View Full Version : Gum Balls

joe greiner
11th November 2008, 07:54 PM
A couple Sweet Gum trees in my yard shed spiky balls from time to time. Until now, all they've done for me is to make barefoot walking uncomfortable. But I discovered they're convenient for supporting something to be coated on opposing surfaces. Three of them make a tidy tripod, with minor imperfections on the coated surface. Here's a piece of Bald Cypress with end-grain sealer applied to both ends.

Joe <2008_11_10/xx80.jpg

Grumpy John
11th November 2008, 10:00 PM
Hi Joe,
Those spikey balls (sounds like a Benny Hill punch line) look like the ones that dropped from a Liquid Amber tree we had in the front yard of our previous house. Beautiful tree, but I would spend 6 weeks in Autumn (Fall) raking leaves :(( and another 6 weeks in spring raking up spiky balls :((.
Sorry you can't see much of the tree, but does it look similar to your Sweet Gum?

joe greiner
11th November 2008, 10:28 PM
Same tree, I think, John. Or so says Google. And your leaves look the same as mine. Tallahassee has a unique climate, where Spring and Autumn occur simultaneously (or seem to).:rolleyes:
