View Full Version : USA Date Dislpay

27th October 2008, 07:50 PM
Right this has probably been discussed before but I'm gonna have a little hissy fit anyway.

:mad3: I am forced to use some new software developed, you guessed it in the good ol US of A. Why oh why does the date have to start with the month. Why if the rest of the English speaking world puts the day first do you blokes over the pond have to have it second:gaah:

To make it worse the developers did not even have the common decency to hide an option function somewhere.

The mind boggles over the mistakes this exasperating annoyance may have lead to.

Do I sound irritated, yes sirree Bob.


27th October 2008, 07:52 PM
Good software picks up the format options from the PC.:2tsup:
Bad software hard codes it.:o:~

joe greiner
27th October 2008, 11:28 PM
A better format is YEAR_MONTH_DAY, such as 2008_10_27 - ASCII sort is automatically chronological. I use that format for my picture folders, and new folders from the camera are automatically created the same way. I'm not sure how I did it; might have been in the camera's software. This format also doesn't need extra fields in a database, even though they're usually included.

I agree Month, Day, Year is inside out, even though Day, Month, Year sounds military and stilted to 'Murricans. Who knows where MDY started?


27th October 2008, 11:34 PM
A better format is YEAR_MONTH_DAY,

100% agree Joe, could you talk to your people and I'll chat to mine.:D

Actually I think Kev will be over your way this week so I'll slip him a note and perhaps while our leaders are fixing the financial meltdown they could devote a couple of minutes to date format.:rolleyes:

Have a nice 2008/10/27


joe greiner
28th October 2008, 12:13 AM
Thanks, Mike.

Lots of windmills to tilt at, so it'll take many baby steps. First order of business is to get my neighbour elected to the Florida legislature next week. Then hope and pray.:wink:
