View Full Version : Hole around window frame

17th March 2004, 03:40 PM
Hi All,
I have a slight problem whereby the brickies who installed a large window in our house renovation positioned the outer wall too far from the pad and consequently there is a 20 -30 mm gap running along the bottom of the window and the pad. Brickie recons "no worries, just put in a piece of steel to fill the gap" and it is too late to remove the wall. Does anyone haver any good ideas about how to bridge the gap or partially fill the cavity space bearing in mind the need to ensure it still provides a damp barrier?

17th March 2004, 04:53 PM
Hi Toddy

I don't know what the rules are in WA but in NSW if the builder is licenced he is responsible to fix any mistakes that are made and you can force them to fix it by going to our equivelent of Dept Fair Trading.

If not and it is an aluminium widow I wouldn't use steel but use aluminium you can buy various width flats and rivet under the sill of the window on top of the bricks and seal it with silicone.

If it is a timber window I would extend the sill with some hardwood sill timber like Kwila.

Another way is to put wider reveals on the window and move the window out further to the brickwork.

21st March 2004, 02:06 PM
sounds looks you brickie is trying it on.
two questions.
Do you want to pay to fix his stuff up?
Do you want to take the dude on?
Most builders with balls would make him rectify.
Check you contracts & with you legal people.

22nd March 2004, 12:30 PM
Hi Soundman & Barry,
Thanks for your comments. We are doing the reno as owner builders (very hard to get as builder in WA) so there is no contractural arrangement. He has agreed that they made a mistake (after blaming the grano workers first) and is doing a good job with the rest of the project, so I am not going to make too bigger deal. The gap is actually on the inside of the window at the pad level so, I think that Barry's suggestion of an aluminium plate is pretty good or I might make a small formwork out of thin plate, slide it down verticallly against the window frame and back fill the hole with concrete and slide the frame out when the concrete is firm, then seal with silicon. What do you recon?

27th March 2004, 12:24 PM
arrghhh. sounds dodgy to me.

If you are going to move the frame, i'd slip the sucker out & have a better look & come up with a better solution.

It don't pay to pussy foot around with these things. Get a good look, some room to work & make a goof FIX.

27th March 2004, 02:03 PM
A brickie trying it on,...never!!.

28th March 2004, 07:39 PM
When I was working in the building trade they always reckoned if you ever found a good brickie you had him shot before he went bad.

28th March 2004, 07:47 PM
Just as well you live too far from me...:)

28th March 2004, 09:23 PM
Ever tried to fix aluminum windows in an opening after a bad brickie. Not easy.

29th March 2004, 09:39 AM
I dont know any bad brickies.
I am a top brickie.:)
A piccy would have helped, so we can see what the problem realy is.
To say there is a gap around a window, could be any number of reasons, wrong window supplied, bad chippy, bad brickie, bad concreter, owner/builder trying to save a few bucks, etc, etc.
Unfortunatly brickwork is always on show, so the brickie is always the first to be blamed, if a window frame was not installed by a chippie properly, then of course its always the brickies fault.
Show us a piccy.


3rd April 2004, 09:48 PM
Brickie joke

If you were lost in a darke trackless enchanted forest & you came upon a clearing. Standing there was a realy good brickie & a 10 foot tall pink bunny rabbit.
Which would you ask for directions?

The 10 foot tall pink bunny rabbit of course, because every body knows there is no such thing as a realy good brickie.

sorry converted drummer joke!!!

4th April 2004, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by soundman

I wish I was a 10 foot tall pink bunny wabbit

Good to see you comeing out, must feel good?