View Full Version : "Expressions in Wood" Hawkesbury Woodcraft Co-op & Hawkesbury Woodturners

13th October 2008, 08:57 PM
:):2tsup:Hawkesbury Woodcraft Co-operative and Hawkesbury Woodturners are having an exhibition of their members works....

Calling it "Expressions in Wood", it is to be held in the Stan Stevens Room at The Deerubbin Centre at Windsor, NSW. This is the new library building next to the old Hospital site.
The exhibition is invite only for official opening on friday 24/10/08 and open to the public Sat 25/10 and Sun 26/10 from 9am till 4pm each day.
Free entry and there will be items for sale as well as "a silent auction" for a piece titled "Flames from the Camphire".. A stunning turned Camphor centre piece with flames of Silky Oak. Approx 2 metres across. ALL FELLOW WOODIES MOST WELCOME...
100% of proceeds form the auction and a percentage of sales will go to the Hawkesbury Hospital Childrens Ward.....

Further info, PM me, John, or ph. 45796061:2tsup: