View Full Version : Silence

23rd September 2000, 03:27 PM
Hello.............is anybody out there? Its been very quiet for the past week and I am concerned that there may a potentially fatal epidemic that affects woodies.........

23rd September 2000, 05:14 PM
Could be Olympic Fever???

Shane Watson
23rd September 2000, 05:32 PM


[This message has been edited by Shane Watson (edited 23 September 2000).]

Roger Peine
23rd September 2000, 09:25 PM
"Yeah, but"....What happened to the........ woodchop though...oi oi oi.....

Rod Smith
23rd September 2000, 09:37 PM
Very busy, but managed to watch the 1500m today, goooooo the aussies! Goin fishin next week, arr haarrh!

24th September 2000, 11:05 AM
Even Johnno's gone quiet. must be watching Olympics all day, or is it all night in West Oz?
John H.

24th September 2000, 12:00 PM
Johnno's Mrs has probably found the invoice for the Festo and he is still recovering in intensive care. http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/wink.gif

John Saxton
24th September 2000, 08:19 PM
They reckon silence is golden, not with you lot yellin' OI OI OI all over cyber space.

But with all of oz givin the rest the ol heavo I reckin a few oi's won't go amiss.

You're pretty close to the mark Iain, with the ol Visa, but I managed wring one more concession out of the plastic fantastic
and scored one of those new Jet air filtration systems that suspend from the ceiling of the workshop.
Believe it or not this time with the blessing of 'er indoors who actually came into the shop and bloody well held on to the card so I couldn't go freelance more to my much dented pride.I dont know what it is with these spouses its as if they dont trust you.OH YEE OF LITTLE FAITH!!
Now carries small scissors and threatens to cut cards and parts of my person if said plastic abuse continues.So I guess I just gotta start makin' a few quid extra?
Cheers and go ozza go.
