View Full Version : For Shane & other Qlder's

22nd April 2000, 05:47 PM
U & Beaut are making their first trip to the Brisbane Timber & Working With Wood Show. We Will be on Stand 77.

As with Sydney, we will give away FREE a Woodturners Wax Stick to anyone who comes with a printed copy of this posting. We only have a limited number so it is first in best dressed. Even if you don't want the wax stick come and say g'day.

Shane, I don't want to hear another "It's not even fair I'm a Qld'er." There will be one waiting for you if you are there.

We look forward to seeing many of you there. We will be continually demonstrating EEE - Ultra Shine, Shellawax Cream and Vic Wood's Rotary Sander. We are also happy to answer questions and explain the workings of all our other fantastic products.

Neil & Pauline
(U) & (Beaut)

PS Our new slogan: (coined by Graeme Bensley of Southern Woodturning Supplies, Canbera)
Polishes with a gimmick .....THEY WORK!

[This message has been edited by ubeaut (edited 22 April 2000).]

Shane Watson
24th April 2000, 11:06 AM
Geez Neil, you know what this means don't you?

yep thats right, I have to make the trip to Brisi again this year.. Bummer..

Well if everything works out I will definitly make the trip! What are the dates for it this year though? I have lost them.



24th April 2000, 12:40 PM
5th - 7th May

See ya there. Maybe.