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18th October 2008, 03:04 PM

i bloke was posting on here a wile back about starting a business getting trees of developers milling them and selling the timber back.

he came from just south of Brisbane (logan).

i cant find the posts any ware could someone please direct me in the direction of this gentle man.

i need to contact him.

Cliff Rogers
18th October 2008, 04:37 PM
This is the only one I can find.


18th October 2008, 07:30 PM
This is the only one I can find.


I think we should call you "rain man" Cliff you find everything others cant.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

18th October 2008, 07:37 PM
dont know how i missed it. thanks mate.

joe greiner
18th October 2008, 10:48 PM
I think we should call you "rain man" Cliff you find everything others cant.:2tsup::2tsup::2tsup:

How about "Mr. Keen" instead? (Google it). Especially http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mr._Keen,_Tracer_of_Lost_Persons


19th October 2008, 04:54 AM
Don't know how I was so hard to find - still I'm often told to get lost or worse:rolleyes: The good part is I never get lost - everyone tells me where to go:?

19th October 2008, 02:23 PM
i musta been blind i went threw so many pages of threads. read the first post in just about all of them.

19th October 2008, 02:43 PM

i bloke was posting on here a wile back about starting a business getting trees of developers milling them and selling the timber back.

he came from just south of Brisbane (logan).

i cant find the posts any ware could someone please direct me in the direction of this gentle man.

i need to contact him.

Would people be interested in forming a co-op' to market and sell formally what we mill to help each other along these same lines

19th October 2008, 06:48 PM
thats kinda what me and barnsey were thinking.

help each other out with logs/jobs/timber sales. one person cant cut enough timber alone to satisfy a retailer so the prices get screwed down. if we band together we have more buying power or selling power as the case may be and can get a better price for the end product.

also a couple of millers will be able to keep up with the supply of logs a developer could supply without inconveniencing them by taking a long time to clear the site.

or thats how i understand it. weather it be under one banner or just a bunch of blokes separately is a matter for discussion.

20th October 2008, 01:30 PM
I might be interested in putting some time into this. Would depend on setup though, but if there is another miller required and the time is available then I could be in.

20th October 2008, 10:17 PM
OK guys - I'm working on putting this together.

If you are really serious then we can make this happen but I'll need a degree of your co-operation to get it together. Can I try and see what happens??


21st October 2008, 07:19 AM
this sounds a very promising idea.

once you get started im sure there will be plenty of logs around to mill. and there is always a market for sawn timber. even split and round posts are getting dear now.

22nd October 2008, 11:24 AM

I remember you talking about this subject.

It's something I've been preaching for years.

I'd be more than happy to get together in a co-operative of a couple/few mills, go to developers, offer an on-site cutting service for timber to be used on the development, tibmer outside of development requirements can be processed into feedstock for decking/flooring (this stuff can be/will be bought as much can be supplied - the decking/florring guys will take everything they can get)

Do something like a base rate for co-op milling. if two millers work a development they both get paid for what they mill. Timber is then sold to either the developer for their useage, or sold as feedstock and the money is split between the co-op. This way if you go out and find a development, do some tailing, whatever it's not just the sawyer who gets the $'s and the developer is happy - logs are gone, they have cheaper timber...

Something like that?

22nd October 2008, 01:35 PM
that is the general idea allan.

i did not quite get what you meant in this satement.

This way if you go out and find a development, do some tailing, whatever it's not just the sawyer who gets the $'s and the developer is happy

22nd October 2008, 01:43 PM
What I was thinking about was a system whereby if you didn't have a mill, but contributed in time/effort whatever you still got paid.

And also the developer would be happy as the 'greenwaste' logs, are removed from site quickly even if milled on site, or if removed to a 'private' site to be processed by the co-op later

Just chucking around ideas, it would have to be something to get together and talk about.

Any news on those spotty's?

22nd October 2008, 02:00 PM
all good ideas.

we would should have a gtg and talk it all over.

the logs should be landing at my place latter in the week.:2tsup: when i get time ill try and get some from down the back.

22nd October 2008, 02:00 PM

I remember you talking about this subject.

It's something I've been preaching for years.

I'd be more than happy to get together in a co-operative of a couple/few mills, go to developers, offer an on-site cutting service for timber to be used on the development, tibmer outside of development requirements can be processed into feedstock for decking/flooring (this stuff can be/will be bought as much can be supplied - the decking/florring guys will take everything they can get)

Do something like a base rate for co-op milling. if two millers work a development they both get paid for what they mill. Timber is then sold to either the developer for their useage, or sold as feedstock and the money is split between the co-op. This way if you go out and find a development, do some tailing, whatever it's not just the sawyer who gets the $'s and the developer is happy - logs are gone, they have cheaper timber...

Something like that?

That sounds equitable and workable.:U

22nd October 2008, 04:30 PM
Excellent - I'll be back to you with more.

Want to talk more with the contacts I've developed and approach a couple more.

That GTG you guys were talking about in one of the threads on portable mills - that happened yet?


22nd October 2008, 04:35 PM
Nah Jamie, it was going to be at Weisy's joint, but he got a bit busy.

Chooks has a Lucas, I've got a Lucas, if you and Carl are interested that would make two milling teams, between the 4 of us we could be on a development site and process quite a bit of log with two mills running...?

22nd October 2008, 06:44 PM
just a reminder chooks works threw the week:C.

23rd October 2008, 02:11 PM
That is true Weisy, I would only have a few days a month to contibute. So I might be able to help you all out in a tight spot (where the timber absolutely must get done) or when the work is doable over a weekend but that is about it ATM.:)

If the capacity is there though I would consider a cahnge of careers and get into the co-op.

24th October 2008, 06:00 PM
if we get this idea off the ground i will buy a Lucas. i have been siting on the fence for ages now and i need something to tip me off the edge.

so pul ya fingers out boys i want my lucas:U

24th October 2008, 06:11 PM
I'm glad to see this idea growing legs and the cooperation on this is good to see, I'm 1700km away and don't know any of you but the level of interaction and support is nice to hear.

If any of you are after FNQ timber in large volumes come to Cairns and pick through my 165ish hectares of rainforest, I'll have my lucas by then. a 6" but hoping for 8"

I have a cunning plan.


24th October 2008, 08:02 PM
Shayne I do regret not gettin the model8 at the time. I had enough $'s but didn't know how well my disabled leg would cope with the extra weight. Now I know it'd be no problem:( and now I can't get a model 8:(

24th October 2008, 09:15 PM
Shayne I do regret not gettin the model8 at the time. I had enough $'s but didn't know how well my disabled leg would cope with the extra weight. Now I know it'd be no problem:( and now I can't get a model 8:(

I told you I had a cunning plan,

A good friend of mine, who also has been looking at lucas said today he is keen to go in with me with an 8". but I'l need to wait a bit but it means I'l have to move all my logs

it'l buy me heaps of time to save for the 8" and I wont need to rush to beat the wet,

I can take advantage of a show mill special I hope


24th October 2008, 09:18 PM
Cunning stunt:)

24th October 2008, 10:04 PM
well looks like ill be getting my lucas after all.

talked the boss round i think.

some of my arguments included.

The bloke across the road has about 20 cube of logs there at present. pine, spotty, silky, box this is not uncommon so i will never run out of logs.

we spent 20 grand on timber for the last job we did.

we need to replace the railings on the house (6x4s)

we need timber to build the carport.

it was my birthday yesterday.:C


24th October 2008, 10:11 PM
we should also look at contacting main roads they should be happy for us to take the logs.

im sure we will get plenty of business from forum members wanting timber also. right guys

25th October 2008, 03:15 PM
:balloon: Happy Birthday Weisy! :cheers2: