View Full Version : Cutting Holes In MDF

4th April 2004, 12:21 AM
I am about to embark on the next great blast gate adventure which of course will mean cutting a lot of holes in 6-18mm MDF with diameters mostly 150 or thereabouts but going down to 75mm.

I really should conduct a poll on this one, but....I plan to set up a jig and use a router on a trammel, with tolerances close enough to get a push-fit on pvc ducting.

Question: Is there a better way?

Other options as I see it are:-

1) Purchase hole saw/s to precisely the right size (say $50.00 each)

2) Buy a wing/fly/roof/circle cutter - one of those gizmos with a sliding bar and blade at one or two ends for use in a drill press. Prices range from about $30.00 (FHP) to $180.00 (presumably for a better quality tool from Glenfords.

3) Jig saw- (I don't think I can get tolerances close enough?)

4) Any other?

Any advice appreciated as always!

4th April 2004, 02:22 AM
IMHO go the router and circle cutting jig or make a circular template.
Hole saws at 150mm will need a lot of grunt to drive them and the fly cutters are dangerous weapons. Also both of these methods will likely jam while you are cutting.

Bob Willson
4th April 2004, 07:23 AM
I think that if I were going to cut a lot of 6" dia holes in 18mm MDF then I would use a router with a template.

Also, if possible I would cut the holes while the sheet was in one long piece and cut the holes off afterwards

7th April 2004, 11:56 PM
I am in two minds.
I have a fly cutter and it does a very nice job and fast. mine is the type with the perspex bowl for safety. and removable tool steel bit.

A template looks good also particularly if you make up a jig & a vacume box.
I know its a good way to bang out a lot of speaker fronts in a hurry.

the hole saw is a rough ride & the above will make a nicer job id done right.

a good fly cutter will cost you between $100 & $150.