View Full Version : Adirondack chairs plans wanted

David Atkinson
2nd October 2000, 01:11 PM
I am looking for a set of plans for Adirondack chairs and a table to suit.

2nd October 2000, 02:28 PM
For US$9.95 you can get a set to download, look at http://www.plansnow.com/achair.html

A look at a search engine may help. I have also seen plans in some US mags but I cannot recall where or when. Most US mags will have an address for plans and prices.

3rd October 2000, 07:41 AM
Try these freebies:
http://www.am-wood.com/nov97/adrock.html http://www.am-wood.com/june97/adirondack.html


John Saxton
3rd October 2000, 07:55 PM
Also saw the latest Good Woodworking Magazine in the newsagents which has how to make Adirondecks plastered all over the cover.
Cheers http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif

3rd October 2000, 09:49 PM
I have seen them in pictures, are they really that comfortable? I would like something around the pool but not too comfortable as the freeloaders would never go home.

John Saxton
8th October 2000, 12:17 PM
They're designed to have a gravitational effect on your midriff so you can rest your glass of wine or beer whist watching er indoors tend to the BBQ!

Shane Watson
15th October 2000, 01:25 PM

Found this site ages ago, and just came across it again and thought you might be intrested in reading it. It may certainly help you along - but its not plans. Rather a step by step guide. anyway have a look.
"Making an Adirondack Chair" (http://www.woodshopdemos.com/adirk-1.htm)
Actually check out this guys main website as well. If you havn't already seen it, it can be very interesting. I certainly wouldn't mind doing what he seems to do all day.. http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/biggrin.gif That is trying out all the new gadgets. I already do the woodworking all day http://ubb.ubeaut.com.au/ubb/smile.gif
Woodshop Demos (http://www.woodshopdemos.com/menu2.htm)


Shane Watson..

Combine Love & Skill & You Can Expect A Masterpiece!

[This message has been edited by Shane Watson (edited 15 October 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Shane Watson (edited 15 October 2000).]

Jim Carroll
17th October 2000, 09:28 PM
David in the latest edition of Practicle Woodworking September 2000 they have plans and instructions for the chair a couch and table

Turn it up

Hendermans Rozelle
16th November 2000, 11:08 AM
There is a great site under the banner of Popular Mechanics. Lots of wood working plans and they are free. There is a very good plan and working description of a Adirondack chair. You will find it at http://popularmechanics.com/popmech/homei/9906HIFMP.html
