View Full Version : HSC advice needed?

1st October 2008, 08:57 PM
hi i am looking at building a sideboard for my HSC next year. i cannot work out how to build it, there are so many different ways but the way i like has "no marks" in it. i also dont know what type of timber to use. i like the colouration of jarrah, so use of veneers was an idea. but i dont know any suppliers in sydney, NSW. please help with ideas i can increase my marks with and suppliers.http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/smilies/standard/confused.gif

thankshttp://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/images/smilies/actions/2thumbsup.gif wakesetter

eddie the eagle
2nd October 2008, 06:21 AM
Hi Wakesetter,

Brims used to be the 'go-to' company.

Now they're closed, try Yates at Ingleburn for veneered panels.

Your teacher should be able to set you up with other suppliers.

As to marks, look here (http://woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?t=77300)



The Bleeder
2nd October 2008, 09:07 AM
Hi Wakesetter and welcome.

Read the post that Eddie pointed to. It will really help you.

Other things, don't worry what about what everyone else is doing, just concentrate on what you have to do. The biggest failures occur because of lack of planning. So plan well and you'll be in front all the time even if something goes wrong.

By all means ask questions and post plenty of pics.

NSW is big place can you redefine that so replies can be a bit more specific.


3rd October 2008, 10:15 AM
thanks guys for the replies

i have been planing best i can so far.

another question my unit will have 30mm panels on both sides. is it better to use particle board or mdf. i am planing to put a few conciled dovetail joints and rebate joints so it has to be workable. or should i use natural timber.

i dont know what timber to use yet but im leaning towards redgum, and comments.


The Bleeder
3rd October 2008, 01:21 PM

Post a drawing of your design. Rough sketch is all and explain what YOU want to do.
Then the Forumites will pass comment and hopefully all will be better for you.


3rd October 2008, 03:13 PM
Hi and Welcome Wakesetter!,

It will not be much fun trying to cut joints in particle board (chipboard or mdf) so go for solid timber if you can. As far as design goes, I would recommend sitting down for 30mins or so and just sketching away. Once you get an idea of what YOU want, then something like Google Images can be great inspiration for some of the middle ground. I would not suggest doing it the other way round though, it is very easy to get overwhelmed if you just dive in without sticking some of your own ideas down first.

Good luck and i look forward to seeing some sketches.

3rd October 2008, 03:58 PM
:pics: I'll be keen to see what plans you have.

Btw, if you haven't used sketch up from google it is well worth checking out. Free CAD program, great for testing out designs, textures etc. I assume you'll need a portfolio with all that info.

It's your project so do it how you want. However, I'm not a fan of veneer. Nearly every project I've seen that ten years old and made with veneer just looks awful. If it gets chipped, damaged, wet, sanded too much, it just goes bad. THat being said, it's stable, easy to use, easier to bend...

Another tip I have for a beginner. What I've found in wood working is there is about 10 ways of doing everything. Everyone will have an opinion, listen, read, chat, and then pick a way that works for you and the tools you have.

cheers and good luck

7th October 2008, 05:46 PM
Hi all

This first pic is the design I have chosen so far, it is drawn on Google sketch up. The second is how I am planning to put together. The sides are shown as veneered boards but I have decided to use it all in solid timber

I have to make a large folio worth 20% of the final mark and the wood work is worth 40%.

I have been advised to use hoop pine with veneer. this is because apparently it is hard to obtain wood wide enough(600mm) the top I am hoping to have a solid slab of red gum or red cedar( my uncle has a red cedar slab for me but it is soft for the top)

Another idea would be to use hoop pine for the unit and using I think black paint make it look rustic.

The handles will be black metal and oldish looking. The centre is going to be a wine rack. I don’t know whether to make it out of wood or metal.

Any ideas (joints, wood, finishes, plans etc) are greatly appreciated.


7th October 2008, 06:59 PM
What I've found in wood working is there is about 10 ways of doing everything.
If you take notice of nothing else here, take notice of this. Most people do things in a particular way because it works for them. Talk to them, find out why they use one method instead of another. Try a few ways and use the one that suits you best, but be prepared to change.

Re your design, just a few comments. The overhang at the sides looks bit much, but that may be just the drawing. Also, consider putting some sort of chamfer on the edge - would improve the appearance IMHO. The banding around the drawers looks a bit wide. Thin edge banding or cock beading would look better. I'd go with solid timber if possible, rather than veneered board, unless you want to use some veneer with spectacular grain.

Good luck, looks like a good project, with plenty of opportunity to show off your skills.

Rhys Cooper
7th October 2008, 09:19 PM
good luck mate

i have finally finished my major works (i made 2, 1 for woodwork, 1 for design and technology)

just plan your way through it, and make a start as soon as possible, preferably next term (you do start 'yr 12' next term?)

do a good portfolio, detailing why you did this and that of the design

i did over 200 pages on my portfolio, could have done more, but i didnt plan well enough and had to rush

have fun, shoot me a PM if you want any help with the portfolio/other stuff.

i should be studying for the HSC, but you will get addicted to this place after a while:D:q