View Full Version : New choppers!!!

Wild Dingo
23rd October 2008, 02:51 PM
Well I finally bit the bullet a few weeks back and saw the local dentist after one of the last lower teefs broke in half... he bein a nice young bloke recommended a whole raft of shyte to be done!! I mean hes talking root canals crowns fillings by the dozen... for 5 teeth????!!!!!!!!!


So after a bit of a debating session with him whereby I got him to estimate the cost of doing all the work he proposed compared with taking the sods out and putting in a plate... plate won!!

Soooo yesty I took the arvo off work and zapped up to his surgury for the deed to be done

And now 1300 lighter Im the proud owner of some new choppers!! My word I tell yer what I do look flamin snazzy :; If the swelling would go down Id take a happy snap but unfortunately at present I look like a demented version of one of those Africans with the plate in their lip! :o

I yam a happy wee chappy! :2tsup:

Shane (ala fangs galore dingo!)

23rd October 2008, 04:27 PM
so now you will look like the chappy in your signature line!

Congrats on the new fangs Wild Dracula!

23rd October 2008, 09:03 PM
Just think - if you get the new titanium bolt inserts you could tow trucks with your teeth! Seriously - they screw titanium bolts into your jaws then glue ceramic caps on like conventional crowns - just imagine the knuckles of the next bloke to try punching you in the mouth :o

24th October 2008, 09:27 AM
So now when we see photo's of you Ding you'll smile :D

Hope they did the casting prior removal so when swelling goes down your choppers dont come flying out when talking, sneezing etc

27th October 2008, 08:58 AM
Good one Fang!

3rd November 2008, 10:18 PM
know how you feel dingo i have had two pulled out a week for the last 5 weeks now i have none left on top and am waiting two months for the gums to settle then a plate is being made,it has already cost me about $1100 and i have the plate to go ,another $800, i was given a quote from the dentist who wanted to keep two at the back on each side and one at the front to hold the plate in and was going to cost $3500 all up , so i went and seen a tecnician who said pull em all out and i,ll make the plate for 800, went back to dentist ,told him to pull the lot out (didn,t he buck at that) i said if you wont someone will.......good luck with your newies,are they hard to get used to ?, had a partial plate before and it used to make me baulk..........bob