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View Full Version : File Handles

10th April 2004, 09:23 PM
Needed some handles for some smaller files, so I turned up a few today. Ferrules came from Lee Valley - nicely shaped, turned in over the end so they look very professional. These are really nice to use now.

Simple I know - but I like 'em :)

11th April 2004, 09:38 PM

Beautiful work!

You say the ferrules came from Lee Valley. What did they cost, if I might ask.

I have made them from copper pipes - cut off a piece and file it smooth.

I have also been told to seek out specialist hose makers/fitters, since they use and will sell brass ferrules of many sizes. Has anyone tried this source?

Regards from Perth


11th April 2004, 09:53 PM
Thanks Derek :)

They're cheap from Lee Valley - not worth ordering them by themselves probably, but I ordered a bunch of other stuff as well, and 10-20 each of 4 different sizes. The two sizes I've used so far were US$0.19 and .21 each.

I didn't like the idea of copper - definitely like the look of brass. I looked at the crimp fittings and so on from hose shops etc. They would probably do the job, but I like these :)

glenn k
11th April 2004, 10:45 PM
i often use a pine branch about 1" diameter and shove the tang into the pith. But yours look better

12th April 2004, 12:07 AM
I really gotta see that Glenn :)