View Full Version : Update

20th September 2008, 05:20 AM
G'day you lot.
Finally have a sensible keyboard and free unlimited access to the internet. So herewith a thumbnail sketch of the trip so far.
Thailand - Wonderful
Chennai in India- Putrid beyond belief.
Dubai - fantastically futuristic.
Turkey - what agreat place and what great people! Anzac Cove, where my grandfather fought, and the surrounding battlegrounds was very moving. I asked a young teacher who was with us exactly how she was going to explain this to her class and she burst into tears.
The rest of turkey that we saw, Troy, Pergama, Ephesus, Pamucale was termendous.
Greece - Löeved it. Mycenae, Olyympia, Delphi, the monastries in Meteora, The Acropolis with its Parthenon in Athens, Rhodes and Santorini were all Brilliant.
The fresh produce in Greece and Turkey is superb.
Prague - Gorgeous old city.
Estonia - Wonderful. Tallin is a BEAUTIFUL city. All the women and girls are gorgeous. Even the ugly ones are pretty.

20th September 2008, 03:32 PM
Having fun then eh:2tsup:

21st September 2008, 03:19 AM
Having fun then eh:2tsup:


21st September 2008, 09:02 PM
Hi, Arthur and Ana. Look forward to your travel documentary.

Keep well

Star ( Peter )