View Full Version : G'day all

9th September 2008, 12:04 PM
Hi all, my name is Peter and I have been an avid reader here for a while and have finally summoned up the courage to move to the active side of the Forum. The information is absolutely wonderful. I have no more excuses that I can use to avoid starting doing rather than reading. :rolleyes:

I have been away from the making and working with wood for many years. Too long in fact.

Perhaps the only thing I have retained is my nick name and now wood wizzard is a goal and an affirmation. I have begun rebuilding my skills (and realizing how much I have forgotten and learning how much I do not know) by making wall clocks, lampshades and small projects. I have just run out money in rebuilding my tools and establishing a small workshop and taking over the back verandah (much to my mothers annoyance).

My real interest lies in relief carving and art deco style furniture and I have been designing a display cabinet with relief carving around the doors and glass panels (inspired by Terri Noll) that I will be starting in the next month. :D

The Bleeder
9th September 2008, 12:12 PM
Welcome Woodwizzard. You found the best forum in the world.


9th September 2008, 02:14 PM
Welcome! :2tsup:

Ed Reiss
10th September 2008, 01:55 AM
Hi Peter!

Welcome back to the wonderful world of woodworking.:2tsup:

Post some of your projects pics...we love to see pics!


Ed :D