View Full Version : REVIEW: Triton Powered Respirator

28th March 2004, 12:15 PM
Hi all.

Bill Esposito has just finished a detailed review of the Triton Respirator, and its now online on my site. It will likely answer most questions forum members have asked about the Respirator in recent times.


28th March 2004, 03:47 PM
Hmmm, dust booted power switch. Not on mine :(

I needed to use my respirator yesterday and it turned on once only. I did this to check the batteries were OK before donning the complete kit. Put it all on my noggin, switched on and nothing, flicked switch several times still no go, figured batteries must not have been as good as first thought put on charge, still no go.

Ended up pulling the thing to pieces and proved the switch was indeed not working.

Tried compressed air to blow out the dust that would have been in there, still no luck, Tried WD-40 to wash it out and bingo, back in action.

Wonder if the dust boot is a easy fit option for older units, as that is the only place dust can get in past the rocker unit....