanisms which is half the battle.

Thanks Mike for your support and to Toni and Woodwould also.

Woodwould fortunately I have not had the ulcers in a few years. Every now and then you get the itch on the side of the foot and maybe start to form the abscess beneath the layer of skin which is the precursor to an ulcer forming. With a bit of management I have been able to stave off the next phase and they seem to clear-up before they break through. Just have to be vigilant.

I have no idea of the extent or causes of your friends cellulitis Woodwould. I have however become quite knowledgeable in its treatment. A basic foundation to any treatment when it is so prolonged would be to have correct fitting support stockings. Not those pathetic knee-highs they fit to you in hospital but thick German made surgical stocking. No good going to a chemist, you must be fitted by a prosthetic technichian for any real benefit. Rest and elevation is the underlying treatment, but long term you also want to be getting up and about, and I believe that this is important to stimulating circulation of the dead cells etc back out of your system.

Your mate sounds like he should be referred to a specialist in lymphatic massage. There are more of these people popping now and usually they will be physios. Important to get someone who really knows what they are doing in this area or you will just waste your time and money. Lymphatic massage forces the dead cells and detritus of bacterial infection away from the affected area and up the lymphatic "veins" to be eventually removed by the kidneys.

If you want more info on treatment pm or email me and I will get back to you.

Geoff Sims
31st August 2008, 12:10 AM
Hi Prozac

I have to concur with Batpig's comments. Here you are fighting your own issues with what sounds like a nasty ailment, and yet you still find the time for a kind word of support or encouragement for others.

That earns a lot of respect in my book.

Wish you all the best.


31st August 2008, 11:26 PM
Thanks Geoff, though i am sure that there are others here with equally pressing difficulties that don't say boo. I also feel for those here who are worse off and also suffer in silence. My problem is sort of manageable, but I have let it make me a fat bastard. Now if anyone has a fast cure for that i am listening, as long as it does not have anything to do with cutting out wine, beer or spirits.

My aim in posting was to get some discussion going as have others before me, that might assist others who have not yet discovered suitable treatments. Even if it lets them know that they are not the only ones with a problem may help them cope a little better. Much like yourself Geoff.

I read threads in this Health issues forum and consider myself fortunate by comparison.

If we can help another forumite then it's all good.

I forgot to mention that Organic Coconut Oil (food grade) works a treat on the infected area, and you can cook with it as well.

All the best.

11th December 2008, 01:03 PM
Hi Prozac,

I had my first run in with cellulitis about 5years ago when a foot, ankle and lower leg were struck by it. Ended up off work for a week but it was back within a couple of weeks so off work again. At the time I was working in a metal works but we could not find any sign of an entry point for the infection.

I later traced it to a curl of SS drill swarf that had spiralled into the heel of my boot, totally hidden from inside and out, but slowly tattooing my calloused heel as I walked. Problem seemed to disappear when I found the swarf and removed it, and started checking every break for trapped swarf and removing any found before it it wormed its way into the soles of my boots.

I now work as a Parcel Post delivery subby, and as I write, am stuck at home during the busiest part of the year with cellulitis in the other foot (first strike for that one). So far, after two visits to the docs and a dose of tablets almost finished, it is starting to clear up but is very unhappy about me being upright and on it for 10 minutes at a time, let alone 10 to 12 hour days of 2 minutes driving, 3-4 minutes on foot. Again, no sign of an entry point, and it first showed up on Sunday arvo while I was having a nap. Have two new pairs of work boots which I alternate weekly, no sign of any penetration etc.

My four days have driven me crazy with itching etc, boredom, and lack of sleep due to it running hot, cold etc. My utmost respect and sympathy to you if you have worn a three week dose of it.

11th December 2008, 05:32 PM
Hi Mal, sorry to hear that you have had a recurrence. Now I've got one word to say to you Mal, Rest & Elevation, and Keflex.
When you notice a return these are the 2 recognised treatments. Keflex is the antibiotic you should be using, and you should elevate the leg every moment you get. Plant yourself on the lounge with a book and the remote and stick your leg up on the arm of the lounge. You have to help your lymphatic system get rid of the infection, so give it some gravity assist.

Cellulitis does not need a cut or scratch visible to get going. You will have many small abrasions in your skin that you don't even notice. This is all that is needed for staph. to enter your tissues and set up home. Once it kicks off it triggers the cellulitic condition. Be vigilant and start treatment the second you notice it.

Good luck.