View Full Version : Drilling Rig

4th December 2008, 10:44 PM
Read before you look at the photo

Imagine this.... You are working the night shift on a drilling rig in West Texas, south of the small town of Ft Stockton.

It is very dark and there have been thunderstorms in the area. The only lights in the area are those on the drilling rig and some faint red glows from a near-by radio tower.
You begin to wonder where that freight train sound is coming from since there are no tracks near the rig. A friendly bolt of lightning gives you the answer....One you may not have wanted to know.

Remember that these are monsters !

Would one need a large or small roll of toilet paper, or do you think it would be irrelevant?

4th December 2008, 10:48 PM
Large roll of Tp. :o :C

4th December 2008, 11:43 PM
6 pack you mean.

Steve Fryar
5th December 2008, 09:27 AM
Sorry to burst your bubble but it is creative use of photoshop.I've seen the original rig pic and there was no tornado bearing down on it then.

7th December 2008, 07:24 PM
Like they say "Never Let The Truth Get In The Way of Good Story".

7th December 2008, 08:12 PM
You can see all about it here


14th December 2008, 12:01 PM
What does happen on rigs and quite a lot, is lightning striking the rig.

They are earthed and act like a Farady cage when struck so no-one gets hurt, but it does scare the bejeebers out of you especially if you are working up the derrick during a trip.

Before anyone says, there is a saying in the oilfeild.

"My boss is a pusher, the dope comes in 50lb buckets and you are guaranteed a trip every hitch."

To explain, the rig manager is called a toolpusher, dope is a lead or zinc based thread compound and a trip is when you are pulling out or putting the drill string in the hole.

Steve Fryar
15th December 2008, 06:21 AM
You forgot one thing.The joints are 30ft long.

15th December 2008, 11:43 AM
Oops I did too, knew there was more to it.:doh:

11th January 2009, 11:07 PM
Have seen a lightening bolt travel from rig across a power cable to a mudlogging unit. The mudllogging unit had a couple of huge rehostats as part of their power supply...they got fried as did one of the mudlogger's PC's.